Candy Crush Saga Level 1355

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1355 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
You can either move the fruit into the middle to the exit, or clear the cake bombs.
Clearing the cakes will clear everything in the path of the ingredients and allow them to fall into the exits. If you can grow the popcorns together into colour bombs, switch them together, which will clear some of the cakes and help grow the other popcorns.
Take care that the fruit doesn't slip into a column without an exit, if this happens you'll have to move it back.
Video below

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Anonymous said...

New episodes are being produced faster then I can finish one... wow. Could it be there are 100 million die hard players still playing?

Anonymous said...

completed android episode 91 with using a lot of gold bars and boosters


Carter said...

Finished this episode in less then 2 hours.
No "Hard" levels? (hexagonal shaped)

Carter said...

Finished this episode in less then 2 hours.
No "Hard" levels? (hexagonal shaped)

Anonymous said...

Loved this episode. Finally made the games fun again. I don't mind a challenge but i love it when I can just relax and enjoy playing. Kudos to the developers!!

Anonymous said...

This episode was a booster eater for sure! Pretty surprised players enjoyed it so much. Many impossible/ difficult levels. Idk, guess I'm just losing interest

anonymous37 said...

I agree with Anonymous from 3 Dec. at 6:33, on all levels, no pun intended. ;-) Used a coconut wheel, 3 stars with one move left (after 2nd try with coco booster).

Anonymous said...

3 times got cakes out and once a blocker had one fruit stuck..other times no hand switches left to move fruit into exit. Might have to wait to earn boosters on this one. .. hand switches will help when it's winnable

Van5 said...

I used a hammer to whack the last piece of the second cake which brought out the cannon and cleared my last fruit. I didn't find these levels particularly easy. As I said in an earlier post, I couldnt have gotten through without boosters. And it took me 4 days to get through! Kudos to anonymous who got through in 2 hours! Definitely found the 'hard' levels hard! But I'm an and will continue to collect sugar drops and spin the wheel religiously for the next round of madness that awaits us!

Van5 said...

Sorry, that's kudos to Wayne lee who got through in 2 hours!

Anonymous said...

Not a hard level, got it on the first try playing on the iPhone. I'm not sure how I got it, perhaps had a lucky board on the first try, but setting off a series of wraps took out the popcorn and left me with adjacent colour bombs that were then swapped. That cleared the cakes and got the ingredients to fall. No boosters used.

Anonymous said...

I appreciste the free boosters but hate that they are automatically checked. I wasted a bunch of fish thinking they were part of the board , playing several times, and then realizing they were mine.

Unknown said...

Fun episode?? Wtf is wrong with people?? This level blows

Unknown said...

Fun episode?? Wtf is wrong with people?? This level blows

Anonymous said...

Always on mobile. Lost all boosters through an os upgrade. Had to play without onboard boosters. After about 20 tries, managed to set off 2 color bomb-stripe combos on the last couple of moves that removed both cakes. That's it, done, 3 stars. Lucky board undoubtedly. Just have to wait for it.

Ultramum said...

Getting nowhere fast

Anonymous said...

Just use one coconut wheel it keeps coming again and again Watch the fire work goes on. Finished in many moves left. Thank the designers brain to develop many many levels. Many of us play without spending anything. Surprised people grumbling scolding King. Poor man he sold cc. Thank you king for the generous boosters and any Two hours bonus time. May you live long.

Unknown said...

Remarkably easy level. Hit one of the embedded wrapped candies with a striped candy. The resultant explosion will release two adjacent fruit bombs. Combine them and it will explode the wrapper on the other side which then releases both fruit bombs. Combine those and the game is virtually over as it takes out virtually everything, including the pies.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea how everyone is saying how easy this is. I've had a couple color bombs with stripes and did minimal damage. I've played this 25+ times and not even close. WTF.

Anonymous said...

The braggarts are out in full force yet again. Seriously, shut up. There are nowhere near enough moves to complete this level. Posting for luck.

LynnR said...

