Candy Crush Saga Level 1348

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1348 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
The bombs at the bottom have to be your priority right from the start.
You must work your way down through the licorice to destroy them before they count down to zero.
Use anything you can make, stripes, wraps, colour bombs etc. But the best combos are stripe/wrap combos, even though the licorice stops them going through everything they will still do a lot of damage.
If you can get a colour bomb next to a stripe, especially if there are bombs the same colour as the stripe, this will destroy a lot too. I never managed to get that combo so you need to be very lucky to get it.
Just work on detonating the wraps you are given and making any other combo you can.
You will probably lose quite a few lives on level 1348 as it is a very hard level, but it is possible without boosters as the video below will show.
Once the bombs are gone you have plenty of moves left to clear the jelly so you should be able to manage to complete the level.
Video below
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MC said...

I had to use two lollipop hammers to remove bottom row bombs. The rest was very easy with plenty of moves.
This episode is evil. The next barrier is 1351.

Anonymous said...

Boring beyond description. Why do they have to make the levels so difficult, if at least they were fun, but this is just... yawn!

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING fun, exciting, or challenging about this level. It's just another time waster, waiting for a lucky board yet again. Burned through over 80 lives so far, and haven't come close to uncovering the bombs even once. Locked bombs, licorice, and expanding chocolate? Too much going on to give anyone a chance to even use skill. And forget wasting boosters. What a yawnfest.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the negative comments. It motivated me to plan my moves better and I got it on the first try with no boosters. 2 stars. That was actually a fun level! Now I'm wondering how hard 1351 is.

Anonymous said...

Waiting, waiting, waiting ofr a lucky board, no skills involved, just luck.
As I have 25 lolly hammers on my mobile device, I will probably finish the level the day it's available on that device. I quit wasting my time though fb playing the frustrating level.

No luck in the Netherlands.... yet-:)

Anonymous said...

priority must get two wrapped candies combined to remove most liquorice

Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyed this level. After many attempts, I got a good board, used strategy and finished it off using no boosters with 13 moves to spare. I would say I was stuck on this level for 4 days. But it sure beats the weeks I was stuck on many of the lower levels when I should have given up but didn't.

Anonymous said...

Tin tin here....can't even get rid of the bombs....boy they are hard to get down to...yawning while I wait for a good board....have used heaps of lives so far.

Anonymous said...

Use the fish. Works really wonderful!

Anonymous said...

candy crush use to be fun and challenging now is all about money and luck !! time to find another game to play ~~~

Anonymous said...

this level is terrible have used loads of boosters and never got anywhere near bombs reckon its impossible unless you want to spend loads of money

Spirikitik said...

If only I knew that candy crush was fun at the start and frustrating almost every level later, I would have not started playing it. Shame on you programmer.

Anonymous said...

Stinky level. Used a ton of boosters, hand switches, hammers, sprinkle, stripe wrap and fish all at once and got it... Just went to war on the level after a million tries. I know it was feeble but I wanted it done.... grrrr oh well at least they give us the boosters.

Anonymous said...

Those #/$@ fish have always done me more harm than good, ruining my carefully set up plays, setting off my stripes and wraps to no effect and screwing up the whole board. Aaarrgh!!!!! Better to use a sprinkle booster and reset the board until most of the bombs are the same color. Voila!!!

Cat said...

So not fun. Ended up using choc ball and stripe/wrap boosters, resetting and then polishing off the bombs with a couple of hammers. Glad to be done,
Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level, it is almost impossible to controll the bombs in time with all the chocolate and liquorice. fun at all!!

Anonymous said...

This is the limit......chocolate, bombs, only useless moves, time to quit!

Anonymous said...

Can't even get close! Who comes up with this $"*÷?

Anonymous said...

Used a sprinkle with an already gifted stripe and made sure there was at least one bomb of the same color below. Also checked fisg. Lined sprinkle with stripe which opened up board. Made some combos but still had to use two lollipops on last two bombs. Almost blew it because there was one jelly under chocolate so uncovered that one fish too it out. Rotten level!!
CC from vero 😎

Van5 said...

