Candy Crush Saga Level 1104

Hints and tips for level 1104 Candy Crush Saga
You need to break through the blockers as quickly as possible to get candies into the jelly.
Once you have candies down into the bottom section work there to break through the bottom and get candies over to the right.
All the time work as close to the bottom of the board, forget about the left side and cascades will almost always remove the jelly there.
Wraps and stripe/wrap candies are the best for breaking the blockers and once you have space in the right side you should be able to make colour bombs.
Watch your remaining moves as there are not many to spare.
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Anonymous said...

Tin tin here....after the last one which was really hard this looks dead simple, but it took me lots of lives to get the right board....often finished with one or two jellies I could not get at. I found looking for wrapped and striped combos all through the game worked, especially trying to get them so they wipe out the heavy blocks on the right side of the page.

Jane said...

This was a fun one. I did use a fish but just concentrate on getting one level open to another. The cascades coming through will take care of the rest of the jelly. Once I got the bottom open I had cascades all over the place

Bling59 said...

Pretty easy and fun level after some nasty levels. Hope there is more fun to come.

Bill. said...

Wrapped candy very useful rhs difficult to get combinations, took 20 attempts.

Anonymous said...

c/candycrush here

Enjoyable level though not super easy.

Basically it is about waiting for the right board because no matter how quickly you break through the first two boards, you can sometimes be left with no immediate moves on the top right segment.

Anonymous said...

Another silly level with too many blockers and not enough moves. Getting so bored with pointless levels. I love the ones where you have to work out strategies and actually be responsible for winning by yourself.

Anonymous said...

This level is ridiculous. It's impossible to get through the meringue things in so few moves. This level is the icing on 2020!