Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1293 Candy Crush Saga without boosters
If you are playing on mobile level 1293 is extremely hard, try on a PC if you can and you will find it much easier, the tips below and video are for PC.
If you are playing on mobile level 1293 is extremely hard, try on a PC if you can and you will find it much easier, the tips below and video are for PC.
You need to work your way into the middle using any method you can. Look carefully first to see it you can make a stripe or a wrap and get them on the conveyor so it will take them where they will do most damage to the cream blockers.
Any combo is good if you can get the specials together and you will also get some mystery candies falling which will help. The more cascades you can make the more mystery candies will appear.
Get the cascades by working close to the bottom of the board, but only after you have checked for better moves elsewhere.
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Just got this level available on android and it is slightly different. The middle square is a popcorn blocker, and in 3 plays, I haven't got a single mystery candy. It's harder than the example shown here.
Playing on iOS on iPhone. Same problem, popcorn in center and no mysteries
Would like to add I used a fish booster. Wound up luckily with a bomb + bomb combo, a bomb + stripe combo, AND a strip + fish combo...didn't make a lick of difference. This board is ridiculous!! We're at 1293 so I can't say impossible because of how many levels we have conquered to get to this point but dammmmmn this is a wack level!
I left the first comment here, and I've just passed on my third attempt when playing on my computer. I wouldn't even waste time on this level on your phone until it is updated. There is no way you are going to pop a popcorn with limited moves and no mystery candies. King needs to fix this.
Mine is the same, no mystery candies at all ! What do we do ?
Yup and just installed latest update too and its not fixed. Thanks will do this on my PC too. Just impossible on android as is..2 attempts and its obvious can't be done .. thanks
Without boosters impossible. .. with boosters almost impossible...still needed 5 extra moves. Played on Android phone
Tried a few times, and I also think impossible on iPad without boosters. Glad to have those sugar drops. All three boosters, a hammer and several hand switches later, glad to be done with this level.
A bit of continuity between devices would be good. As one of the users mentioned on Android as I use alongside my pc there is a popcorn in the middle and no ? candies at all. Renders the level almost impossible on your phone. I was able to break the popcorn but still had multiple cream blockers in the way so nothing to do with it anyway. However, played once on my pc and passed first go no boosters. Go figure right?
No luck on my 1st 5 attempts...seriously King who tests these games. Last station again and I wasted so many boosters only to watch video and see my game was different. .I had solid walls whereas update had mostly white ones! Pissed me off as I got it straight away updating..but updating was futile for this one..hence who is testing. I managed to break popcorn but walls need huge blasts but !!
1st 5 attempts on computer I meant above
Dang hopefully I can pass on my PC no.luck after 5 tries on it
Playing on ipad. No way, even with boosters and extra moves. I'm not really even getting close. I also have popcorn in the middle. I can't see how this will be possible.
Well, I am so disappointed in this level, I'm on iOS and find it disgusting that this level is not passable!
Why should the game be different in different formats?
Shocking behavior!
Finally beat it using all 3 boosters, candy bomb, striped+wrapped, fish. Very early on I had saved the candy bomb and got lucky with a second. Let it move along the conveyor until they were lined up to combine. Also used the striped+wrapped combo when it was able to hit all 9 after the center popcorn was already busted. Then a fish+stripe combo cleared the rest of it for me. Probably took about 40 or so attempts. Thankfully these sugar drops load us up with boosters, cause that's not too many tries compared to the pre-sugar drop times.
Playing on iPad. After reading posts, went for all 3 boosters. Made some stripes & as they were in a good position hit them with a hammer doing some serious damage to center blockers. Last few moves hammered 1 of the "silver" blockers to allow candy to drop into the middle, finished this off. Totally NOT possible without our saved boosters. Pathetic board
Well, for the first time ever in my history of playing candy crush, this level drove me to the computer. I hate playing games on the computer. I only use ipad. But I found this impossible on my ipad. On the computer....I passed on the second try. It is a very different game on ipad vs. computer. - Jaime
Same as above... Played on computer... Passed on second try with ease.
