Candy Crush Saga level 1535

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1535 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
There are two ingredients to collect and the second one will not fall until you have collected the first.
You don't have many moves to spare so don't waste them trying to remove the Evil Spawner at the bottom, it won't cause you too much of a problem.
Clear some of the blockers to give you space to work and then try to make colour bombs to unlock the locked cells which are preventing the ingredient from falling.
Stripes and stripe/wrap combos will work but the higher locked cells are more difficult to hit.
A colour bomb/stripe combo will be good as long as there are at least 2 candies in each side column the same colour as the stripe, this should get the ingredient all the way to the exit unless you are really unlucky.
The spawner only spawns marmalade, so won't stop you making matches.
The spawner will probably be cleared as you work, but the level can be cleared without removing it.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1532

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1532 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
You have to collect 2 fruits from the exits which are in the bottom left of the board, both the squares have an exit so as long as you get the fruit over there it will go out of the exit.
To get the fruit there first you have to get it onto the conveyor, then get it down to the bottom as quickly as you can.
Don't move it onto the bottom conveyor unless you have some way prepared of getting it to drop through the teleport bottom right and out of the exit.
To get the fruit out you need to remove one of the candies in the bottom left when the fruit is in the square directly over the teleport bottom right, 2 stripes switched together will also work if they are in the right place.
I would suggest you just make colour bombs or stripes whenever possible and sve any that are in useful positions.
The second fruit falls down on or after move 11, but it needs space to drop from the dispenser so try to make a move top right on move 11 or as soon after as you can.
The image below by Andy Mahesa K shows one way to get the fruit out of the exit, but it has to be done at exactly the right time when the fruit is over the teleport.

I think you may find the video more useful than the tips on this level as you can see clearly how the fruit is collected using both a stripe/wrap combo and a double stripe.
Video below.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1528

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1528 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
You need to collect 4 fruits but the board is dominated by Evil Spawners which spawn licorice and block up the board leaving you with nowhere to move.
I found that its best to completely ignore the fruit to begin with and concentrate on clearing the spawners. Go for any you can hit and if you can hit more than one with one move all the better.
They seem to only need hitting three times near the top, so those ones are easiest to clear, but if you only work on the top ones the lower ones will keep spawning and you will be wasting your time as you'll still not pass.
The best solution I found was to work as low on the board as possible, especially in the middle, then with luck you will get mini cascades which will hit the higher spawners and control them at the same time.
Once the spawners start to explode they will hit others which counts as a hit so you should clear several in a few moves once they start to go.
Then you can see where the fruit is and get it down to the bottom of the board.
Collecting the fruit is the easy part, clearing the spawners is the hard part.
Don't let the spawners panic you... Play slowly and carefully and look at the whole board before every move as it's very easy to rush and miss god moves.
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