Candy Crush Saga Level 1420

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1420 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Make 20 wrapped candies plus 100 each of blue and green candies in 15 moves! Sounds impossible, but there are already 15 on the board in the form of the 5 UFO's, so you only need to make 5 more.
Right from the start look for patterns for wrapped candies. Unlock the first UFO in the middle and this will probably unlock the other 4 UFO's. With luck some more wrapped candies will make themselves from cascades, otherwise you will need to make them.
By this stage in the game you should be pretty good at making wrapped candies but if you still have trouble this will show you what to look for.
The colours should be collected as you play, but the more combos you can make the better chance you will have of collecting the orders.

Video by Johnny Crush

Video below
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2cats said...

Took a few tries because wraps weren't easy to make, but eventually you will get it.

Anonymous said...

yes, you just need a lucky board. Be patient...................

Anonymous said...

Fifth try, no boosters, 8 moves left. Key is releasing middle ufo early. Two tries I couldn't release it. This time luckily set off a wrap above it and after all ufo's went off I only needed three more wraps.

Anonymous said...

Played this level today and this level has changed. Besides the 20 wrapped candies you need to get 100 Blue and 100 Green in 15 moves!!! Ugh... tried several times on my Android and didn't get close. Played on the PC and using a Special Candy (the check mark ball) and a Color Bomb and got it 1st try and 3 stars. Good Luck!

Bling59 said...

The wraps are easy. But 100 blue and 100 green and only 15 moves. Really??????, wasted lots of lives and boosters to get nowhere.

Bling59 said...

After posting my comment, I managed to pass it. It was far from easy . 20 wraps, 100 green, 100 blue. Phew!!!

Bill. said...

Second attempt on Pc combinations easier to get. Essential to unlock the first ufo straight away then the others follow.

Anonymous said...

I'm wasting all my moves on trying to unlock the center UFO, definitely a lucky board is needed. Really lucky.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the colors are what's hard to get and getting the first ufo open, let alone the outside ones.ugh. here we go again.

Unknown said...

Can' believe how easy this was. Used a hammer to knock out the middle UFO, then, sat back and watched it all fall into place. Hardly had to make any moves at all.

Anonymous said...

They've definitely changed this level since the video posted above. Now it's 20 wraps, 100 green, and 100 blue. I never have enough moves to get the greens and blues. Ugh.

Karen said...

I also gave to get 100 blue and 100 green candies.. Guess this has changed

Anonymous said...

Another BS level.

Unknown said...

Must have gotten a lucky board because I sailed through without boosters. I totally ignored the 100 blue and green and focused on freeing the middle saucer which got all the other saucers going. After it was over I only needed two wraps and only a few of the blue and green.

Boffo said...

You don't have to just concentrate on the middle UFO. Just get any one of them. It sets off a chain reaction. Got done in the first try.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that CC have changed it to make it harder...cheating again!!! Getting moves or combos to open it up is an impossible problem on my tablet, most of the time you run out of moves before you can even get anywhere opening a ufo so I will try on pc to see if it is any easier. Looking like another shitty level that they have altered to suck money out of us...Over that nonsense!!

IZZy said...

The best WINNING HINT is to use a hammer on the middle UFO First thing, the rest of the game will be handed to you, just about!!

Unknown said...

The problem is, by the time the UFO’s are done, 89 blues and greens don’t appear to kill! This is a ridiculous level.

Anonymous said...

How the hell are you suppose to collect all these orders in 12 moves yet on here it say just collect wrapped candies

patti said...

no problem getting the saucers to go off, my problem is my board is always flooded with red and purple candy.. not even enough blue and green to make a three way match.. it is a conspiracy !

Anonymous said...

12 moves now. How do I beat this level?

Unknown said...

I’ve played 15-20 times and used all the hints, including using a hammer on the center saucer right away. Can’t collect all the blue and green even after all the saucers go off. I may try a few more times tomorrow, but after that? I’m done with this money pit. Sad to have gotten so far to just quit, but this isn’t fun anymore

Anonymous said...

Impossible level.

Lorraine said...

I TOTALLY AGREE with Unknown ! Goodbye money pit !