Thanks so much for all of the above advice. After playing many, many times last night on mobile I played on a computer this morning and passed on my third try. Only 2nd level I've had to play on computer. Play on Android devices and only managed to get the popcorn once. Not only do the mobile devices have more layers of blockers, a center popcorn, no Mystery candies, it only has 35 moves compared to 40 on computer.
I think I may have to save up 56 lollipop hammers on the sugar drops to kill off the cream blockers and then hope I can kill the popcorn and other jellies with the 35 moves remaining. Ridiculous! First time I have posted, and quite possibly my last....
Such a hard level. Boosters don't seem to make a dent. Waiting for lucky board.
It is not a lucky board you are waiting for. Read the posts above and email King at (replyto.kcare@king.com) They need to hear complaints and correct the game for mobile devices.
Also, good to hear comments from "Cat" again. Been wondering where you were (and not the "Trojan").
To Anon. above at 19:11
Thanks. Checking in hope that people were getting any luckier, and read your post. Haven't been anywhere. In general, I post if I think it might be helpful or to add to the consensus as to fairness of levels (or lack thereof and God help the poor souls still stuck on 1247) so if I've nothing to add...
Best of luck to all.
Well I used all 3 boosters for this game after reading the comments. Fish, stripe/wrap, and colour bomb. Whenever I had a stripe lined up with the popcorn, I used a hammer to set it off. Also used 5 hammers at the end to bash the middle blockers and also 5 hand switches. Ended up with stripes in the centre which set themselves off. I don't have a computer to play on, just my iPad, and after playing this twice, I knew it was going to take a lot of my boosters if I wanted to get past this level. Thank goodness for sugar drops or there is no way I would have gotten past this. I did manage one colour bomb/ stripe combo which also helped. I seriously think this level needs to be modified. 35 moves is not nearly enough.
After having no luck and browsing the comments, I used all three boosters and beat it the first try. I'm playing on an iPad, I don't have a computer so switching devices wasn't an option. Glad the boosters worked!
The advice to play on the computer worked for me. Got it on the second attempt, on ipad it had seemed impossible. It's a much easier board on PC.
No mystery candies on my board
No mystery boosters either! Need lots of boosters! Still going!!
Just managed it on tablet. Used a sprinkle booster which used with striped candy cleared some of the blockers. Nearer the end had to use about 10 hammers to finish with 1 move and one star. Glad am off this one now, waiting for the next episode.
Impossible on iPhone. Check the hints here and then did it on computer. Finished easily with no boosters - with 10ish moves left.
Yeah listen to everyone on here. Played loads on ipad without getting anywhere near...First time on PC needed one. Second time did it with lots to spare. Great tips all. Thanks
Jeej! Made it.
Thought I had to wait for an update, played on iPad with all three boosters and a few hammers.
Still had 11 moves left and got three stars.
Thanks for your comments, helped me big time.
People constant wine about not being able to pass levels, but since sugar drops everybody has more boosters to make it all doable imho.
If it would be too easy there is no fun in playing, or is there?
Good luck and success to all crush players!
Greetings from Holland :-)
Don't even play this on your iPad......2 tries on my desktop with no boosters! It felt like a totally different game. I have to admit that I almost got close to opening up the popcorn on my iPad and I was becoming pretty proficient at making the stripe candies and setting them off but it just was not worth the frustration. It's not often I resort to my desktop but this level warranted it....come on King, make the game the same for all devices!
Thank you for these comments and this blog. Whenever I'm stuck I come here and find useful items such as that the game on the phone is different and impossible. I kept thinking, how is this not designated as a hard level? Tried on FB and got it on the first try. Thanks again.
Playing on iPad. Again, getting cheated by King. Impossible to beat this level without mystery candies! Please, King, the same game for all formats!
Need 3 days to finished this level. Now i'm on the way to 1296.
