Candy Crush Saga Level 1588

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1588 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
Level 1588 is all about the points.  Don't get confused thinking you have to clear the jelly or you will miss chances to make good combos.  You need at least one star to pass this level -- which happens at 55,000 points.  The best combos for high points are :  1.  chocolate bomb/wrap 2.  Chocolate bomb / stripe 3. stripe/wrap combo 4.  Wrap / Wrap combo and then a stripe/stripe combo.    
Believe it or not, a double chocolate bomb combo is not a top pick for this level since it's all about the points.  It's a great combo for clearing jelly and layers but not for scoring points. 
Read our page on scoring more points for tips.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1587

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1587 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
Level 1587 Candy Crush Saga is the second "hard" level in this episode.  You get 42 moves to collect 6 ingredients.  There are two ingredient dispensers - one on the far left column and one on the far right column.  At the bottom of those columns are entry portals ( white puddles ) .  Those  will transport the ingredients to exit portals (pink puddles)  in the center of the board.   
The portal on the left side transports to the exit portal on the right side and the portal on the right hand side transfers to the exit portal on the left side.  
Work on destroying the 2 hit blocker that is blocking the path to the portal.  Once the ingredient is "sitting" on the entry portal, make moves in the exit portals path and the ingredient will drop down.  If you do a big combo (color bomb/stripe , stripe/wrap) when an ingredient is sitting on the portal, it could slip down to an exit or get stuck in the dead space.  You have to clear one ingredient to get one to drop and there is a max of only 2 on the board at one time.  
Hand switches are a good booster to use if you find you are having a hard time working with the portals or your ingredient gets "stuck".  But if you can figure out how to move the ingredients through the portal paths and off the board as quickly as possible you can make it through this level.  Make sure not to block the exits with Frog if you use him.  He came in quite handy for hitting those blockers down near the exit arrows.  
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1586

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1586 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
For level 1586 you have 36 moves to clear all that jelly.  You have chocolate, 2-5 strike blockers, marmalade and conveyor belts to work with.  
First goal would be to get rid of those chocolates.  There are no chocolate spinners so once they are gone that's it.  But you have to get through a few pieces of marmalade to get to the chocolate.  
Remember that the candies under the marmalade can be used in your matches.   Sometimes , when there is lots of marmalade like this, I like to wait for the suggested moves because the computer seems to spot moves my eye is used to looking for, such as candies under marmalade.   The chocolate can't cross onto the conveyors, but those pesky corner pieces were always the last few to get.  
I don't think random fish from boosters would help as they would get destroyed but they will eat the jelly from underneath the blockers so may be worth a shot if your adventurous and have tons of fish.  You would have to memorize the ones they touch our you would never know until the blocker is gone whether there is a jelly still under there or not.   
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