Candy Crush Saga Level 1733

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1733 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1733 is a timed level, it is also classified as a hard level, so unless you are an expert on timed levels you can expect to be stuck here for a while.
You have to score 95,000 points in 75 seconds!
This really is a hard level and you need loads of luck to have any chance of passing because the board is so restricted at the start that skill won't help at all!
To begin with you have to take any move the board gives you but the aim has to be to work your way down through the blockers and break the popcorns at the bottom.
There are wrapped candies which will help a lot as they often drop down next to the popcorns as you clear the blockers.
Switching 2 wraps together down the bottom will go a long way towards clearing the popcorn and giving you the colour bombs.
Don't be tempted to switch 2 colour bombs together, this gives very few points and rarely causes cascades, use the colour bombs singly, this gives more points and also is more likely to cause cascades, which in turn gives extra time candies.
On any timed level you should be looking for moves which cause other matches to be made leading to mini cascades. 
Cascades mean more extra time candies mean longer play mean higher points!
Don't worry if the time is coming to an end and you have colour bombs and wraps on the board, in fact this can be the difference between passing and failing, special candies on the board at the end of the game can give lots of points. If you watch the video below you can see that I only had 6,000 points when the time ran out, it was one of the worst games I had in the 50 plus I played on this level, but the cascades at the end gave me enough points to scrape through with one star.
However bad your game seems to be, never quit before the time runs out as you never know what will happen at the end. Good luck!
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1732

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1732 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Collect 65 licorice, 2 stripe/wrap combos and 2 double wrap combos.
This level is all about wrapped candies, by this stage in the game you should be pretty good at making them, but getting them together without them self destructing can be a challenge.
The licorice should be collected as you switch your combos, but if you get other chances to collect the licorice don't ignore them. Colour bombs are not much use so if you get one use it straight away to remove a colour and hopefully you will get some wraps from the resulting cascade.
You may find it useful to use a lucky candy booster if you are having trouble with level 1732, but you are just as likely to get licorice from them as the wraps you really need.
I found this level very easy to score high points on but not easy to complete all the orders at the same time. When I eventually passed my score was quite low. 
Video below.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1731

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1731 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1731 is a dual task level, you have to collect 6 ingredients and clear the jelly all in only 25 moves.
You don't need to worry too much about the ingredients, they will take care of themselves as you clear the jelly, just check now and again to make sure you are getting them to the bottom and they are not being left on the board too long. If you are not getting the ingredients out of the exits you will not get them all to drop, so this is really all you need to worry about. If you can leave the ingredients in the columns they drop out into they will go onto the conveyor and drop out easily, 
The hard thing is clearing all the jelly. Look carefully for any special candies and combos you can make, this will be hard at the start as the board is quite messy with blockers and licorice, but once the board begins to open up you shouldn't have too much trouble.
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