Candy Crush Saga level 1346

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1346 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Your priority has to be to remove the Evil Spawners at each side of the board, if you don't they will fill the board with cream and take away your moves.
If you are lucky you may be able to make a few moves beside them at the start, work on both if you can as if you only work on one the other will begin spawning and it will be harder to get to it.
Once those are gone you can start to work on getting the fruit down. If you are lucky it will fall to the side of the spawner but if not you can either move it yourself or remove the spawner by hitting with stripes and combos.
The second fruit will appear after the first one is off the board, so you shouldn't have too much trouble with that, a vertical stripe at the top will take care of it.
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More tips by Allina Rumfelt
Focus on the two dispensers in the middle. Try to get them with stripes and wraps from up top or off to the sides if you can't make a direct hit. I got lucky in that the first ingredient slid to the side of the dispenser on the bottom and out the door it went and it is very possible to get both out by moving them over and bypassing the 3rd dispenser all together if you can keep the creme under control off to the side of it.  
The second one I was able to get it out the door by moving it over and then getting the third dispenser explosion.
Video by Allina

Candy Crush Saga Level 1345

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1345 Candy crush Saga without boosters.
You don't have many moves to play with on level 1345, so make every one count.
Make stripes and wraps to hit the cake bomb, this will also unlock the lucky candies surrounding it.
Colour bombs will also be useful, but switch them with some other special candy too.
You don't want to separate the lucky candies too much though as you will have trouble collecting the yellows later, so try to keep them together as much as you can.
The cake bomb will collect any yellows as well as unlocking the remaining lucky candies and changing any that are already unlocked, so once the cake bomb has gone you'll be able to see what you have left.
A stripe/wrap combo should take care of any remaining yellows, or if you are very lucky, as I was, you may be able to get a colour bomb next to a yellow candy at the end.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.

Candy Crush Saga level 1344

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1344 Candy crush saga without boosters.
First of all forget about the fish at the bottom. The fish will help you quite a bit but don't waste moves trying to use them.
The best way to tackle level 1344 is by blasting away at the chocolate with stripes and stripe/wrap combos. This will release the fish at the same time.
Once the chocolate is unlocked it's fairly easy to clear from the jelly and once you get rid of it all it won't come back.
Colour bombs are not very helpful against locked chocolate and only help if you have some candies in amongst the chocolate once it is unlocked.
What may help a bit is a colour bomb switched with a stripe, but even this is not as good as a well placed stripe/wrap combo.
Look carefully before every move, especially near the end as you don't have many moves to spare so you can't afford to waste any.
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