Got this first try. After reading the comments, I decided to start with all 3 boosters. Stripe/wrap, colour bomb, and fish. Stripe happened to be beside the colour bomb which was a help for the first move. Made lots of stripes and wraps. Had to use a hammer to get the last bomb in the bottom right corner. Then finally got rid of the chocolate and tried to get a stripe on the bottom row. Didn't work. Came right down to the last move. Fish got rid of 3 of the last 4 jellies and with one left, the match to clear that last one was there. Barely one star, but I'm through!
So glad I read these comments first! Thanks for the great tips! Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Freakin ridiculous level!. I had to start with speckled, fish, and wrap/stripe then use a 3 precious hammers to kill the 3 open bombs with 1 count left on them and then a hand swap. I've never used that many boosters in any level!!! I just wanted done with it!

Ian said...

Very very hard level, losing the will to carry on now! Over 100 attempts and still not passed

Anonymous said...

This is crazy, I've never come anywhere near blowing up the bombs. Sort it out KING. Either remove the yellow colours or add a few more move to the bombs. Been a week on this now

Anonymous said...

As an experienced crusher I cannot even get close to completing this level. Moves are terribly restricted. I know the lucky board will come along one day! Still love candy crush!

Margaret said...

grumble grumble............... I have been trying this level on my phone, and finally decided to do it on the computer I got it, but ended up using 3 hammers and one hand. Then the computer froze, and it hasn't registered that I did actually finish the level. Most depressed!!!!! Does anyone else have problems with games finishing and not registering that the level was completed? I've had issues with games freezing on my phone but only in the last 300 or so levels, not before that. cheers, keep crushing.

Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that I got this far on CC and just can't do this level?! Because it's YET ANOTHER 'wait for a lucky board' level, why?? What is the point in that, no skill involved whatsoever, just blasted waiting and waiting!!! And STILL waiting!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Need help...2 days...ridiculous!!

Anonymous said...

I got through this awful level then the screen froze. Needless to say once I'd turned my phone off & on to unfreeze, I found I hadn't been moved on. I don't know whether I can be bothered waiting for another lucky board. annie

Anonymous said...

Passed this level after a few attempts. Lucked up and got to choco balls together. If you can get a few wraps together that will eliminate a lot.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye candy crush. after trying for 2 weeks getting this level I quit. Not even a change to finish this board.

Anonymous said...

This level is way worse than pre-nerf 1268. This one took me more than 5 days solid on mobile. Awful horrible level! I did this in 25 moves and STILL only had 2 stars with 300k points!

Margaret said...

I must be the unluckiest bugger alive - playing this crazy level this morning and misjudged and missed by 1 candy which was lined up to go. Fark! Tried the 5 extra moves as I have plenty of gold bars but it wouldn't contact store. Baa humbug....

Maggimacpool said...

I have been stuck on this level 1348 and watched friends overtake. I finally completed it with moves to spare and the screen froze.Devastated. going through the agony again.

Margaret said...

GOT IT! yeah. One of those lucky boards, no sprinkles but the bombs lined up. Didn't even have to use a hammer. I am over the moon.

Anonymous said...

I think I just got a early Christmas gift. Passed on the first try using a speckle and two hammers.

Ultramum said...

I think the programmers have run out of ideas for levels that need skill and are just producing ones that need luck ... Think giving up CC may be my New Year Resolution

Anonymous said...

No more possible switches, No more possible switches, time after time after time. How can you get anywhere when you keep getting this. Anyone else experiencing this on this level?

Anon lafy said...

I hated this level. An unbelievable number of tries when I got blown up. I did not get anywhere near it, until I threw in all three boosters and used hand switches and lollipops to kill the last bomb. A final lollipop for the last candy and it is DONE! If I hadn't't had my stash of boosters I would have really struggled.

