Candy Crush Saga Level 1223

Hints and tips for level 1223 Candy Crush Saga
The ingredients will fall down on the same moves on every game, so you need to make these moves under the dispensers to allow the ingredients to fall. They can only fall down from the dispensers if there is space for them to fall into.
The moves are; 40, 34, 28 and 22.
Once the ingredients are on the board you need to get them onto the conveyor so that they can be carried in towards the center of the board and over the exits.
DO NOT let them fall below the conveyor in the outside two columns, left and right, or you will have to move them into columns where there is an exit.
Once the ingredients are in a column with an exit make a match below them to get them off the conveyor.
All the time you are working to get the ingredients in place you need to be clearing the blockers to open the exits. Stripe/wrap combos are probably the best combos, but anything that breaks the blockers is good.
Video below by Skillgaming

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Anonymous said...

level 1226 is harder than diamonds! HELP

Thresa said...

Not having fun on this Level. Best I have done in days is 3 cherries one time. GRRRR

Anonymous said...

Not sure I've done a level where so much concentration was needed. It was giving me a headache. Finally got it with a good board, but also needed to use two hand switches to move an ingredient over two spaces and a hammer to bring it down. Phew!! Glad that one is done. JS

Anonymous said...

Dang, if the enemy gets it's hands on this level, we will lose the war. Maddening!!!

Unknown said...

Real pain in the arss level...

Anonymous said...

This is a crappy level.

Anonymous said...

I haven't finished this level yet, but something I have noticed twice now. IF you switch two wrapped candies, the explosion will send an ingredient away and it will take a couple of moves to appear again up at the top. DO NOT SWITCH TWO WRAPS unless you want this to happen so you can drop the ingredient back on to the conveyor.

Back to trying....

Anonymous said...

Boring, Boring, Boring. I have yet to get even one ingredient down.

Anonymous said...

If you do not have hand switches do not waste your time. There is no other way to win this level, the restricted board will force most of your ingredients down the end two columns since you will have no other moves. Let the ingredients fall where they will, the player has no control - there is no strategy or thinking involved - just clear the cream. Once you have an exit unblocked, hand switch them over, there is no other way to complete this level.

Anonymous said...

Agree concentrated on clearing cream..tried dropping fruits but 2 on left I was lucky to have 4 hand switches left and enuff moves to clear all but one..used hammer dropping 2 fruit and all 4 hand switches with careful play and its done. Awful level but seriously u must just clear cream and take all the advice in our comments. .gl

Jocelyn said...

Coconut wheel and 1 hand did the trick to finish with 2 stars.

Anonymous said...

Used only a coconut wheel and completed with 2 stars. Spent about 25 turns on this level and used the coconut wheel about 5 other times before I passed this level. I managed to get the cherries one on top of each other and I only needed the coconut wheel to knock out the last blocker in their way.

Anonymous said...

That was ugly! Thx for the coconut tip. Took 3 times plus one hand switch. Impossible without

Anonymous said...

Used a coconut wheel & 2 hand switches to finish off the level. NC

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the advice. I've been on this level for days. The best advice is to just clear the blockers and let the fruit fall. I used 3 hand switches and finally passed the level.

Anonymous said...

Yikes....what a horrible level!

Ultramum said...

Although a dire and difficult level I'm enjoying playing it. I have no hands switches left so may be here a few days!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ooooh this one is a nightmare, been playing two days and never even got any ingredients down yet, ahhh well, I'll keep at it :'(

Anonymous said...

Finished this level after maybe 30 turns by being able to open up the left side with wraps and stripes early on and then dropping all the ingredients from the conveyer belt down that side only. The first two were sitting together so used a stripe/wrap combo to bring down. The other two were eventually brought down with 3 moves left. No boosters, nothing fancy. Just a good board. I enjoyed playing this level. Frustrating when your ingredients keep falling into the wrong column though.

Anonymous said...

No hand switches, no wheels--up a creek with no paddle on this one. Either the fruit is in the way and I can't clear the jelly or the fruit is on the sides with no exit. Sigh.....

Anonymous said...

Wrote the comment above. Next board was the lucky one and I'm done, no boosters needed!!! On to the next. Wish you all the same luck!

Anonymous said...

A coconut and I hand switch did the trick! Make sure you reset your board till coconut is where it will be most help! Thanks and good luck- this one was a stinker!!
CC from vero😎

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on the coconut wheel. That seemed to open the bord enough to get going. Then when all the fruit was at the bottom in the row next to the exit, I used four hand swaps to be done with the level!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. It's obvious what needs to be done but not always easy to do. No matter how careful you are sometimes the fruit ends up where you don't want it to be be. Coconut wheels haven't done it for me yet.

Bling59 said...

Had to use three hand switches but it was worth it. Wasn't going to be playing this too many times.

Anonymous said...

been playing 3 days, used every single booster I've had. Nothing seems to help. I'm getting tired!

