Candy Crush Saga Level 1736

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1736 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You need to collect 12 ingredients so you need to get them moving fairly quickly if you are to get them all down to the exits in the moves available.
Clear the blockers as quickly as possible and then look for any move that will affect the cells down each side where the ingredients have to fall, the ingredients won't all appear at the same time, you may have 2 or 3 on the board at the same time, but the last one doesn't appear until all the others are off the board, or in the last couple of moves, so it's important to keep them moving all the time.
It's fairly easy to make colour bombs on this level, so use them on colours that will get the ingredients moving and if you are having trouble you could try using a coconut wheel booster. You will get 3 or 4 if you get the cascades moving and they can help a lot.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1741

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1741 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
This is the second timed level in this episode and is also classified as a hard level, so you can expect to lose quite a few lives before you pass it.
However I found it not nearly as hard as level 1733 and passed in around 10 tries, which is very good for me on a timed level.
Get the wraps exploding as soon as possible and while you are waiting for the cascades to stop keep looking for colour bomb patterns, doesn't matter if they get lost in the cascades, sooner or later one will stay in place, you may even be lucky enough to have one form on it's own.
Colour bombs are the secret to getting the required score, they will give a good score, as well as causing cascades which you need to give you more extra time candies.
Without extra time candies you will have no chance of getting the 155,000 points needed, so it is crucial that you get the cascades going.
Playing at the bottom of the board will help and since the board takes quite a few seconds to finish refilling you have plenty of time to look for good moves while it is settling.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1735

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1735 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to grow the two popcorns as well as collecting 15 licorice and 70 cream blockers.
This can be a tricky level as you need to clear the blockers, but once you do that more licorice will fall and block off your combos from hitting the popcorn.
It is almost impossible to hit the popcorn at the start, so work on clearing some of the blockers out of the way.
It's tempting to work near the top as that's where the blockers are, but working nearer the bottom of the board will cause cascades which will help clear blockers without wasting moves.
However it is importand to still look at the top in case there is a chance to make a special candy that can be used to smash the popcorns.
Double colour bomb combos are brilliant for clearing everything and hitting the popcorn at the same time. I'm not normally a fan of this combo but on some levels it is one of the best.
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