Candy Crush Saga Level 1575

Hints and tips to help you pass level 1575 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie.
Level 1575 is for me one of the hardest timed levels in the game so far.
There are a few tips I can give, but mostly it is just a matter of following the general tips for beating timed levels which you'll find here on the blog.
The first tip is DON'T waste your colour bomb boosters. There are so few candies on the board at the start that it won't help much, if at all.
You could try a stripe/wrap booster, but it's likely to be not very helpful either.
To get extra time candies to fall you need to cause mini cascades, you need at least three matches from one move, so always look for a move that will cause another match and try to get the cascades.
You need to open up the board at the start, then try to get colour bomb/wrap combos as these will give you the best points, but it is hard work to build up the points with so many colours on the board, you are lucky to get 4 or 5k points from a colour bomb match.
The main thing is to try to get to the popcorns at the bottom, if you can grow them into colour bombs before the time runs out they may just be enough to give you the points you need.
The advantage of using colour bomb/wrap combos is that it often gives you a good chance to make another colour bomb straight away.
Video below by Adrian Gardner.

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Candy Crush Saga Level 1568

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1568 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
This level can be a bit confusing at first until you work out which way the ingredient has to go to get to the exit.
The ingredient travels along the top row of teleports from left to right, then it goes into the bottom row and travels from right to left. See image

The square you will have most trouble clearing is the one bottom right, the marmalade needs clearing before the ingredient can travel very far along the rows, and that bottom one is the hardest to hit.
You should really be looking for colour bombs which you can use to clear the marmalade and move the ingredient along the rows.
A colour bomb/stripe combo is good, but you need lots of candies the same colour as the stripe. I found that all the stripes in the bottom 2 rows were vertical stripes when I used this combo, so you can't rely on it to get the ingredient all the way along the bottom rows.
Stripe/wrap combos are useful too, but hard to get in the end column where you need them most.
Video below.

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Candy Crush Saga Level 1562

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1562 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
If you like timed levels you shouldn't have too much trouble with level 1562, but if, like me, you are not very good at them you may find our page on beating timed levels helpful.
The secret to passing any timed level is not necessarily playing fast, it's creating cascades, which will cause more extra time candies to fall. You will need the extra time candies to have any chance at all of passing this level as 40 seconds is not nearly long enough to score 55,000 points however good a player you are.
To create cascades work as close to the bottom of the board as you can, but have a quick scan around the board before each move as the candies are settling to see if you can spot a colour bomb or wrap pattern.
Video below
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