Yes, the board shuffled many times as moves were so resricted, Anonymous above my post.

Anonymous said...

The manager of the design build and test teams should be fired.
To make a hard level cage some bombs, add chocolate and block with licorice. Real imagination. Then release without testing.
Have they not worked out that players might buy their way out if they get close to completing the level? With this level you know you are done after 6 moves.

Unknown said...

Hard level,waiting for my lucky break hope it comes soon

Anonymous said...

After 4 days and 30 tries it was bingo ! Lu ky board and after 10 moves a combo color/stripe in the boms color. After that it was a no brainer. Hang in there CC'ers. JJ from NL

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is virtually impossible to do with bombs that are covered and surrounded by licorice. I don't even come close to getting the bombs in 18 moves, despite this video that got three back to back stripe and wraps together..........MarkyMark.

Anonymous said...


I loathe this horribly difficult, boring level.

Anonymous said...

Dumbest level ever! 5 lives in 5 minutes! Strategy does not work, Waiting for that lucky board! Sorry no helpful tips just a frustrating rant!!

Anonymous said...

Soooooooh after posting said rant above I have just had my lucky board! Stripes and wraps just came together and wraps and wraps too! Still this level is c**p!

Unknown said...

Using a free fish booster at start helped me a lot and was what made me pass this level pretty easily!

Unknown said...

Glitches glitches glitches glitches. Please fix them king

Marc Shapiro said...

Sadistic programmers!

dirty vegas said...

I have played this level for 4 days now and haven't once cleared the bombs ,even with a fish a sprinkle and wrap start.

dirty vegas said...

I'm assuming that once the bombs are cleared the rest will follow suit but after 6 days of trying I've still not managed to clear them , the game is over in the blink of an eye .It seems i'm rubbish ,I don't know how I managed to get this far ,blasting away relentlessly but getting no where ,I'm one of the people who does not buy boosters and feel that because of that I'm kept on levels much longer .

Anonymous said...

How can you get to ALL those bombs in time let alone do anything else?! Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

Thanks King for giving such a stupid level. I knew it was time to take a break from CC. Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

I am so bored with this useless level that I am playing 1256 to gain boosters. I improved my previous score and the last time I had 27 sugar candies. when I next reach 180 points and am on no sugar drops for 7 hours I'll go back to this impossible 1348 level. Grace from DU

Anonymous said...

After playing this level for over 2 weeks on my laptop without even getting close to clearing the bombs, I had the opportunity to try on a tablet. This was a different game. The board layout was the same but I got less moves on the tablet version. Also the board cleared easier and I was able to complete the level after 5 attempts and without using any boosters.

Can King make a better effort of synchronising their games over all platforms?

dirty vegas said...

I've lost count of how long I've been trying to clear this level all I know is that unless you buy boosters you don't stand a chance in hell . Not once have I even came remotely close ,can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ,how long does one need to wait for a decent chance or a decent board .I'm used to being stuck for a few days on previous hard levels but now i'm being stuck for weeks ?

Joanne C said...

Used all my boosters, just gotta wait for a lucky board now, could be stuck for a while, hate these stupid levels. I think they want you to use all your boosters. But I am not buying any more.

dirty vegas said...

Two weeks and not even came close once , constant resuffles and crap boards ,hardly ever a chance to make boosters and before you now it you're bombed out . It's always the same now ,unless you buy boosters you have no chance ,you're kept for weeks on end ..........Meh!!

Anonymous said...

Don't give up. I got this on the second try through using sprinkle and the wrap / stripe booster. Keep resetting the board until you have the stripe lined up with the sprinkle, and before you set them off, use a few moves to get as many same colour candies as the stripe on the board. It really blasts the board and gives you a good path to get to the bombs which will be without their cages :-)

Bill. said...

Finished by having two wrapped candies together which cleared the centre then wrapped striped candy once the bombs have been dealt with straightforward.

Pete said...

