Candy Crush Saga Level 681

Tips for level 681 Candy Crush Saga
There are jellies under every cream blocker so it all has to be cleared to complete the level.
There are 2 fish frozen in ice in isolated squares which have to be hit twice to release them
Try to save the fish as long as possible as they will help to get the tricky jellies in the two top "arms" of the board.
There is no real trick to passing level 681, just try to make as many specials and combos as you can.
The level has been changed and waffles added to the board, below is the latest video by Tzvi Marcu

Original Video below

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Ultramum said...

Been on this for several days now ... don't even get to clear all the cream and as for setting the fishes off, managed it only twice. Now stuck here and in Dreamworld waiting for a 'lucky' game to appear :-(

Ultramum said...

... and as soon as I posted on here the lucky board came along! One of the fish was still stuck in the jelly so it seems that the fish jelly doesn't count ... I didn't use the fish either ...

Anonymous said...

Been trying on the pc for a week! Still no lucky board argh!

Bill. said...

Took about ten attempts. I was lucky that the fish did the last two jellies at the end. Concentrate on each side in turn when combinations come along.

Anonymous said...

I can get down to one, but w/o boosters I'm just going to remain stuck. Throw me a bone would you King.


Still stuck and getting ready to toss the iPad out the window.

Anonymous said...

JanC here. Got it in under ten games (after I had a fox hole dug, thinking I'd be here awhile). Three stars, no boosters. Just taking a tip posted here to work one side as long as there are moves, then the other. And being careful to check both top outliers for any moves after every move. Got two sprinkle balls in the winning board, and used them on whatever color was on the most jellies. But what a disappointing thumbs down retro level, eh?

Anonymous said...

After about 15 attempts got it. I left the fish until I only had 7 left and the one that was remaining was easy. Had no real big combos, just some stripes and wraps separately. Agree with comment about watching those top sections for matches. I was able to clear them almost fully while I was still working on the blockers

MichelleDV said...

Phew - a bit tricky but doable without boosters and without using those fish. I got it out by making sure every move chipped away at the mallow, as high as possible so as to enable the top candies to drop through (and thus remove the top mallow through natural cascades). Stripe wrap combos are great as are horizontal stripes. It took me about 15 attempts to get it out and I only ever got to use the fish once. So, forget the fish! Hope my tips work for you.

Anonymous said...

This was a hard one. I got frustrated and started one game with three boosters. That didn't help. The next game with no boosters I won. And didn't even get to use the two fish. Just need to get lucky, I guess. And for whatever reason, I can't play beyond level 680 on my iPhone.

Anonymous said...

I am about to give up!

katieloo said...

Doing my head in this level is can't even clear the top two sides grrrrrrrr

Unknown said...

I keep getting so close with only 1 or 2 jellies to go!!!

Delilah914 said...

How do I used the fish? There is nothing next to them to match?

Robin Whitlock said...

Level 681 is one of those levels where you just have to wait until the game provides the 'magic sequence' to finish the game. Until that happens, it is basically impossible. Why? Because the game maintains the numerical advantage of the jellies remaining to be destroyed over the amount of moves remaining, so for example if you are down to 20 moves remaining, the amount of jellies to be destroyed will always be 12 jellies (it's usually between 7 and 12) more than the amount of moves you have left. In other words, it is impossible even to equalise, so that, for example you get to a point where you have 15 moves left and there are 15 jellies remaining to be destroyed. This is just utter rubbish. It completely destroys any capacity for skill in the game because basically you will complete Level 681 when King Games wants you to finish it, and not before. I have some fairly hefty expletives in mind when I think of King for doing this.