Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1447 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
This is a new kind of orders level. You have to collect chocolate, licorice and icing!
The icing is the easiest as it is there on the board and you need to collect it to allow the chocolate and licorice to come out so you can collect them.
Make your first moves at the top to start opening the blockers which are under the licorice dispensers. The licorice is the hardes to collect so get it moving as soon as possible.
Then make matches and combos to open the chocolate dispensers at the bottom.
Try to leave the licorice for a few moves before you make matches next to it or you will have to keep wasting moves while you wait for more to drop. If you don't match any you will get new pieces dropping every move, but if you match the licorice none will drop on the next move.
Also allow the chocolate to grow for a few moves as it will be easier to collect if there are a few squares instead of collecting every square as it appears.
Level 1447 is not a hard level but it is a bit of a change from what we are used to.
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This was a really weird level but I beat it on the first try.
a different level indeed..
loved the refreshing set of combos
Agreed - this was a fun new challenge! It was comparatively easy too if you follow the hints above (always helpful!)....................
I rarely post but the hints on this page were quite helpful. After more than a dozen attempts, passed this level the first time after following the hints, with no boosters.
Am I the only one having trouble with this level. I'm on my third day and getting very frustrated.
Cathy, you are not. I usually play on my iPhone but these levels are not there yet and that is where I have all my special candy. I have tried for a few days, playing on the PC without boosters and I get nowhere.
The game wouldn't make either licorice or chocolate. All licorice and all chocolate portals were cleared early in the game, but wouldn't generate enough of either to win. I played so that licorice should drop, but it didn't. I played so that chocolate should form, but it didn't.
Been on this level for 2 days. It's true that the chocolate and licorice don't form for you to finish this level. Closer I came had 3 licorice left after used all the moves. Very frustrating that what you need to finish the board the game does not provide even if the tactic to ignore the licorice or chocolate to form it is still not enough. its like racking leaves in summer. lol
Easiest way....take a check mark booster in....
So easy...
After reading the tips, got this first try. Really different and fun. Mind you, if it took me a long time on this, I probably wouldn't think it's fun. Concentrated on the blockers first, then chased chocolate as it always seemed to eat my stripes. By then, there was enough licorice on the board that there was no trouble collecting it. Good luck everyone! I was lucky enough to get my lucky board right away.
Need to release the liquorice from the top asap then concentrate on the chocolate and bricks. Quite enjoyable.
Not too bad but I can see how it can get tedious if you don't get the right board. I beat it in 3 or 4 times without boosters. Grace from DU
Thanks for the tip about the check booster. It worked a treat.
Having a hard time to get the licorice to drop! Help!!
Where are the licorice and chocolate now that you need them? ugh.
Must have had a lucky board, got it first time with no boosters. Focused on clearing blockers first and when the licorice and choc. started coming I ignored them and kept making special candies. Then I took them out after there were many on the board. Not chasing chocolate is the opposite of what we are used to, lol
My advice is to open up the 3 middle blockers at the top first. Don't try to open up the 2 outside ones. You will just waste moves and will get all the licorice you need out of the 3 middle ones. While you are attacking these blockers you will also make moves to accumulate the blockers avthe bottom. Let the chocolate grow so you can take out a lot at one time. But don't let it take over the board.
I think it's difficult because it goes against all your instincts to have to harvest these things instead of trying to avoid them.
Not finding this easy even with check mark booster. I only got two check mark candies the whole game, and one of them was a meringue! Licorice just doesn’t make enough, having to spend all my specials trying to coax them out. Frustrating level. 😕
Awaiting the right board....ughain, lol
It took me a while to conquer this one. I couldn't get the top layer cleared to drop licorice. Finally it happened when I combined a bomb with a wrapped candy because it cleared 3 in the top layer so the licorice fell in 3 columns. It was a real challenge.
This level is really starting to irritate me. Have come so close. It is so hard to clear the top layer. I have tried using a check mark and a bomb with a wrapped candy several times, but nothing really helps. I am losing my patience and nothing helps. I need a lucky board CC if there is such a thing.
Great hints. Thanks
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