Candy Crush Saga Level 1127

Hints and tips for level 1127 Candy Crush Saga
You need to collect stripes, wraps and blue candies.
Since the wrapped candies are usually the hardest to make you should look for those as a priority.
Forget the blue candies as they will be collected anyway as you work on making the stripes and wraps.
With luck you will get some wraps from the lucky candies in the left of the board. But look carefully for the wrap patterns before every move.
Colour bombs are helpful as they reduce the colours so making wraps will be a bit easier.
If you can't make a wrap, make a stripe.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1126

Hints and tips for level 1126 Candy Crush Saga
Level 1126 is all about stripes and stripe/wrap combos.
Colour bombs will help by clearing one colour to make it easier to get your combos, but they won't help get the fruit down unless switched with a stripe, and even then they probably won't help much.
It's fairly easy to make special candies in level 1126 and then it's just a matter of getting them into position to clear the blockers so the fruit can fall down.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1125

Hints and tips for level 1125 Candy Crush Saga
To begin with you won't have much choice of moves but you want to be clearing the cakes as a priority.
Although there are no jellies under the cakes they will clear the middle row of jelly where there are no candies. 
Look carefully at the whole board and make your first priority moving beside the cakes, then if there are no moves there make a match at the top.
Stripes and stripe/wrap combos in the top half of the board will hit the cakes and help to clear them and if you can make a colourbomb try to switch it with a stripe or a wrap, especially if there are candies of the same colour next to the cakes.
Level 1125 Candy Crush Saga is not a difficult level, but can be frustrating.

Video below by Johnny Crush

Original video by Cookie
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