Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1317 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
We've seen this board before, but this time it has been modified and is much more doable, if not easy.
You need some luck with the mystery candies and there is not really a right or wrong way to do this.
I have tried getting the colour bomb combos first, but that didn't really work, so I just get any combo that appears from the mystery candies.
First you need to get rid of the bombs in the middle as these are easy to overlook and will kill the game before you even get started.
Try not to match three mystery candies together as this is likely to give three stripes and set of a cascade which messes up the whole board.
Making a match including two mystery candies is best as it could give you two stripes which is one of the combos you need.
When you get a colour bomb look to see if a stripe is going to stop beside it and if not it may be a good idea to use it on a single colour to see what that gives you.
Don't try to save your combos, once you get them use them or you will lose them.
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14 moves and one combo to go and the board froze up. This is the same issue this board has had in the past. You would think if they are putting this board out there again, they would have fixed this issue.
Board has frozen on me several times, very frustrating. Difficult level, have had it down to onecolour bomb/stripe so is doable, lot of luck needed, no skill really.
I can clear it at first try. It does not freeze.
Yes board freezes when coconut wheel appears. Very frustrating.
Easy? Not for me. Lots of wraps when I don't want them as well as lots of bombs inside those mystery candies. They show me sprinkles next to stripes just before they blow up. Not nice. Have played about 40 times. It's getting boring.
Yep, same problem here: The board keeps freezing up on cascade action. It's done it a dozen or more times now. The only thing to do is refresh the game, which also means you lose any gift lives on queue from friends, that you haven't returned yet. CC needs to fix this. Aside from that, this is a pretty fun level. A lot of movement, until the game seizes.
I also have been having problems with board freezing - two candies on top of each other quivering.
FREEZING! Please fix!
I have seen many people complaining about freezing, but this is the first level I encounter that damn thing. Really frustrating, it froze several times, but lucky me I was no where near winning when it happens.
Btw, How it came, I hate toffees and coconut wheels that were used to be my favorites.
Not easy at all - almost entirely pure luck. Then, when getting comparatively close, it FREEZES!
Come on King, do some proper testing before rushing levels out. There are enough of us out here who would happily test levels and feed back...
I didn't have a problem with freezing (playing on android tablet). Passed second time. Yes, lots of carnage with all my stripes and colour bombs exploding too soon, but I used a tick mark booster and they just kept on coming, giving me more than enough of what I needed.
Didn't freeze on my ipad. Won by hand switch, hand switch, hand switch. Kind of boring.
As anon. at 18:26, no freezes on iPad. Very bored with mystery candies spoiling all, so finally used a bunch of hand switches.
I can't get close on this level. Have been playing on IPad and desktop. The arbitrary cascades are ridiculous and wipe out everything you work to set up. No skill involved here. Hope my lucky board shows up soon.
Thanks for the tip to not match 3 mystery candies. That and check mark booster did the trick!
Not matching the 3 mystery candies saved the day! Great tip!
CC from vero 😎
A case of premature ejaculation here. Either tour matches blow up before you can crush them or they don't, your mystery candies reveal stripes & colour bombs or loco rice & bombs. Luck of the draw, no skill required. It seems King threw everything at this level. Fun it is not.Annie
That should be licorice but as far as this level goes I think loco rice is more appropriate. Annie
completed it then screen froze and keeps doing it so looks like I'll be stuck till it lets me pass....load of crap
My screen just froze. GRRR! This level is glitchy as well. I had a 2 count blue bomb that should have been taken out THREE times by exploding wraps or direct hits by stripes and it just sat put.
My screen froze yet again, this is getting really old, fast. It always seems to happen on games where I actually have a chance of winning too. :(
My screen froze twice. Attempting this for the 5th time now :(
I managed it eventually - after losing several combos when they blew up after I'd used hand switches! I persevered and also had some luck. It was an interesting level to say the least!!! You can't in all honesty use tactics or plan much ahead. No boosters helped except the wonderful hand switches.
This level seems totally luck based. Too many variables... no control. And my screen just froze as many others have commented. Oh well!
Whoa! This one has some serious bugs! I hit a bomb about 3 different ways including taking out the color with a chocolate sprinkle and it wouldn't go away! NO FAIR, CC!!!!
Best level ever!!! that was heaps of fun!!!!!!!
Froze again. This time after I won and it was cascading, so I didn't get the win and I wasted some boosters. This has been a problem for over a month and it wasn't fixed. Some programmer could fix this during a lunch break, yet nothing's done. I don't know why I put up with this along with some terrible, terrible levels. Guess I know what it's like to be in an abusive relationship.
I'm actually going to purposely lose on this level for a while to get sugar drops and win back some of the boosters I'm missing after the previous difficult and boring levels.
This level would be fun if it didn't freeze up. Grrrr!
level 1317 freezes
This level is virtually impossible with arbitrary blow ups keeping you from actually winning.