I was same playing ios getting frustrated. went on computer passed first time with all the differences
It certainly is tricky on the iPhone! I find it hard to believe King would make a daft mistake. As with level 1000, I expect it has been deliberately made more difficult on iphone (my only source of play) in order to encourage players to sign in to use FB, and thus be more valuable to them at a a time they are selling the company. Level 1000, notorious for being impossible on iPhone, was made easier all of a sudden after about 10 days, so doubtless we'll all be back in iPhone action sometime around this coming weekend. Personally, I don't think it's been much fun from about 1268, which could be a problem for the guys paying $5bn for King. Charlie
Impossible. Laurie
Level 1293. This is only passable on a PC. I tried and tried on my iPad to no avail since the cauliflower in the middle could not be attacked with ammunition due to the layout of the board. I switched to a PC and passed it first time since there are special candies made available and no cauliflower to hit! I did not have to use any boosters either. Do not waste your time on a tablet. Get on your PC (or borrow one), and log into FB to pass this (as I did), and get over this level once and for all. I have no idea why King would decide to make this level so different and difficult for tablet users. I asked them and I did not receive an answer to that question.
Level 1293. This is only passable on a PC. I tried and tried on my iPad to no avail since the cauliflower in the middle could not be attacked with ammunition due to the layout of the board. I switched to a PC and passed it first time since there are special candies made available and no cauliflower to hit! I did not have to use any boosters either. Do not waste your time on a tablet. Get on your PC (or borrow one), and log into FB to pass this (as I did), and get over this level once and for all. I have no idea why King would decide to make this level so different and difficult for tablet users. I asked them and I did not receive an answer to that question.
This is impossible, candy make the blockers easier to break I've been at it for days and never got close to clearing the middle. Also what are mystery candies? I don't get them!
Thank you Candy Crush all help, took the advice here and played on the computer, never done that before, got it first time, easy peasy. Sorry to those who only have the iPad!
I cleared on my Sony android phone! No mystery candies so its possible. Got two wrapped candies who did the trick!
Playing on tablet and getting no where. Everytime I make a stripe it either drops to bottom or goes off before I would like it to. No special candies here. 35 moves is not near enough. May be the end for me.ðŸ˜
Completely absurd! Those of us who don't own computers are forced to give up playing CC because of this level!
First time playing it on pc. How unfair! It is simple and fun on pc. No popcorn in center and easy to pass.
Yes you will never pass it on phone or ipad unless they make it same game as on pc. Don't understand why they did this.
Played on android with popcorn in center and no mystery candy. Used sprinkle and fish. Got lucky...combined 2 sprinkles. Needed to use 2 hammers and 1 switch. Glad to be done with this level!
This level is not classed as a "hard level " and yet despite playing it numerous times on iPad I havnt got anywhere even close !! Sort it out King!
Have been playing on both an iPad and Android phone; increasingly frustrated. Then checked out the tips and tried on the PC. Passed within 4 tries with no boosters. Totally different format - no popcorn blocker in the middle and falling mystery candies (they helped a lot). Thanks yet again; this site makes me sane :-)
Finally tried om PC.Took 5 tries, but nothing like on phone. I hate when king makes levels harder on certain devices.
This level is a nightmare. It isn't even a difficult level according to them. I've used special move and combos and have been stuck for weeks. You are lucky if you can pop the popcorn in the middle as it is so difficult. Sooo bored of this now.
Just checked today's update for iPad and STILL NOT SORTED! This is ridiculous. Nearest I have got in a week is probably needing about another 25 moves....
Played for a couple hours on the iPad and never once even close. I don't know why I continue to waste my time without checking the PC version, because this has to be the 20th time this has happened. First try on the PC and I'm past. I guess programming is hard.
Come on King make this fair for those of us that do not use a pc..Please.
With everyone else on this, NO special candies to be seen ANYWHERE! More wasted moves along with not making a dent in the middle of the board, even with combos. Had two chocolate bombs side by side, never cleared any,of it. King, you need an update on this level for iPad and iPhone...
What are they talking about? I play ipad and iphone and played this for almost teo weeks no mysterycandies at all! Do they take us as fools?
