Candy Crush Saga Level 1189

Hints and tips for level 1189 Candy Crush Saga
You need to collect 10 wrapped candies, 10 striped candies and 150 yellow candies.
The yellows are the hardest to collect as there are so many, the only way to collect enough is to make as many combos as you can. Making combos will help in two ways, that will collect the stripes and wraps you need as well as bringing down the yellow candies. The more candies you remove, of any colour, the more yellows will fall giving you the orders.
You will get a lot of the special candies you need from the lucky candies locked in the center of the board, although luck is needed so you don't just get yellow candies.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1193

Hints and tips for level 1193 Candy Crush Saga
All the yellows you need are hidden in the lucky candies down each side, which have to be unlocked from the marmalade, then hit with combos or matched, they the yellows collected!
Clear the blockers and look for stripe/wrap combos to clear one of the cakes. There is no need to clear both cakes but if you can manage it they will collect all the yellows for you.
Colour bombs are helpful, especially if switched with another special candy.
Watch the candies on the conveyor carefully as they can either help or hinder you. When you have a combo ready to fire take care that there is no licorice blocking the blast or it will be wasted.
Sometimes when the yellows are uncovered they form a stripe, which, if hit, will uncover or collect the whole column of yellows.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1188

Hints and tips for level 1188 Candy Crush Saga
The easiest way to collect the keys is with colour bombs, as they are very easy to make on level 1188, it only has 4 colours.
At the same time you can make stripes and stripe/wrap combos to clear the cream blockers which are holding back the ingredients on the left side of the board.
This shouldn't cause too many problems for anyone who has got this far in the game.
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