I passed the level and at the end, error came up and I didn't get credit! Not fair. I see a lot of "error occurred" lately
I tried very hard to pass this level. After two goes I did it. I then played it a few times just to get the red candies and without aiming for anything it made the orders without even trying.
This is such an annoying level. No matter what I do I can't fill the orders. Between the bombs and the explosions I lose every time. Any tips or advice please?
Board kept freezing and when I did eventually complete this level I got an error message and haven't moved onto next level! Complete waste of time and a couple of my boosters. Contacted Candy Crush but stupid me, I didn't take a screenshot of the error message! Won't be playing again for a while.
Explode two mystery candy asap then careful thought about each move. Took twenty attempts.
This level is freezing on me every other time I play. Always freezes when multiple wrapped candies are waiting to explode a second time, in the middle of chain reactions. Reproducible in Windows 7, 8 and 10 on IE11 and Chrome 48.0.2564.97 Please fix so I don't keep wasting lives. Or don't take a life on this level until it's complete (fail or success)
Board keeps freezing usually when too many things go off at the same time
Freezes up all the time.
Agree with premature ejaculations as above. They are keeping me from passing this level. Combos are set up but they blow up before I can switch them. That is not fun at all!!!!!!!
Same here. It should be easy but those wrapped candies keep blowing up the board. But a good way to get the power up candies or whatever they are called. Got 3 of them on one board.
Still freezing up - come on CC get your act together please
Thought this was going to be easy peasy! It's not! Too many wraps from special candies and explosions just as you set up matches!
I too thought it would be easy until I saw the way one explosion set off another and not giving you any chance whatsoever to get the required amount of candies. I've played on iPad and phone and only come close twice. I've also used a sparkle and a tick from my boosters but that didn't help either. Then after leaving it mostly for today, went out for a meal, got my mobile out whilst waiting, and completed it straight away. I just used a handswitch for the last combo.
This should've been titled Hard level. I Just went slowly as usual.
Good luck everyone.
okay…I just played this once and failed…but I can see this being kind of fun for a while
I agree with Ann above. Fun after the torture of previous level.
Hmm not easy and I'm not there yet but it's quite fun to play. I'm working on getting the choc ball/stripe combos and keeping an eye out for stripe/stripe combos along the way. The random explosions do mess up any strategic moves but I know I'll get lucky soon. Good luck everyone.
2nd try and board froze up. fix this cc, it's been going on for months.
Time to go back to farming again. Wraps r killing me.
I think I might be on this level forever but that's OK as the explosions are fun to watch, there's little or no chocolate, the bombs are controllable, any I'm getting lots and lots of sugar drops and boosters and it's not costing me anything.
Yikes action all over the place 😳. Doesn't freeze for me - just can't get all the combos 😢
Been playing for 2 days now. Gotten close but now it is freezing up on me. Losing lives. Thought they would have this fixed by now.
The game froze with twenty-four moves remaining on PC. I have played several times on Android with no problems. CC has now classified this level as a hard level which means more luck is needed than average.
This level is a joke!!!!! 4 out of my 5 lives the game froze! I only had 1 each left to get the last time . . . . very annoying!!!!!
So bored of this game now
This level is 100% luck! Either the combos line up or they don't!
Worked on this for 2 days. The explosions are frustrating. Finally had one color bomb and a striped close with one move left. Ended up having to use 2 hand switches.
Board is continually freezing!!! Very frustrating!
I can't get into CC. When I open the app on the PC a rectangular box appears saying with a small box inside saying "Report player, Is this player's profile inappropriate? Tap the button below to report it" There are two X to shut the main and small boxes but they don't work. When I click on report a page opens in my browser saying offending user not found. I click on back to game and the same thing happens again. I've restarted my PC but it's still the same.
25 tries so far. Getting real close as I try not to use my free boosters, and I refuse to buy any! I work on getting the color bomb/striped combos first (4), I believe those are the most difficult. The rest not so much. Just a matter of time to say goodbye to level 1317.
I agree, not easy! Been on this level for 3 days. Cant win any of the mini contests as I get stuck on ridiculous levels & cant get points. Game is getting stupid.
I stopped playing Candy Crush because of this level. This level really comes down to pure luck and you gotta ask yourself, "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I kind of lost track myself. But being that this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya, punk?
No. Goodbye, Candy Crush.
4 days on this one is more than enough!! Time to find a new game! Tired of the board exploding, of all the bombs!
Seems impossible to me, to much bad things coming from the mystery candies. All about when candy crush wants you to win. Hope it's soon, getting frustrated.
So I win 2 hrs. of boosters, which can't be used because lives run out, not sure why CC doesn't give free lives also when you win. Anyway this level is so STUPID and a waste of time. I would have more fun cleaning my toilet.
This level is evil and pure luck. Get real candy crush and let us use our skills !!!!
Posting for luck...
More doable not for me! Still trying got within one stripe combo to go twice and still have not won level!
About the last ten tries about 90% of the ? candies seem to be bombs going insane ):
posting for luck
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