Candy Crush Saga level 519

Tips for level 519 Candy Crush Saga.

The aim here is to make 12 colour bombs and fire them off.
Since there are already 4 on the board you just need to make 8 more. Not as hard as it sounds.. 
By this stage in the game you should be faily good at making colour bombs, but for more tips go to our ADVANCED TACTICS page.
First clear some of the licorice to give you a more open board, then make your first colour bomb. 
Once you have one fire it off straight away to remove a colour from the board, this will make the next one easier to make.
Watch the mystery candies in the bottom row as if they turn into chocolate they will eat your colour bombs.

Video By Cookie.
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Anonymous said...

Just beginning to tackle this one. First time, i got 10 of the 12 bombs. More recent attempts have not bee n so sucessful. Trying to use the color bombs to pick off colors which (in theory) will increase my odds of making more color bombs. Stay tuned. Janine Marie.

Anonymous said...

Strategy worked. Took about 10 tries. Janine Marie

Unknown said...

Honestly, I don't know why I keep playing this game. I guess the developers give me just enough hope to keep me addicted. Yet another level that relies completely on luck. I must have played this level at least 50 times and haven't even got close to finishing it. The chocolate 'surprises' keep eating my bottom colour bombs and it's impossible to avoid special combinations on the top board making strategising impossible.

Unknown said...

Should have posted on here earlier. I got a lucky board and passed this level immediately after posting about how difficult it is. ha.

Anonymous said...

sigh.....after FINALLY getting the update for Android, I lost 14 lives, but FINALLY made it to this level. It has been frustratingly impossible! The closest I've come to passing is 9 out of 12! I'm beginning to think I shall wither and die at level 519.I like challenges, but after so many attempts with no end in sight, it becomes repetitive, bordering on insanity, and cruel and unusual punishment! :-)

Anonymous said...

I really dislike the order levels! The closest I've gotten is 8 out of 12. I would suggest pairing the suprise candies with the sprinkles so chocolate doesn't become an issue in the bottom section. Other than that, two sprinkles together get rid of all the licorice temporarily.

Anonymous said...

I finally passed this level this morning! Order levels are probably my least favorite. I had one chocolate bomb left to get and there was one sitting in the bottom section. I worked the candies above to create a vertical stripe in the same lane as the chocolate bomb. It released the last order! Victory at last!

Bill. said...

Tedious to get all 12 completed on PC.

Anonymous said...

This one is 10 of 12...daaaang

Anonymous said...

You just have to wait for the lucky board. I first thought there was no way to complete this level, I never came anywhere near to getting enough chocolate balls. Sometimes it was even hard to get enough vertical stripes to release the balls at the bottom. But suddenly the lucky board came up, the chocolate balls came forming out of nowhere and I completed the level with 11 moves to spare.
So keep trying, you will succeed eventually, although it seems impossible sometimes. - Gabi

Anonymous said...

I like the challenge but some levels are just plain frustrating.

I considered using one of my daily spins the chocolate sprinkle but I figure that would be a waist cause I have no guarantee that I will win the level even if I use the freebie.

Anonymous said...

This level is not as easy as it may seem.. I am having a hard time making the sprinkles! I get it set up to make one and then my next move seems to take my setup... The most that I can make seems to be 8 ... :(.

Anonymous said...

Grrr this is getting aggravating..I have played for two days now, it seems impossible to make enough sprinkles! I try the tips to no avail..any other tips are appreciated! :)

Anonymous said...

Got this level on the 6th try. Started with a vertical stripe to open a chocolate ball on the lower row, used it right away, eliminating a color, then just basic strategy to finish. I'm sure there was some luck also. Good luck to all ! :)

Teresa said...

I'm not very good at making speckled balls, so I'm having a hard time with this one. Haven't even gotten close.... Ugh!

Anonymous said...

I know how to make a color bomb but you need to get 8 IF you can manage to blow up all 4 at the bottom before the chocolate takes over or a bomb explodes and your done. I have having a terrible time with this level I have only gotten down once to 1 left. I now wish after many lives and many days that I would have just paid the 99 cents. Maybe that is why they make it so difficult?

Anonymous said...

this was very difficult, even going very slowly and making sure i couldn't make a colour bomb after every turn! finally i was down to only needing one more and one had been made on my last move! so i gave in and got the 5 extra moves, lol. i had free gold bars from the points i got using the 4loot thing, so i used it! But even if you have to use "real" money i think it's worth it, after all it is a game we enjoy playing, lol!

Anonymous said...

This level really stinks. Have played on PC, IPhone, IPad. no way to win. Ready to quit!

Anonymous said...

No fun time to quit as level is not possible to beat just wasting my time - I quit each game as I know there will not be the right moves

Anonymous said...

