Candy Crush Saga Level 1265

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1265 Candy Crush Saga
Look at the whole board carefully before you make a move. If you can make a move in the top part do it as this will clear licorice. If you can't make a move in the top make special's in the bottom part of the board.
Keep checking the top as eventually you will be able to make moves as the conveyor brings the candies together.
It may be a good idea to save your specials and combos for when some of the licorice is cleared so they will clear the maximum amount of jelly. But if you have some good combos and have no better moves left you can use them to clear the licorice. I find it a bit of a waste to use combos against licorice though as it will only shift one or two pieces while making a match will clear much more.
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Anonymous said...

As before, to complete this episode, it consume a lot of my boosters and gold bars for extra moves


Anonymous said...

It's impossible to see where the jellies are. I thought I cleared them many times & yet no candy crush! NC

Anonymous said...

Before I move on to the next episode, I wanted to thank the King for Halloween free chocoballs! They saved me time, frustrations most of all my boosters I'm sure I would had to use to beat some of the levels on this episode! I speed through them thanks to your gifts❤️ I love CC!

Anonymous said...

What are Hallowe'en chocolate balls?

Anonymous said...

To be able to see the remaining jellies just press on the hand booster then cancel

Ultramum said...

Another boring level waiting for a lucky board ... Much prefer a skill level even when it is a hard one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hand switch tip- never thought of it but it really helps highlight the board!!
CC from vero

Michelle said...

Hand switch tip is if I could just beat this level

Anonymous said...

Got through using a fish booster

Anonymous said...

Rats! I cleared all the jellies, used a cholocalte bomb on the last one. Then the game froze with 0 moves and didn't end. When the game started back up it has me back on this level.

Anon lafy said...

I am definitely on a lucky roll - I got this first time before I looked at Miss Cookie's tips! That was because I was collecting sugar drop boosters. I bet the next level is a toughie.

Bill. said...

Difficult level. Finished with fish plus wrapped candy. Ignore the bottom altogether.

Anonymous said...

Agree they have all been real boring lately!

Anonymous said...

Question for any level. It never fails, when I get a sprinkle ball I always get a stripe/wrap and a wrap/wrap and I don't know which combo makes the most difference as far as clearing the candies. I realize I'm on level 1268, but I don't know which one gives the most benefit as far as clearing candies. Can someone help an old grandma out? Thanks

Calamity said...

Thank you for that tip. Never knew that.

Calamity said...

I find a wrap candy and sprinkle ball does the most damage but I've read sprinkle ball with wrap gives more points. Wrap/wrap is awesome as it clears many adjacent squares but wrap/stripe hits three columns and three rows

Anonymous said...

I complete level 1265 but game won't move me to level 1266

Anonymous said...

My game on my PC has only 20 moves, not 25 like the video. Very difficult with only 20 moves.

Orangy said...

I also had 20 moves on pc. Used cookie booster, first with wrap and then made another and used it with a stripe. Lots of moves left. I do wish King would test play these levels more!