Candy Crush Saga Level 1591

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1591 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
1591 Candy Crush Saga is a clear the jelly level.  You have 26 moves to clear a ton of jelly.  
There are more locked jars on this board so you need to collect  all 5  keys  first and the  key dispensers are at very inconvenient places, far left and far right with one in the middle.   
You have to make a match underneath the dispenser to get a key to drop.  If you can't do that then the board stays locked up too long and you will run out of moves.  There can be limited moves to get them so you just have to do the best you can.   There are 5 colors on the board so making special candies and combos takes some effort but once the board opens up it is a big enough play area to do so.  You do get a "free chocolate bomb" ,  once the marmalade is removed, try to match it with a stripe.   
I don't care for the chocolate ball and fish combo,  it really doesn't do much to clear the jelly - stripes are better.   If you match a chocolate bomb with the same color as the wrapper locked up on the lower right hand corner it will open up that area for you.  
There is one jelly on the lower left hand side of the board that is super hard to get too - so IF at all possible, save a fish for that one.  There is jelly underneath these blockers so that lower right hand corner needs some work too.  
Fish and stripes or wraps were also good combos to make. 
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1590

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1590 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
1590 Candy Crush Saga is another points level.  
You get 21 moves to score 45,000 points which is one star.  The board is very limited in moves until  you collect 5 keys to unlock all the locked candy jars  on the board.  
The evil spawners will not spawn as long as they are locked up under the licorice . Once you get all the keys you probably will not have many moves left so detonate the UFO - it will hit a couple spawners a couple times and break up any marmalade that may have happened if one of the crates open while trying to get keys.   After that, leave any locked spawners locked until you can get rid of couple of them - that will decrease the amount of marmalade they spit out.  
Remember, you can use the candies underneath the marmalade in matches so make sure to look at them for potential matches and combos.   Suggested moves will also look for moves using candies under marmalade.   After you use all your moves, you will get a " sugar crush", and you will get points for any special candies you have on the board and subsequent cascade points  but you will still lose if you do not have the required points.   When you get towards the end of your moves, leave any special candies that you can't use in a combo for the sugar crush  and focus on getting as many on the board as you can.  I eventually passed this level because of the special candies and the cascades I had on the board at the end of my moves.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1589

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1589 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
On level 1589 you have 20 moves  to collect 53 layers off the 2,3, 4 or 5 strike blockers.  There are 66 on the board so you have plenty.  There are 6 crated candies in the top right hand corner which I found to be more of a distraction than an obstacle.  The 2 chocolate spinners have the potential to get carried away spitting out chocolate but you can work around them if you make as many moves on the bottom and sides as you can.  If the chocolate starts getting to out of control - just forget about it and work on the top to try to finish off the layers you need.  

If you play for stars --  obviously you want to go for the the big point combo, chocolate bombs and wraps.  I found the level pretty simple but getting 3 stars --- well since writing these I still only have one :(   There are a couple lucky candies - so as with any board that gives them away luck is a big factor - if you do get a chocolate bomb try to get a wrapped close to it for points. 
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