Not too difficult. I was able to grow the popcorn on one side and match them together and then match the ones on the other side together. That exploded both cakes and the fruits went out the exits.

LynnR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Also cannot believe that people say this is an easy level. Are we talking about the same level?

Anonymous said...

The best way to finish this level is to use a coconut ball, just over one of the columns so it can make three rows of vertical striped candies. This liberates two side by side chocolate balls in popcorn. Switch them together and this will liberate the other two on other side, finishing off the two cakes and the two fruit just falls in a jiffy :)

Cat said...

Hi all.

Easiest level in the episode. 1st try no boosties and 3 stars.

Onwards!! Gl all!

Cat said...


Bill. said...

You certainly need a bit of luck to clear the cakes I did both cakes on the last move. Chocolate bomb plus striped candy essential to get the cakes cleared.

Anonymous said...

Finished this level in a couple of tries. Easiest thing to do is arrange a couple of vertical stripes at the top of the board above the popcorns on one side and blast them. When you have two popcorns side by side, use them together to clear much of the board, including freeing up the other two popcorns. Repeat, and the cakes clear and the fruits fall right out.

Anonymous said...

more moves needed for this one!

Anonymous said...

Coconut wheel did liberate the board, no shit! Unbelievable how easy it made it after that. Thanks for the tip above! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I was here for the wrong level. Now let's see what happens. Can't seem to get past it on computer or phone.

Crusher said...

For those who have said the coconut wheel is the solution... I've used over 10 wheels already and nowhere near close to passing this level!

Anonymous said...

Another crappy level with not enough moves!

Elless said...

Ha Ha don't know what it is about this site but every time I look up help I seem to complete the level I have been stuck on. Oooops maybe I shouldnt comment or my luck with stop.

Anonymous said...

Getting nowhere 😳. Lucky board might help please 😊

Anonymous said...

Really could use either a Lucy board or a few more moves... lot of work or so few moves ��

Unknown said...

Wow, coconut wheel at the very top, it hit both popcorns as well as the cake... the wrap candy went off and I was left with two chocolate bombs next to each other. I set them off and the very same thing happened on the other side!!!! Wrap candy went off and there sat another set of choc. bombs next to each other. My tip: reset until the coconut wheel is at the very top and will hit both popcorns, you will be left with two choc. bombs next to each other twice.

Boffo said...

Coconut wheel. Did it the way Suzie said. Done in 3 moves

AlvaroGerardo said...

This is 2017 and madness is here. Finally had to spend $ for boosters, so far $26.00 on the last ten levels or so. Haven't even tried level 1355 yet, I like to read up on all comments before I start a difficult level, you'll be surprised on how easier it can be. My problem with boosters is that if I don't use them when I'm logged in, I lose them the next time I want to play. Some glitch on my Android, can't figure out the problem. Anyway, got this far even with the glitch. Will buy iPhoneX soon, so that problem may go away.

Anonymous said...

Encore un niveau de merde ! pas amusant . Qui s'amuse encore avec CC ?

Alessandra said...

Yeah a real fun level - not !!

Maybe if I had another 5-10 moves

Between the cakes and the popcorn I’m out of the game by the time I have 5 moves left

Another migraine inducing nightmare!

Alessandra said...
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BamaGrl said...

2018 & maybe I’m the only one still playing. This level sucks for sure if you have no boosters. Not enough moves and I’m done spending $$

Anonymous said...

Needs more moves. Why theae higher levels have less fun and more aggravation, who knows? Poor business model, though.

Unknown said...

Hard to do without hand switches-posting for luck..again...

Foxdean said...


Foxdean said...

My previous comment said impossible completed finally by spending some money for the first time and buying a some hand swaps did seem a little easier on laptop and rather than tablet as well

Anucker said...

Wow, been on this for quite some time, finally got one of the pies then down to 0 moves

Lorraine said...

I’m done buying! Either I get with no boosters or extra moves or I delete the game when I’ve tried enough !

Kaz167 said...

struggling to see how this version, which is different from the video is possible in the few moves allowed

TRE said...

Lucky board needed