Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1436 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
1436 is a clear the jelly level with 3 evil spawners. You have 30 moves with checkerboard scattered-multi hit blockers.
The spawners spawn licorice crates that grow around the spawners themselves which means when they blow up, the explosion will remove a lot of them. Check around each spawner after every move for opportunities to make a hit. If there are no hits, check in the center of the board and try to get rid of some of the blockers so you will have a better chance at making stripes, wraps and combos.
There is a big element of luck involved to this board... best tip - make sure to check around each spawner after every move.
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Posted my comment on 1437. Sorry.
I used a fish booster on this level and got two stars on the second try~~ not too bad.
May have been a lucky board, but made my combos on the bottom when possible to create cascades. Finished first try. No boosters with 2 moves left.
CC from vero😎
First try - 3 stars; used fish as suggested. Thanks again for the tip. Grace from DU
Fifth attempt. Lucky with wrapped candy to destroy the spawners then fairly easy.
Took me more lives than I want to admit, but this level was a lot of fun. Quite different on iPad and PC. Challenging in different ways. No boosters needed.
Hopefully, next few games I'll get it......
I tried a few times without boosters but wasn't getting anywhere. So I tried a fish on its own but it only appeared once the first time and the second time it appeared twice, the second appearance when I only had three moves left. So not much use then. This time I used sparkle and fish and just managed to clear the board with only one move left.
Good luck everyone.
Sprinkle and fish booster did it for me, after many tries with no boosters.
Thanks for the tips guys.
OMG! Been on this for 3 days & countless lives -- still nothing. One time it came down to 6 jellies to destroy! I've tried all the hints & nothing!
Took too many lives. Nasty level.
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