Candy Crush Saga Level 1218

Hints and tips for level 1218 Candy Crush Saga
There are two ways to complete level 1218.
One way is to use the frog, the other is to switch two colour bombs together.
1. Clear the blockers and grow the frog, while at the same time using stripes and stripe/wrap combos to clear as much of the jelly as you can. Once the frog is fully grown place it on the square shown in the image below. This will clear all the jelly that you will be unable to touch with the combos.
Any jelly left can be cleared with combos.
You can also use a colour bomb on the same colour candies as the frog to refill him and use him again.
2. If you are lucky enough to be able to get two colour bombs together they will clear all the jelly in one go. 
Video below
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Unknown said...

Your tips are the best. I completed this level with no boosters on the first try using your suggestions. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

2 color bombs..done..concentrate on that only..frog ok but color bombs easy to make

Anonymous said...

With no boosters on first try?? Unbelieveable....
I am struggling with this level.

Van5 said...

Got this third try. Lucky enough to get 3 stripe/ wrap combos which cleared all the cream and grew the frog. Finished with 18 moves left! Not usually this lucky! Good luck everyone!

Wendy said...

Great tips here. I was struggling with the frog, but brought one color bomb into the game with me and was able to make a second with almost 20 moves left. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I am stuck on this one.. boring again. I dont play candy crush to often now as I just find they a lot of there levels are really boring

Anonymous said...

Day 3 and I am still stuck on this boring boring boring level.. time to go

LynnR said...

It took a fews tries but I finally got this one by getting wrapped and striped candies and a couple of color bombs, and finally the frog for the upper left square of jellies. Just a lucky board I guess.

Anonymous said...

Don't even bother with stripes/wraps and frog. After a couple of tries, I concentrated on making bombs and got 2 together and it cleared everything... With moves left. Good luck to all.

dancinggirl said...

Finally after many tries, made two bombs, moved them next to each other and crossed them.

Anonymous said...

I completed this level and advanced a few more levels, and now I have it again. Not sure what's going on. Has anyone else encountered this glitch?

Anonymous said...

Pretty tough.
Candy crush is getting pretty boring.

Anonymous said...

After 3 days of this, I was finally able to use a fish booster and 2 hammers to finish this off. Couldn't even get close otherwise. Onward....

Anonymous said...

This has been the best day of crushing candy in a loooooong time. Was stuck on 1207 forever, and finally got it yesterday. Today I finished 1208 through 1217. Ran out of lives and nerves on 1218. Had an amazing amount of luck today, but a lot of help from this page and all the posted comments. Thanks for the help to all of you here at top gun.

Rob Mason
Banner Elk, NC

Anon lafy said...

I grew the frog and placed it twice, but not all the jelly went. However, on my third try I got two sprinkles which I matched with a swirch hand.
Bingo! Job done.

Mindy said...

Still stuck several days later! BORING!

Mindy said...

Still stuck several days later! BORING!

Bill. said...

Finished using wrapped candies plus striped candy with the frog to clear the last jelly. Difficult level needed a lot of attempts.

Anonymous said...

Two colour bombs together is the way to go. Hang in there and get lucky! :)

Anonymous said...

My frog was blue & absolutely no blues came near it nor was I able to make a sprinkle! Rigged!

Unknown said...

Still struggling with this level. Grrrr ����

monica said...

The game keeps crashing when I go to move the frog to the middle top jelly. Has anyone else had this problem. I emailed technical support but they seem to be no help.

Anonymous said...

I am having same problem as Monica. Game crashes whenever I move frog

Anonymous said...

I am having the same problem, when I move the frog to the clear jellies, the app crashes.

Callie said...

That's happening to me too!!! I have no clue what to do. I may have to buy a bunch of hammers but hate to spend $.

Callie said...

That's happening to me too!!! I have no clue what to do. I may have to buy a bunch of hammers but hate to spend $.

Anonymous said...

Same problem - tried uninstalling and reinstalling but still crashes when moving the frog. Very frustrating!

