Candy Crush Saga Level 1582

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1582 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
We have 39 moves to collect 6 ingredients.  More than half the board is covered with 2,3,4 and 5 hit blockers.  Focus on clearing the blockers directly under the ingredient dispensers.  Don't waste moves trying to clear the sides because it will not make a difference.  Wrap/wrap combos can clear a lot of those layers.  A few good combos and you should be able to drop the ingredients.  The nice thing about this board is all the ingredients drop down right away and one on top of the other so you can get several through  the exits at one time.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1581

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1581 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
1581 is identified as a hard level.  You get 20 moves to get 40 Blues, 40 Orange and 40 Yellow candies.  You have scattered chocolate to deal with, scattered licorice swirls and 6 colors so making good combos is pretty tough.  You do get some lucky candies and have the frog to help out.  Lucky candies usually mean luck is a big factor and I did find that to be true about this level.  Obviously you want to try and get rid of the chocolate first so it doesn't gobble up your play area.  Oftentimes there was only one move on the board so you really had no choice in the moves you could make.  Really all you can do is keep plugging away at it till you get that lucky board.  Not a whole lot of skill needed ... just luck.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1578

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1578 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Ignore the left side to begin with, you will only waste your moves there.
If you can move one or both of the ingredients out of the middle column in the first couple of moves do it as this will make it easier to get them over to the left side of the board.
Don't under any circumstances move either of the ingredients out of the middle three columns!
Then you want  to unlock 2 of the wraps from the marmalade and switch them together, this will give you two colour bombs which you can then switch together to clear the licorice and marmalade on the left and get the two ingredients over to that side.
If both the ingredients are in the middle column still then only one will go, but that isn't too important, you can still get it there later.
Then if you can make matches on the left to clear the spawners you should do so, Otherwise look for stripe/wrap combos and colour bomb combos on the right which you can use to get the ingredients down to the exits or clear the spawners.
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