Candy Crush Saga Level 1520

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1520 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt.
The scattered multi hit blockers make it really difficult to make good combos and special candies.  You pretty much have to take what you can get at first, endure a few shuffles and then once the board opens up, you can clean up the rest of the jellies.  There are 5 colors so you really have to hunt for the special candies but they are there if you look hard enough.  There is not a whole lot you can do until the board opens up so focus on moves in the middle if given a choice.  It's easier to make special candies for combos in there. With so many 3 candy moves, you run out of moves pretty quickly so really hunt for the combos. You need them. 
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1519

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1519 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Alina Rumfelt.
This was a pretty easy level.  There were more than enough multi hit  blockers to meet your goal of needing 50 layers off the blockers.   There are licorice dispensers to give you plenty of licorice.  There is a chocolate spinner to spin out chocolate.   
Just remember that as long as you hit the chocolate it stops it's growth for a move,  so let it grow a bit then knock it back.  Do that a few times and you will meet the chocolate goal.  Biggest tip is just don't let the licorice or the chocolate dominate the board.  Try to mix wrapped candies next to blockers to get several layers with one wrap. 
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1518

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1518 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt.
Man this episode has waaay too much licorice for my liking.  In fact,  this whole level has way too many obstacles for my liking.  Licorice, licorice dispensers,  a piece of popcorn surrounded by 3 and 4 hit blockers and bomb dispensers.  The board is odd shaped,  there is limited space to make big combos and there are 5 colors.  All that being said, this level can be quite challenging.  
The elements that work to your advantage are the mystery candies--  haha, if your lucky.  I got chocolate quite a few times.   Unfortunately there is jelly under the blockers too.  Best you can do is look for a chances to chip away at the blockers.  
Chocolate bombs and striped candies make the most damage.   The good news is, when I played, the licorice dispensers did not keep feeding the board licorice- hopefully that will not be changed.   Once again, a board that depends quite a bit on good luck !
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