Candy Crush Saga Level 1717

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1717 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1717 is an orders level, you have to collect:
3 stripe/wrap combos
4 wrapped candies
4 striped candies.
As you can see, if you get the three combos you will have most of the orders you need, so concentrate on getting the combos and the other stripes and wraps will take care of themselves.
Look carefully at the board to begin with to see how best to open it up in the fewest moves to give you space to work. You can't afford to waste too many moves on clearing marmalade before you can begin making your combos.
If you have too many specials on the board, especially wraps, switch them to get rid of them or they will likely blowup any stripes you are trying to get next to them. You need to keep the specials to what you need.
The odd colour bomb is useful for getting rid of a colour, which will make it easier to make the other specials. You can also use a colour bomb to get your combos together by removing a candy that is separating them.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1716

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1716 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
The hardest part of level 1716 is the shortage of moves. There is a lot of jelly to clear and cells to unlock and only 26 moves to do it all.
The best method is using colour bombs, switching with a single candy may be enough if you can make enough colour bombs, but you should switch your colour bombs with either a stripe or wrap to have the best chance of passing the level.
2 colour bombs switched together will also be a great combo, although this combo won't give you many points if you're looking for three stars.
Work in the bottom part as much as you can to make your combos, but as usual look at the top for colour bomb patterns first.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1726

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1726 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1726 is an almost impossible level, you need to collect 40 chocolates in only 30 moves. There are 20 chocolates on the board to begin with and an Evil Spawner spitting out licorice in the middle.
The good thing is that the chocolate which is covered by licorice from the spawner counts towards your orders. The bad thing is that if you don't destroy the spawner in the first few moves you will have no chance of collecting enough chocolate.
Even if you destroy the spawner quickly collecting enough chocolate is still very difficult.
The spawner can be destroyed best using wrapped candies exploded beside it, but count your moves as it will eat your wrap if it is close by when it spawns. The spawner spits out licorice every third move, but hitting it with a stripe, wrap or combo will delay it for a move.
I don't know if there is a booster that will help with level 1726, You could try a stripe and wrap and see if they are in the right place to do some damage. I have seen the sweet teeth used to clear the licorice and chocolate, but this costs real money.
The video below is made without clearing the spawner, but they don't seem to have enough points, although the game seems to have allowed them to pass.
I used 5 hammers to get rid of the spawner before I made any moves and still struggled to get the chocolate.
Video below without boosters.