Unknown said...

Instead of "hard Level" before the game starts, they should actually put "Boring Level, again. Please wait for a Lucky Board"...

Unknown said...

How do i know if I have the lucky board

Anon lafy said...

Oh wow - what a very nasty level. I used hand switches to make combos as well as moving one candy over an exit. Thank goodness that one is done.

Anonymous said...

OK! all out of boosters. Need a lucky board for this stupid level please!!

Anonymous said...

In the end I made boosters while trying to beat this level and finally had some hammers and switch hands again. Used up my 4 switch hands to get through. It was worth it though. Btw, tried coconut wheel twice but it did not do anything good for me.
Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

My first cherry dropped on move 38 not 34. On a PC.

Bill. said...

Try to drop all the fruit on one side and make sure they fall down a column with an exit port. Need only clear one side then to drop the fruit.

Me said...

Ive 3 been on this horrible level for weeks now and ive got no hand swap or coconut boosters and refuse to pay for them. King is just money hungry and people arebored with this now.

Me said...

Ive 3 been on this horrible level for weeks now and ive got no hand swap or coconut boosters and refuse to pay for them. King is just money hungry and people arebored with this now.

Anonymous said...

This level is so bad! Horizontal stripes are pretty much worthless. Hard to beat a level if you can get any combinations or get anywhere close to clearing the last level of cream. :/

sprocket2 said...

Yuck! I finally did this by getting all 4 cherries to fall over the same exit portal and then using 3 lollipops to get the tile under them out of the way. I had 17 moves left when I got the cherries in place but I couldn't get enough plays to remove that darn bottom tile. I was thankful for the cherries and for the info as to which moves the cherries would fall on. Previously I did try using a coconut wheel booster but it did me no good at all. I hope this help someone. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Just plain nasty. Enough said. If there was a Quit this game button, I would be pretty darn tempted to hit it right now.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Difficult. I'll have to save up some lollipops to beat this level. Thanks for the tip.

Anonymous said...

You simply need a LOT of luck to finish this one without boosters! Level sucks big time.

derek said...

coconut wheel's are next to useless thry're alway's in the wrong place,and if your not careful they'll go off by them selves and go the wrong way

Anonymous said...

This is not a good game at does not let you get stripes and wraps enough to help you out. Boring game

Unknown said...

Reading the tips and I have no hand swaps and can't kill enough cream Coz trying to focus on getting the stupid cherries down in right exits arghhhhh impossible with out boosters need

Unknown said...

Continued...... Would really appreciate some Help with a good board please king, cheers kaba

Anonymous said...

I did it! used coconut. opened up boosters at top without losing them. switched color ball with wrap…kaboom

Anonymous said...

This is a very hard level but at least it makes you think. So tired of levels that are just luck. Hand switches are a must and I go to over games to win the candies - hoping hand switches will be the prize. It may take a few more days!

Anonymous said...

Good game, enjoyable. Haven't cracked it yet but at least it's a level that taxes your brain.

Anonymous said...

Either cant get the fruit in the right place or I run out of moves. Its becoming annoying now and a lucky board will be hard to spot in time. Help!

Happy said...

Thanks for the great tips. Got it on second try. Used hand switch once,, 8 moves leftover, three stars!

Veronica said...

Been on this level for a week. Can't stand it anymore.

Anonymous said...

I was able to get three of the cherries to line up and fall through. I had to use a candy hammEr so I could switch candies to get the last one. It's tough, but doable without buying boosters.

Anonymous said...

Niveau sans stratégie. Nul. Stupide. Niveau fait pour dépenser de l'argent, encore de l'argent, toujours plus d'argent. Lamentable. Aucun plaisir.

Anonymous said...

Niveau impossible. Une honte !

Anonymous said...

C'est tellement long d'attendre que le tapis roulant bouge entre chaque mouvement que j'abandonne. Je n'ai pas la patience, désolé... Vous êtes des malades mentaux, et vous prenez plaisir à faire souffrir les joueurs, mais les joueurs s'en vont.

Anonymous said...

Trop lent ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie ! On s'ennuie !

Anonymous said...

C'est nul , et bien trop long entre chaque mouvement. Ce niveau m'a totalement dégoûté de jouer.

Anonymous said...

Pay to win ! Minable ! Nul !

Anonymous said...

Niveau lamentable ! Une honte ! Nul! Fuyez !

Anonymous said...

Ce niveau montre que Candy crush est un jeu d'argent. Aucun plaisir.

Anonymous said...

Nul! Impossible ! Niveau de merde !

cvbcb said...

Need Lucky Board, PFL!

Lorraine said...

Cmon !! This is BEYOND boring !!! Getting tired of playing !!

Unknown said...

So bored and frustrated with this level. Only 23 moves! You have to have a bunch of hand switches to do this. Ready to quit this game. This is an awful level, been on it a week.