Candy Crush Saga Level 1745

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1745 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 1795 is a dual task level, collect 2 ingredients and clear the jelly.
The board is in two parts, the right side where the ingredients fall, and the left side where the blockers cover the jelly.
Stripes and stripe/wrap combos will help move the ingredients down, also colour bombs are good for that too. But you must not neglect the blockers because they take a fair amount of clearing.
The thing that makes this level reasonably hard is that you have 2 entirely separate things to think about at the same time and there are not many moves to get it all done.
The second ingredient falls when you get the first one out of the exit.
Colour bombs switched with either a stripe or wrap, or even a double colour bomb combo, will be really good for this level.
Level 1745 is not as hard as some levels have been at the end of an episode, but it isn't easy either.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1744

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1744 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Collect 8 ingredients.
Level 1744 is basically about clearing the cake bombs. If you clear the cakes there is little chance that you will fail the level.
Sounds easy, but it isn't! The shape of the board and the blockers mean it can be tricky to get the combos you need where you want them. There are 2 stripes down below the popcorns, which you should detonate using another combo rather than switching them. As they both fire the same way they will clear 4 sections of each cake, if you switch them they will only clear 2 sections of each.
The only thing you have to watch out for are the ingredients falling into the middle column of the board as there is no exit there. If this happens you will have to switch them over to get them out of the exits. If you are no good at moving ingredients you can use a hand to move them over.
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Candy Crush Saga Level 1743

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1743 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Clear the jelly. This is a fairly straightforward jelly level, just work on clearing the blockers and make room to work near the bottom of the board, you will get bombs dropping from the dispensers as soon as the blockers are cleared from beneath them, but these shouldn't cause you too much trouble as long as you don't let them count down too far. Get them when you have the chance in case you don't get another.
There are only 4 colours on the board, so making special candies and combos is fairly easy. Make every move count as there are not many to spare.
Every move should aim to make a specioal candy or combo, or set one off.
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