Tips for Level 425 Candy Crush Saga.

By Pamela Gibbons 

Like all of the other 'impossible' levels, just keep plugging away. Yes, a lot of luck is needed in this round but I did find some strategies were helpful and got me through after only a day of attempts:
1.    Concentrate on making a wrapped/striped combo early and at the bottom. That will take out the first lot of bombs and will wipe out the tornadoes.
2.     Keep aiming for your striped/wrapped towards the bottom. Don't be tempted to make speckled, they don't really help.
3.     After the first lot of bombs have been destroyed (point 1), don't worry too much about them, it will just waste moves. They will either be naturally detonated on a tornado will take them out. The tornadoes don't seem to be random which is annoying when they take out a combo set-up but they also seem to target bombs.
4.     Get your wrapped/striped combo first. The 200 blue order seems to look after itself. I was prepared to pay to get rid of remaining blues but it wasn't needed.
5. 3 stars, 5 moves to spare, no boosters. Keep trying, it is possible. I did it in my iPhone.

By Wendy

 I was stuck on this level for days and literally had just gave up on the game as I am not into frustration and annoyance. My husband picked up my ipad and started playing for me to see if he could end my frustration, and started playing a different tactic. Within just a few games he had ten moves left and only one combo left to do, which I was able to make for him and put together, but the game glitches and the stripe pkg combo disappeared when I put them together and did not register. He continued playing and within a few more games, finished the level for me. What he did was totally ignore making combos, but concentrated on using every move possible to destroy the cyclones. He basically made stripes as much as he could to destroy the cyclones. When he did, a lot of pkgs would form on their own and a lot of stripe opportunities, so he put them together when he could. He said he would ignore even a chance to form a pkg if it took away from him destroying a Cyclone.