Candy Crush Saga Level 1710

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1710 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1710 has been changed from a timed level into a score level, you have 20 moves to get the score required.
First try to break the blockers in the bottom left to get candies into the middle part of the board, then look carefully to see if you can make moves in the middle section to clear the bombs. Getting the score is not too hard but clearing the bombs before they count down can be tricky if you can't make moves in the middle.
You can try making stripes and wraps to clear the bombs in the middle, but this isn't easy on the restricted board.
Colourbombs are best if you can make them, so look carefully for chances, especially in the top right section.
Video below
Below are tips and video for the original timed version of level 1710.
It it very important that you break through the blockers on the bottom left of the board, this will allow the candies to move into the middle where the extra time candies are.
If you can make matches in the middle do it, but the shape of the board makes this very difficult most of the time, so try to make matches in the bottom left, which will keep the candies moving and cause cascades. Cascades will give you more extra time candies.
You need to keep a keen eye out for chances to make stripes and especially colour bombs as these will enable you to collect the extra time candies from the middle and will also make more cascades, which means more extra time.
You need a good start to get through the blockers quickly, without that you will have little chance of getting anywhere near the score.
A colour bomb booster may help, or a stripe/wrap booster, but since little of the board has candies the colour bomb won't give a lot of points, but it may help to clear the blockers and unlock the extra time candies.
If you struggle with this, and any other timed level, read our page on beating timed levels.
Video below
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1709

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1709 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You need to collect yellow candies, which will all be provided by the lucky candies locked in marmalade in the top part of the board.
If you clear the blockers down the middle of the board this will allow the lucky candies to fall down into the main part of the board once you unlock them from the marmalade. This will make them much easier to match and collect.
Colour bombs and stripe/wrap combos will clear the marmalade and these are not too hard to make.
Level 1709 is not a hard level, but there are not many moves so you will need to make every move count by matching next to the blockers whenever possible.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1708

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1708 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1708 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
Basically all you need to do to clear level 1708 is to clear the two cake bombs in as few moves as possible.
You don't have any choice of moves most of the time so you Just have do the best you can to make moves close to the cakes. Look carefully at the candies on the conveyor and you may be able to plan your moves a little. 
The first cake will remove the licorice and the second will clear most of the jelly, just leaving a few squares of jelly for you to clear.
Ignore the bombs down the sides, there is no need to try to clear them and you will run out of moves if you try, leave them for the second cake to clear.
The ingredients will take care of themselves providing you don't leave the cake bombs too long so there are not enough moves left for the ingredients to get out of the exits.
A very useful booster for this level is a coconut wheel.

Video below by Johnny Crush

Original video by Cookie
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