Candy Crush Saga Level 1302

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1302 Candy Crush Saga by Allina Rumfelt
 You need a total of 8 ingredients.  You start off with 2 ingredients on the board then the other 6 come down on the 4th subsequent move.  
The ingredients drop down where ever that 4th move is made so try to anticipate the drop then make moves in the center of the board so you can align at least 3 or 4 ingredients to go down the center without having to clear popcorn.   Sometimes you can move an ingredient from the belt to the center and get it out that way too but you will not be able to get them all that way.  
Get as many stripes and wraps on the conveyor belts as you can to start destroying the popcorn.
Video below
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Van5 said...

Managed this on the second try. Got a colour bomb/stripe combo twice and waited until there were stripe coloured candies in line to push the fruit down. Also somehow managed a stripe/wrap combo at the bottom which cleared the 2 blocking popcorns to let the last 2 fruit fall. I was lucky to get my lucky board so early. I am useless at lining up conveyor candy, but it all worked out beautifully! 5 moves left but only 2 stars, but I'm fine with that. Good luck everyone!

cedarberry said...

Hi. I've only just started this level, so it's too early to give advise, or start complaining. : )

I really just wanted to say "THANK YOU" to everyone who has ever posted to this forum. You have endlessly offered tips and tricks for beating many, MANY horrible, frustrating, and downright EVIL levels! It's been wonderful to see so many people coaching each other through this epic (but crazy) game. Most sincerely, thank you for all the encouragement.

Finishing Candy Crush will be a small conquest, for sure, but for those of us who have gotten this far, and invested time and (hopefully, not too much $$$) , simply put, YOU rock! Big thanks...Cedar.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could offer clever advice but I crushed this on second try just by making hitting the popcorn my first priority & opening up the paths. The rest was pretty simple. NC

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Cedarberry. Could not have gotten this far with all the tips by various players. Thanks!

Brian said...

Coconut wheel helped me with this one. Gave me 2 right on top of each other.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the coconut wheel tip. I was stuck until I tried that.

Bill. said...

Third attempt. Have to be careful to get fruit down. Need to blow up the popcorn and use chocolate bombs to remove the fruit.

Unknown said...

Does anyone know on wich level i kan get lots of grren candies?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This is my complaint post so I can win this level.

Anonymous said...

This is a hard one😟 Hoping for lucky board please 😊

Anonymous said...

I am with fan4sure. Hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good tips. Did the last 4 (1299-1302)in the first try. Onward.

iMac said...

Struggling! Can’t buy anything to help......,for the live if god please give me something I can work with!

Anonymous said...

Only 24 moves -- video has 30 WTH????

kdmask said...

I only have 20 moves. I manage to get all down but two that just dropped when I had 1 move left? I used coconut wheels bout it won’t help when they don’t drop faster. Also, on the last few hard ones I’ve seen CC lower the number of tries you get. What is up with that?’

Unknown said...

I only have 24 moves as well and last ingredient drops on final move, but have played some rounds where last ingredient appears after last move has been played. You can never win with 24 moves and 8 ingredients, 6 of which fall every 4 moves. Last one will always fall on final move, if at all.

Anonymous said...

was finally ale to beat this by winning extra moves

Anonymous said...

Not enough moves, ridiculous.

Spike said...

Different level for me, upsetting that I can't get help.