Candy Crush Saga Level 1585

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1585 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
UGGGH - a dreaded timed level.  You have 70 seconds to reach 50,000 points.  As with all timed levels getting a lucky board is a huge factor in scoring the required points.  This board is no exception.  Not to mention your moves are so limited in the beginning because of all the licorice crates and marmalade.  Remember you can use the candies in the marmalade for moves and combos.  
You can't move them but they can be used as part of a move.   A lot of times I just wait for the suggested moves because they will always go to a special candy set up that my eye would miss due to frantically  looking for moves and the marmalade clouds the candy that could be used.   As with all timed levels you will also get a sugar crush at the end of your time and any special candies remaining, you will get the points for them plus any ensuing cascades.  Anything locked in crates will be excluded from those awards though.    Just use general strategy , play low, get the +5's, go for high point combos.  Highest to lowest scoring combos are ::  chocolatebomb/wrap , chocolate bomb/stripe,  chocolate bomb with a heavy color on the board, wrap/wrap, wrap/stripe.  If you still need more help, please visit our tip sheet on How to Beat Timed Levels or How to Score More Points.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1584

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1584 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
For level 1584 you have to use all 32 moves and score at least one star which is  30,000  points.  You may need to use your anti-rainbow glasses if you get migraines because you have rainbow candies to deal with.   
There are also 6 colors on the board so moves are limited and scoring high points is even more tricky.  
First start off getting rid of the chocolate before it restricts your board even more.  You need two line blasts to detonate the UFO in the center so work on that early on - the wrapped candies spit out will hopefully help in refilling the board with moves you can use.   
Sometimes forcing a shuffle is necessary on these boards with this many candies.  Lucky candies are exactly as the name implies - sometimes your lucky and get good boosters, sometimes your not so lucky and will get bombs, swirls, blockers and in a worse case scenario an evil spawner that needs to be taken care of ASAP.   So, as with many boards, a little bit of skill and a lot of luck and you should pass this level.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1583

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1583 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt.
The trickiest part of this level is clearing the double jelly in the two isolated cells with the chocolate bombs in them.  Start by trying to make horizontal stripes up top where you have more room and drop them down and align them with the cells.  The jellies will take care of themselves, just focus on getting some stripes and wraps down at the bottom to hit those two isolated blocks.