Candy Crush Saga Level 1534

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1534 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
You have 25 moves to clear all the jelly.  Obstacles include crates, 2 and 3 hit blockers, double jelly, 10 count bombs, conveyor belts,  and a popcorn that DOES have a jelly under it.  
The board is odd shaped, has several little "nooks" that need to be cleared and there are 5 colors.  All that being said - this level will take some work.  There are some mystery candies that will either help or hinder your progress.  Anytime there are mystery candies an element of luck exists too - so hopefully you will get lucky and clear this level soon. 
Check after every move for special candies and combos, make your chocolate bombs count by mixing with stripes.  
Once the bombs start mix them ASAP. 
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1533

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1533 Candy Crush Saga by Allina Rumfelt
Level 1533 is a points level.  You need to score at least 30,000 points PLUS use all 22 moves.  
You have one 20 count bomb you have to get rid of in order to be able to use the last 2 moves.  In order to get to the bomb you have go get the 4 keys.  You can get the keys using chocolate bombs, horizontal stripes or stripe/wrap combos.  Not a very easy thing to do ! 
 With 5 colors on the board special candies can be pretty tough to find.  Take your time and really look for them.   If you are a booster user,  I would probably use hammers to pop the keys.  
Chocolate bombs and wrapped candies score the highest points but it takes a lot of work and luck to get one. 
Read our page on scoring more points if the points are a problem.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1531

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1531 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
1531 is a collect the orders level. You will need 81 layers off the  multi hit  blockers,  32 licorice swirls and 15 pieces of chocolate.  There are exactly enough blockers and licorice on the board so you have to get to all of them.  
Make moves down and out to try and open up the board, your  going to have to make a couple big combos to be able to get to them all with only 30 moves.  
Easiest way to get the chocolate is to just let it grow untouched till you get what you need.  Careful not to let it run across the  top and block new candies from making it onto the board.  
A chocolate bomb and stripe can do a lot of damage.
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