This level really stinks! Ready to say goodbye to candy crush! Almost worst than 347 & a few others! Not even fun!

Anonymous said...

Good bye candy crush! This level is not possible to complete!

Anonymous said...

Looks like another level I'll be stuck on for weeks :(

Anonymous said...

Completed this level after 2 days. Did use a lollipop hammer (from bonus wheel) on the last freckle with 1 move to go... But hey! I chose to take the plunge in case I had to wait for ages for a somewhat lucky board

Donna said...

FUN! Completed first attemp! I think all these levels are easier on the PC. Strange....

Anonymous said...

Pffff.... Another level 500.... Closest I got was 1 bomb left....

Anonymous said...

O-M-G does this level SUCK big time! Finally passed it after a few days. Don't give up, wait for that lucky board. This is how they all seem nowadays.

Anonymous said...

SOOO frustrating. Have not even come close-even with the 2 hour unlimited plays. I would pay to skip a level!!!!

Anonymous said...

The lucky boards do eventually come around but I still had to buy extra moves to complete the level. Once I got all the speckled balls but ran out of moves. Was very confused and bought another move cause I figured there was a glitch...turns out I didn't get the required points- arrrggggg. Although very frustrating, I encourage you to keep trying because the lucky boards will appear and you will finally succeed. I almost gave up but kept playing.

Anonymous said...

The REAL trick is simply to cross your color bombs with wrapped candy

Anonymous said...

cherylcandycrush here.

Hard level. I don't usually like to spend more than 2 or 3 days on a level, gets frustrating.

I had about 22 fee colour sprinkles from the daily spins so I ticked to use one.
Well worth it.

The system actually sends at least2 of them down through the game and if you can eliminate one colour, you have more chance of making more yourself.

The bottom row is the real deal breaker. You need to match a colour sprinkle with a surprise candy asap and hope you aren't starting a chocolate rampage that will eat the others. But if you avoid that, it should work out.

Good luck.

MichelleDV said...

It's a tricky level for sure. I could easily get 10 or 11 but just not 12. But then I did. This is what I did:

1. Focused only on making sprinkles. Didn't get sidetracked by prospective stripes and wraps (a waste of valuable turns) except for the first to break into the bottom row.

2. Once into the bottom row I activated the sprinkles one by one in order of plain colour (or bomb), wrap, stripe, 2 sprinkles together. Eliminating colours first helps to create more sprinkles (using stripes and sprinkle&sprinkle just eliminates already partial set ups). An exception was if there was chocolate.

3. As someone else said, I found that a sprinkle plus wrap does often generate another sprinkle.

Hope these tips work for you.

Anonymous said...

Here's a tip-- don't do what I did!! After several tries I finally only needed one more sprinkle, so... with only 2 moves left I used my last hand switch and completed the order. Good news right? Well, next thing I knew the sign comes up and says level failed - I was 180 points short!!!! Grrrr How I hate you Candy Crush!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fuming, been on this level for weeks, have completed it twice now, but it want let me move on to next level, says ive failed!

Raylo said...

I agree with the others that said I don't know why I keep trying here! I have fun just long enough to keep me wanting to play, and then get a board like this that is just insulting my senses. I don't think this one is winnable.

Raylo said...

I HATE this level! Been here FOREVER!

Raylo said...

I finished this shortly after I posted! Lol. For me, it was pure luck. No skill except for making sure you don't miss an opportunity to make a chocolate ball. Good riddance to this level!

Anonymous said...

Finished at first attempt but using a laptop (tried many times on phone before with no luck). Just do it slowly and think a lot, get help from a friend too. Use bombs for single colours.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm pleased I made it this far but this is ridiculous! The only way to pass this level Is for the board to randomly give you speckled bombs. It's impossible to make required amount on your own. Very disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Well I think I've been on this one for about two weeks and I knew it would only be a lucky board that would come my way to get me out of this level. I nearly missed the speckled balls. It is all about checking your board slowly. And if you do get your lucky board watch your moves as it's quite easy to run out. I got through it with 3 moves left. Good luck everybody.

Sueie said...

Goodness me this level is awful started off really well but ran out of lives now two weeks in at it is a night mare now getting fed up,again just can not line them up grrrrr somnomhelpmfrom me zzzzzz

Sueie said...

Ok 2 weeks and this has got be the hardest so far normaly you can figure it out but I am totally lost on this level 519 tried every which way please any help out there have even read all notices but no help thanks

Anonymous said...

This level sucks. Started 2 months ago. Had to quit. So annoying. I hate the levels that waste my time when you know you aren't going to get anywhere. Don't know where you guys got the luck. This one is putting an end to CC for me!

Unknown said...

I really could use some help with this level.. Ready to quit CCS.

Anonymous said...

Not happy. Each time o get down to needing just 2 or 3 the game freezes.