I just passed this on my phone with no boosters and 4 moves left, so it can be done. (I wasted a bunch of boosters on previous futile tries, though, so I paid my dues.) Concentrate on crushing through the top edge so you can get the candies to fall down inside the block of cream, Blow a wrap near the edge and work on getting the same color around a cream edge so that the conveyor will cause 3 candies to fall together and break cream. Once you are inside the block it is easy to make combos in there to do the rest of the damage. Breaking in the top works best but the sides can be used too. Hoping for random stripes isn't going to work because they rarely blow in the best spot or drop off the belt. A sprinkle ball encased in cream doesn't do any good - you need to get in there first. In previous tries I had many sprinkle/stripe combos that just blew up candies on the conveyor and didn't do much damage. I even had 2 sprinke balls together once to no avail (one of those wasted boosters). Blowing a wrap on top of that top cream is key to getting those candies to fall down. Hope this helps
Just beat this level on iPad using 1 hand swap booster and a lot of luck. It's taken a lot of tries over 3 days but it is doable with a lucky board. Glad to see the back of that one. It's not even labelled as a hard level ! It's horrible !!
FINALLY did it on iPad, but needed 5extra moves and one hammer. If (and it's a huge if) you can break through a column of three blockers either side of the middle square, the board starts to disintegrate quite quickly. Took me more than a week though...
It should be label as a hard level especially on the mobile 1...i been stuck for days so unfair the computer 1 is different
I tried for days to get past this level on my phone, and didnt even get close. Played it on my laptop, and got it in 2 tries! So much easier on the computer, no popcorn in center, plus lots of mystery candy!
Glad I looked at this site been trying for ages on my iPad and got nowhere, but completed 2nd attempt on pc
Playing on iPad and read comments! Tried using all boosters and not really getting close. I've never played on computer. How do you get your current level to come up? Do you have to synchronize them up somehow?
I fear I'm going to be on this level forever!! Happy to use boosters but why waste them and no success in the end😔
CC from vero😎
King really needs to fix this as everyone said!! How can you have different versions of the same level??
Well, I gave it one more try after posting and FINALLY beat it in iPad. Thanks you Van!! I had won green challenge so I had a pretty good stash of booster. Used all three to start and reset board till my sprinkle was lined up with stripe and there were quite a few of same color as stripe on board( my previous efforts didn't have that!) did a fair amount of damage but using the hammer to set off stripes lined up with popcorn helped more but too another 4 or 5 lollipops and several hand switches but I'm am done!!! Thanks All!
CC from vero😎
Ps. Grandma you can do it if I finally got it!
This level completely blows. No specials at all are ya gunna f***ing update this boring ass level or make me keep wasting my f***ing time
This level completely blows. No specials at all are ya gunna f***ing update this boring ass level or make me keep wasting my f***ing time
Pass the stage on android a few days ago. No boosters nor any candies used. First i get rid of the 3 blocks on the left. This is set the candies to flow through, eventually creating more blasts along the way.
I have been playing CC for a long time but I honestly don't see any way to pass this level. I appreciate the tips and I see how just a select few have passed but it shouldn't be a select. I don't see any mystery candies that may help.
I played for over a week and was about to give up. Finally got the lucky board and finished with 8 moves left and no boosters. Attack the box from all sides and hope things fall into place. Ridiculous.
Just passed this level on iPad! Very lucky board allowing me to combine 2 sprinkles and 2 stripes. Then was able to finish with 2 hand switches and 1 hammer. Awful level for iOS players!
I love a challenge but this is a really spiteful level. I'm playing on my Ipad so no help from mystery candies, there aren't any. Every time I set something up it either self detonated or drops to the bottom. I've wasted all my stash of free boosters apart from one hammer. These games wher you are at the mercy of a lucky board take the fun out of this game but I don't seem to be able to delete it..Annie
I previously posted and finally beat this level. After finally getting an opening in the middle I resorted to buying 5 extra moves and used 3 lollipop hammers but it was worth it to get passed this awful level. This Sucked!!!!
Awful just awful...heading to my tablet to try there...uggg
Going to have a go at this on the PC after reading the comments here. Discovered a glitch on the IPad... Tried a colour bomb, filmstrip and a fish lucky candy in desperation ... It didn't give me a wrap and stripe but still deducted one from the total ... So beware
Followed the advice here and went to FB to play on my computer. Only the second time I've had to do that. Got through first time on computer.
Thank you for the fix on 1293 King. I was about to lose me marbles on that one ��
Well, they must have finally fixed 1293 I think, although I did not get any mystery candies, I did pass on iPad without boosters! Yea!
