Candy Crush Saga level 1373

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1373 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Work on clearing the jelly in the corners and the popcorn in the middle. Don't use the fish until you have all the jelly in the main part of the board cleared, then they will go to the corners and clear them for you easily.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1372

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1372 without boosters
Level 1372 can be a bit tricky as the bombs are sometimes difficult to get out of the dispensers and into play so you can remove them.
Its really just a matter of looking carefully at the board and making the best move available every time. Don't ignore the bombs for too long or they will kill the game.
It is possible to make stripes and even colour bombs to help.
If you are struggling with this level a jelly fish booster would be helpful.
More tips by Allina Rumfelt
You can either try to use the end bombs in a move or try to drop them down onto the conveyor belts.  You do not have very many,  if any chances to get them all out in the open so they can be crushed , so start looking for those moves from the very start of the game.  When I played, sometimes the bombs dropped on the belt and sometimes they didn't. Once all the bombs have more moves on them than your available moves, just focus on the jelly.  It's tough getting combos on this board, if you don't see a chance to make any up top, concentrate on the bottom and maybe you will get a good cascade to help out. 
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Candy Crush Saga level 1371

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1371 Candy crush Saga without boosters.
First collect the keys locked in the central section, try to get some mini cascades going as you do which will help collect the colours you need.
Once you have the 2 colour bombs use them straight away! You don't want to collect any more keys before you switch the colour bombs. If you collect keys and the opposite side gets opened before you switch your colour bombs you will lose the second colour bomb combo.
The remaining keys will fall down in the left part of the board, which will open the second side and give you your second colour bomb combo.
After that just try to make combos to collect the remaining colours you need.
More tips by Allina
The trick to this level is getting the 2 double chocolate bomb combos.  Which is pretty simple if you get the keys. Once the sides unlock they both will give you 2 side by side chocolate bombs.  Do them right away so you can get the other side before running out of moves.  The chocolate bombs to not teleport to the center so no use trying to pair them with a green or blue.  After that just focus on your colors... not to difficult of a level but I did have to play it a couple times to pass.
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