Don't be fooled by the positive comments and how this level was solved after two tries. This is one of those levels that is next to impossible unless you are extremely lucky and have a board that has nonstop stripes, wraps, etc..I had a full day of free choc balls and barely came close. I've used up all my bonuses, and without any help, I'll probably never get past this awful level. The bombs are so protected, you have virtually no chance until that miracle board shows up, if it ever does. Good luck, you'll need it!

Anonymous said...

A few times now ive noticed that even though all the bombs start at 25, when you start emptying the board having a good game the game suddenly ends with one bomb on zero and others on one....

Mindy said...

This is a horrible level. I quit!

Anonymous said...

Possible without boosters? We'll see. I have played several times with no luck......

Anonymous said...

I can't ever get even close to getting the bombs before they explode! C'mon!especially without boosters!

Anonymous said...

Hard level isn't the word, impossible is more apropro. Going through a lot of lives.

Pete said...

Don't bother wasting your time and bonuses on this level. The only way to beat this level is to have at least one hand bonus, but preferably two. If you don't have the hand bonus you will not win. It's impossible. You're better off logging in everyday and spinning the wheel until you get two hand bonuses. A very unfair level.

Pete said...

Oops, wrong level. Ignore my last post.

Anonymous said...

Omg!!! Please!!!!! I've tried everything except buying boosters!!!! Not happening!!! Let me pass this horrific level!!!!

Anonymous said...

Horrid level! Multiple lives & can't get the bombs! Waiting on a lucky board which means I can't do a fu..... thing!

vicrock said...

Played this one for over a day - got fed up and used the 3 boosters, sprinkle, fish and stripe/wrap combo - finished with over 20 moves to spare. Good riddance!

Deedle said...

Embarrassing,the # of times I had to play last game before getting the perfect board and passing with 13 moves left,no boosters Have tried this one twice already without coming close,..after reading your frustration,I figure am in for a long play time, but i will pass..eventually

Anonymous said...

One single fish did the trick for me, magic.

Anonymous said...

What a boring impossible level this is! No skill required just wait for a decent board - surely must happen eventually I hope. So over these ridiculous levels

Anonymous said...

I hate this level with a passion!n might be time to quit after coming so far!

Anonymous said...

impossible to get to all the bombs. don't want to waste boosters when I can't reset and get them where I want them

Ann said...

all three boosters, 2 hand switches, and hammer to get the last bomb. at least it's done

Unknown said...

Found the secret: flying saucer booster. And it was way easier to make combos on my computer. Phone version was torture.

Anonymous said...

Video shows 50 moves, i have 40 moves on smartphone :(

Karen said...

I played for a long time on my tablet but beat it right away on my laptop

Anonymous said...

Wish they would up date video to number of moves currently. I only have 40 but video shows 50 moves. Not fair.

Anonymous said...

Cheat! Sprinkle and stripe/ wrap combo. Reset until sprinkle is next to wrapped candy of same colour as onei in the chocolate. Such a good start that you can easily finish. Cc is rapidly morphing into a game where the main tactic is how to use boosters to cheat. Suzie

PattiL said...

Hell ya, gonna try your cheat idea! I've tried everything else, including purchase 5 extra moves (twice) in the same level & didn't pass! Patti

Anonymous said...

Used all 3 boosters. Reset to get wrapped candy next to sprinkle. Cleared board with 28 moves left. On to next level .. thanks for the tips

Anonymous said...

Used fish they were useless. Got two sprinkles beside each other they didn't clear the bombs. Most of the moves are at the top and of no use. Horrible level.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Hoping for a lucky board for this one 😳

Kathleen T. said...

First time I have ever posted here, even though I often visit for tips. This level was, by far, THE hardest I've played to date. I have accumulated over 500 free lives, and hardly ever use them. I used at least 70 for this crazy level, but pretty much refused to use boosters. FINALLY, after 5 days and countless lives, the planets aligned and I passed it. Amen!

Anonymous said...