Play on the PC, much easier. Had no chance on iPhone or iPad. Passed first go and much more fun.
Video: 5 extra moves, no popcorn, mystery candies, candies on the bottom part of the conveyor belt. I'm leaving my iPad for this one...
How do I get the fix for 1293? My iPad isn't fixed yet. Thanks
Where is everyone getting the mystery candies from? I haven't received any at all. This is a VERY difficult level.
Horrible level. Not getting anywhere on IPad.
Thanks to those who suggested using a PC to overcome this level...it works!
I finally got the new board with the mystery candies and no popcorn on my android phone. It was just a couple of tries after that. Good riddance.
It is impossible on android. No mystery candies, no falling candy to fill voids, popcorn center, and blocks that need hit 6 times! Not enough moves. I've played this level 100+ times and have not been close...I'm done until they update and change level
Thanks so much to the people who suggested playing on a PC. Its way too hard on the phone.
Taking a much needed break from this level!
On iPad. No specials that help other people. In addition central pocorn that other players don't have. Add to this blockers that need dynamite to eradicate make this impossible. Like a challenge but uneven playing field and needs sorting and soon. Off to other games until this gets sorted.
Ditto on the above. This is ridiculous! Can't even get close to the popcorn..
I finally won by playing on my PC. If you are struggling as much as I was, you absolutely should be playing on your computer. I guarantee that you will beat this one in no time.
Easy on the PC - passed it on the first try. Don't waste your time on mobile.
Totally fed up and no longer enjoying...don't quite understand why this level is different depending on the device you are playing on.
I m totally fedup i cant able to clear this level
I m totally fedup i cant able to clear this level
Just passed this level on the iPad with no extra boosters. Lucky board, I guess. 2 sprinkles together early on plus lots of easy to make stripes and candies. Keep the faith!
Absolutely rediculous level..... I play on an iPad and it's virtually impossible!! I've been playing this level for weeks, not even close once! I've wasted more boosters than I'd like to and it doesn't make one bit of a difference! Twice I managed to break the popcorn, but it doesn't help because it's all cream blockers around it so you can't use it...... Why is the game easier on a PC???? Adjust this King Saga!!! No fun at all.................
I was struggling with this level. Came here and read the recommendations. The suggestion of two wrapped candies above the cakes is a good one, but they are not as easy to make as some of the people made it sound. I just kept going until I got a lucky board and I finished this on the very last move thanks to a lot of stripes and stripe/wrap combos.
There is one layer of jelly under the single cake on the left side, but breaking up the cake knocked out the jelly when the cannon came out.
^Ignore the above comment. Accidentally posted this for the wrong level.
Ok this is not impossible on android, just completed it and didn't take too long. Ignore everything else on the board except the top where the candy drops down. You need to keep matching the candy underneath it until you get same colour candy top and bottom, then wait for a match in the middle to crumble the blocks. Once you get passed the first block it becomes quite easy to get the rest. I broke in with 22 moves left and cleared the board with 9 left. I also used a fish which helped a little.
Ok this is not impossible on android, just completed it and didn't take too long. Ignore everything else on the board except the top where the candy drops down. You need to keep matching the candy underneath it until you get same colour candy top and bottom, then wait for a match in the middle to crumble the blocks. Once you get passed the first block it becomes quite easy to get the rest. I broke in with 22 moves left and cleared the board with 9 left. I also used a fish which helped a little.
Ok this is NOT IMPOSSIBLE ON ANDROID. Contrate all efforts at the top where the candy drops down. You need to keep matching the candy underneath until you have the same colour top and bottom. The conveyor will bring the middle one into place and the block underneath will be chipped. Keep doing this as once you break in the remaining blocks are easy to clear. Focusing on the top will get you some striped candy to help shift the popcorn in the centre. Do keep your eye out for striped candy creation when you can't do anything at top of board. I also used a fish which helped a little. broke in with 22 moves left and finished with 9.
