Hints and tips for level 1019 Candy Crush Saga
To get the best score look for colour bombs switched with wrapped candies, or stripe/wrap combos..
I missed a colour bomb in the video below at around move 10 or 11 so could have had a better score, but I still managed 3 stars so not too disappointed.
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If you make a stripe/wrap combo in the middle of the board it will set off the reaction that wipes out the bombs and from there you can easily get a great score.
If you can make a vertical stripe in the top center and set it off it will in turn set off the bottom horizontal which will get rid of all the bombs. After that it's easy getting the points needed.
Good tips. Stripe/wrapper combo in the middle of the board wins the game. Good luck!!
Agree blow up the bottom striped candy. First attempt.
JanC here. Did this in 30 seconds. Used all my boosters I purchased. 3 stars too. I am candy crush queeeen
I had 122000 points after 3 moves but sugar crunch never happened. I wound up later with an exploding bomb. Where did I go wrong?
Using boosters you purchased isn't exactly crushing it. Haven't bought one yet.
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