Fuzzy Colter said...

Same here. Frog crash frustration.

Lanceygirl said...

Help! Every time the frog gets full and I try to move him. The app QUITS!!!

Lanceygirl said...

Help! Every time the frog gets full and I try to move him. The app QUITS!!!

Barb W said...

Having the same problem. It's happened twice. I'll go for the two bombs.

Anonymous said...

Please fix the frog problem!!!!!!

colorado_cat said...

Very frustrating. Please fix the frog crashing the app.

Anonymous said...

I am having the same issue with the frog. Very annoying!

Anonymous said...

Crashing when I click on the frog said...

Same here. As soon as I move frog the app crashes

Anonymous said...

It is about time this problem was fixed. The only way to complete 1218 is to be lucky enough to have to bombs, the frog is a waste of time as it crashes the game and you lose a life. How may more complaints before King fix this.

Patrick said...

I'm on iOS and having the same problem definitely a glitch

Anonymous said...

Glad it's not just keeps crashing when I use the frog too....very annoying and no way will I pay to get through the stage!

Annnnnnnnne said...

Same here. Did it on both my android & iPad.

Unknown said...

I am having the same problem both on my phone and iPad. Every time I go to use the frog the game crashes!

liz said...

Time King fixed this glitch! I was within finishing, used the frog and the game crashed! That's happened twice now so I won't be playing candy crush again till I see on this page that it's been fixed

Trapeze said...

Same here: app crashes when i use the frog on the jelly - ios 9.3.2

Unknown said...

Same with crashes once I pick up frog

jreyes0210 said...

Yes me too. Frustrating.

Anonymous said...

So why is this not fixed. I tried six times with the frog and it kept crashing. I decided to read here and everyone else is too. Please fix this problem

Anonymous said...

Tried to move the frog 3 times and game disappeared. Wasted 3 sprinkles and have contacted King. Glad I came to this blog.

Lucia sg said...

Estou tendo o mesmo problema... desistalei e instalei novamente o problema continua.. 😢😢

Anonymous said...

Frog crashes for me to king please fix this problem. Since again can't be one without frog I guess I won't be playing until it's fixed

Anonymous said...

I've tried the 2 color bomb and it doesnt clear all the jelly. it leaves the last 4 squares in the top right corner. anyone else have this problem?

Anonymous said...

Put 2 color sprinkles together, Left 2 jellies in upper right. Put the frog on them. Have 2 moves left, so trying to use hammer on frog and hammer won't hammer the stinking frog!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Well I have been on this level for longer than I have ever been on a level. When I grow the frog and place him my game cancel out. I think there is a malfunction. I can move the frog any place but in the clear jelly area.

Unknown said...

Me too! Can't place frog in the jelly :-(

Anonymous said...

I cannot place frog in jelly area. Very frustrated. Can anyone help? I have played on my iPad and my iPhone

Anonymous said...

Never been able to move frog onto just jelly which has never mattered before.... so annoying as I am able to fill him up so often :(

Anonymous said...

Argh... seems still frog problem as it just won't move, and nothing that even resembles a sprinkle in sight!

Unknown said...

Me too! I'll never get past this anyone any solution?

flyfshrgrl said...

Even with the new iOS update, I can't place the frog in the upper left quadrant, either. Just ignoring it and working on color bombs.

Unknown said...

Happening to me toooooo 😡😡😡😡

AngelS said...

I used all of the above tips and am not finding this level easy. I finally threw all of my boosters at it and still have not won! Guess I need that 'lucky' board. Arrrgggghhhhh!

Alessandra said...
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Alessandra said...

Don’t waste your fish booster on this level
I got ONE FISH at the beginning and that was it —-- totall waste !

Anonymous said...

2 sprinkle bombs together. Game over.

Snoozin said...

I can't believe I didn't read the hints first, like usual. I've spent DAYS on this stupid level. Finally went to this blog and voila....finished in 2 tries. Whew. Thanks for all the help.