So far my boosters haven't done anything but get wasted... I've not had a board that would open up to get to the bottom bombs...
Something will break soon I hope, it did for Kathleen above ^^^

Unknown said...

Don't hate me but I got it on first a good board, got all bombs but one. Didn't start with any boosters but had to use the hammer and hand switch once to finish. It can be done as you all know since this is a year later, haha

Anonymous said...

Doesn't help that the odds a rigged against you. For example, I got a sprinkle and wrapped blue candy next to each other early on. But not many blue candies on the board, so i'll just try and get some more on their. 47 non-blue candies dropped in a row - 47!!! The odds of that is about 1 in 5000. I also go to 1 left only twice, but both times I'd run out of hammers and stuff. The first time I had 14 moves left but kept having one move only the opposite corner - tried the extra moves - 5 more of the same. Second time I saw a sprinkle drop - definite win. But then the sprinkle just explodes (couldn't see why) and blows up another colour. I would prefer if King just asked me for $20 to pass the level - it would seem more honest.

Anonymous said...

Horrid frustrating level that has used all my boosters, just plain Nasty!,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Another disgustingly hard level with no chance at all unless you get a super lucky board. It's as much fun as walking up a highway blindfolded. I have tried this so many times and only a very few boards have been able to even Crack the locked candy due to the shitty boards....very few chances to make any type of combo to try and clear some of the bombs, we'll done cc on making it virtually impossible to pass, you have Succeeded!!

Anonymous said...

Got it second try after I came here for strategy tips. Started with a saved fish and a color bomb. Re- set board until all but 2 bombs were the same color. Worked the board, watching the last bombs closely. Used combos and one hand switch tonget best moves. Nailed it...moving on.

MissyM said...

This is a nasty level for sure. I was stuck here for days. I used Boosters from the Daily Spin (sprinkle, stripe/wrap, fish). I even used a couple of Hammers when I thought I was close to winning the level. Nothing helped. Finally I decided I had wasted enough Boosters and started playing without any. Eventually I cleared the board. Only one star but I'm glad to be rid of this one. I don't think there's any strategy. Yes, we have to kill the bombs, but we have to get moves that allow us to do so. Sheer luck level in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yuck.,this level sucks what do you do when you have no boosters left,I guess I'll quit,

Anonymous said...

Frustrated nranting,I'm so sick of this level,been on it for 4 days I'm ready to quit,

Anonymous said...

I've been on this level for about a week, got to one square left to get, tried to buy some lollipop hammers and it restarted my game. Not happy. Really hate this level.

Bullshit Detector said...

Boringly impossible. Not enough time on bombs. Another miserable specimen by the money-grabbing developers.

Unknown said...

Wow! One tough level. Too blasted many colors on the board! After too many tries to count, I had a good board without using boosters and cleared practically everything and had lots of moves left, but it was impossible to line up the moves to take the last couple out. I needed one more hammer. So disappointing! I had also tried previously by using all 3 boosters several times and I couldn't even win by throwing all 3 boosters at it. This is one of those levels that you will only win if you are gosh darn lucky!

Unknown said...

After hundreds of tries, suddenly I won! I happened to get 2 wraps together at the bottom of the board and that cleared out almost everything. I found that wrap/stripe combos weren't very effective on this board but wraps are the way to go, especially together. I ended up using one hammer even though I had more moves left, as I had one corner square left and I wasn't about to lose this win! So happy to be past this level!

Alessandra said...

Ugh I’m just not enjoying candy crush anymore , it’s sad 😔
I need to find a way to give it up it’s really getting crap & the fun is gone.
More like a stupid chore now
The latest levels , especially this one, have really been the pits.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again -- video shows 50 moves I only have 40 moves!! Cc get your act together-- should be the same for all!!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous! 40 moves but bombs explode on move 25 and they are at the bottom in cages!!! Nice I have 15 moves left after the explode!! What good does that do? Stripes, wrapped, and even a chocolate sprinkle doesn't help!! Come on cc!!