Ok this is NOT IMPOSSIBLE ON ANDROID. Contrate all efforts at the top where the candy drops down. You need to keep matching the candy underneath until you have the same colour top and bottom. The conveyor will bring the middle one into place and the block underneath will be chipped. Keep doing this as once you break in the remaining blocks are easy to clear. Focusing on the top will get you some striped candy to help shift the popcorn in the centre. Do keep your eye out for striped candy creation when you can't do anything at top of board. I also used a fish which helped a little. broke in with 22 moves left and finished with 9.
Just downloaded the latest update. King listened and read the problems. The popcorn is no longer on the mobiles.
Took 3 swaps and one hammer but I passed it on first try after update.
Yay they finally updated the iPad iPhone version to be the same as PC. Passed in third attempt!
Thanks for the tips, i have been stuck and closest uas about 6 blocks to go. Play mainly on phone, will use computer now! Thankfully i haven't wasted boosters etc cause I wasn't even close. Cheers to all of u.
There are 5 more trys on the attached video than I'm getting on my phone too! (35). Very hard level.
After all the comments above I was expecting a real toughie, especially as I play on an iPad. However, I have just passed the level on my FIRST try, only using a hand switch to match a sprinkle with a stripe. Done with several moves left. OK, I must have been lucky, but nil desperandum all those still struggling. Do not give up!
Good luck.
This was doable on iPad but definitely "Insanely Hard" ! This took me many many tries over a couple days or so. Attacking the middle popcorn was a huge challenge due to the restricted board space.
Just got new update yesterday, now very fair level on iPad . Beat it in 4 tries without boosters. My first post here, but thanks to all for sharing tips to pave the way!
Playing on iPad passed first try no boosters, must be a lucky board for me or you lot just don't know what you are doing ...... Ha ha
Playing on my kindle fire I took the advice above and got the cc update from Amazon and it only took me a couple of tries to pass after that. The updated version is much easier.
Fish booster helped me too clear this level at second try.. All the best.
Thanks for the tip about using the PC version to beat this level. I had first started out on my android (with no mystery candies) and could barely make a dent in the middle cream blockers. Tried it on the PC (with the mystery candies) and got it on the 3rd try!!!
I don't have access to a computer !!!
Been playing this on my Android tablet for weeks - bloody impossible to pass even with boosters..��
King please fix the bug...��
So, I've been on this level for 10 days now.
Absolutely no chance of moving on and totally bored.
This will be the level I delete the whole game on..
Why should it be different on Android to a pc.
Agree found it much easier on the Pc with mystery candy, very strange.
Every time I get stuck on a level I come to this blog and my lovely friends get me through it! Had tried for days on my iPad unsuccessfully but after reading the comments logged I on a PC instead and it's so much easier, mystery candies too! Get on a PC folks 😃
Get on a PC!
Must have made this easier. Passed on second try on iPad, no boosters, no popcorn in middle.
I alternate on my iPad and phone, as I don't have a pc. I thought I've managed to get through merangues before so surely I can do it again. It was difficult trying to get stripes or wraps and stripes together and get them to the right spot without them exploding by themselves on the way. However this time I went slowly and checked the board on each turn. I managed to get some stripes in line with the merangues and at the end a wrapper dropped in the centre, all I needed was something to set it off, and my moves were very low. But I didn't have to worry as when another cascade occurred it set off the wrapper. Game complete. No boosters, 2 stars and I'm ok with that. Before I started this time, I was tempted to use all three boosters but I'm glad I relented.
Good luck everyone.
They must have made this easier as I passed on my second try on tablet. No popcorn in the middle and I did use the fish booster.
Passed the first time on my I Phone. No popcorn in the middle
Fun level. Passed fairly quickly on my Android tablet. If there was a glitch in the program for iPads, it must be fixed. One of my mystery candies turned out to be the pink licorice allsort and it took out all of the first level center candies and it was quick cleanup after that.
USED IPAD NO BOOSTERS!!!made stripes fired into cream in middle. Concentrated on matching threes at each of the four compass points. Worked way into middle. Formed wrap with stripe line up with east and west compass points and fire. Helps clean out alot of center. Keep making those stripes. Youll get through it!
Fun level. Listened to the tips and concentrated on the middle. Got it on my 2nd try.
Good advice about the PC
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