Candy Crush Saga level 784

Tips for level 784 Candy Crush Saga
Level 784 is a jelly level with 50 moves.
The board is divided in 2 diagonally with a line of 5 popcorn separating the bottom corner jelly from the main board and a line of cream separating the top corner of jelly from the board, which also has licorice.
Once you begin to make moves in the middle the licorice will start to fall so you can easily destroy it.
Concentrate on making specials and combos, aim your stripes at the popcorns to get the colour bombs, but it is fairly easy to make more colour bombs too.
This is an enjoyable level to play once you get the board opened up a bit.  Colour bombs will give you the high scores.
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Candy Crush Saga level 783 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 783 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
You need to collect 12 colour bombs for level 783, but there are already 9 on the board at the start in the form of popcorns. These popcorns will help but they can be tricky to grow, combos are the only answer, particularly colourbomb combos, these will hit more than one pocorn in each move.
The thing to do is keep looking for colour bomb patterns before every move and if you can't make a colour bomb then make a stripe or a wrap, either of these will help grow the popcorns to give you your colour bombs. There are only 4 colours of candy so making specials is fairly easy.
Now there are only 17 moves it is a good idea to start the level with a lucky candy booster which you will often get by doing the sugar drop challenge every day.
Because it is colourbombs you need use them as soon as you get them and it will make it easier to make more. Switching a colourbomb with a stripe or a wrap to hit the popcorns too. 
Once the popcorns are grown into colourbombs you can make moves in the bottom of the board and the colourbombs can drop down and if they drop down together switch them together to hit all the rest of the popcorns.
If you have a colour bomb that won't move out of the square and there is no candy to switch it with simply hit it with a stripe.

Video below using lucky candy booster

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.

Candy Crush Saga level 782

Tips for level 782 Candy Crush Saga
The task for level 782 is to clear all the jelly in 45 moves.
The jelly is in 2 columns on the right of the board, one with popcorn covering it and the other column has cream blocker.
The jelly is totally separate from the playing area so the only way to destroy it is by making and using special candies and using the popcorns to make colour bombs.
Colour bomb / stripe combos will help a lot with growing the popcorn and getting the colour bombs.
Because candies fall from the top you won't get any candies next to your popcorn colour bombs until you break the top one to allow candies to fall.
The stripe at the bottom of the right hand column will clear the top layer of cream for you so making the jelly easier to destroy.
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