Candy Crush Saga Level 1142

Hints and tips for level 1142 Candy Crush Saga
This is one of the most frustrating levels in the whole game.. If you are very lucky and everything goes right for you it seems easy. If this happens to you go out immediately and buy a lottery ticket!
Level 1142 can be done without switching 2 colour bombs together, but that is by far the easiest way to complete the level.
Don't try using boosters at the start as you will waste them and they hardly help at all.
Save your switch hands and lollipop hammers if you have any and use them only to get 2 colour bombs together, and then only if it is fairly early in the game so you have plenty of moves left to get the ingredients down the board.
If you can't get the colour bombs don't give up as it is still possible, but you need to get rid of the chocolate in the bottom part of the board, or at least enough to give a path through for the ingredients.
Stripes and strip/wrap combos will remove the chocolate but you need several as it will keep growing as soon as it is unlocked.
Be careful not to allow the ingredients on the outside to slip onto the ledge and get stuck.
Video below
I used a lollipop hammer to get the two colour bombs together, but the second video is made without boosters.
By Skillgaming
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1132

Hints and tips for level 1132 Candy Crush Saga
From the start look for wrapped candy patterns and vertical stripes.
Get wraps down against the popcorns before you switch them if you can do it without wasting moves.
Forget about the fish and to begin with forget everything apart from growing the popcorns.
You don't need to grow all the popcorns to complete the level as there is no jelly under them, but they will block your moves and prevent you destroying the jelly if you leave them.
Once you start getting colour bombs keep using them on whichever colour has most on the board. Don't worry about the jelly, it will be destroyed as you use the colour bombs.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1120

Hints and tips for level 1120 Candy Crush Saga
You have to collect 5 ingredients to pass level 1120.
The first ingredient is already on the board but you can more or less forget about it as it will be released from the marmalade as you work on clearing the cream blockers.
You don't need to clear all the blockers to complete level 1120, just clear one or two so the ingredients can fall through to the bottom half of the board and out of the exits.
The second and third ingredients will fall down either when you get the previous ingredient out of the exit or on move 27 and 18.
The last 2 ingredients will fall down when you get the others off the board..
If you have moves in the bottom part of the board save them for when you have ingredients in the correct place to go down through the gaps you have made.
Video below
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