Candy Crush Saga Level 1451

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 541 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
You need to clear the Evil Spawners as quickly as possible, a colour bomb/stripe combo is probably the best combo for doing that, especially if there are candies next to the spawnwers the same colour as the stripe.
If you can't get the colour bomb/stripes just keep hitting them with stripes or stripe/wrap combos. 
The mystery candies can be really useful to give the special candies you need and with luck you can get the spawners cleared early in the game.
The good thing is that the blockers will stay in the squares where the spawners are and can't spread to the rest of the board.
If you get a lot of fish from the lucky candies they will remove jelly from UNDER the blockers and if you are really lucky they may hit the spawners as well.
There is jelly under all the blockers but if the fish clear the jelly from under some you won't need to clear them to complete the game.
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Anonymous said...

As you play you will eliminate some jellies through use of special candies even though the cream may grow back due to spawners. Once the jelly is gone, it's gone, and you won't have to clear that cream again. I played this many times until I got that concept.

Lucia said...

I couldn't do this one without boosters. Another "life is too short for me to get that lucky" level.

2cats said...

I've played this 100 times and never get close. I have cleared the jelly from some of them, but when the spawners throw the blockers out, when I clear them again, there is still jelly where it was gone before. I don't see how to get past this one. Help!!

anonymous said...

I agree. This level is impossible! I have played it for two days (at least 100 times) and have never come close. What should we do?????

Anonymous said...

I, too, am finding it impossible to even get close on this one. Even with a fish booster, I'm nowhere near it. Time to find another distraction, ie. life!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What I really dislike about all levels of CC is when I lose a game, the button for "Play on" is so close to the "Quit Game" button that it's really easy to accidentally push the wrong button. Result of this of course, is you lose a large number of gold bars for extra moves that you don't even want. And there's no way of backing out! Surely the makers of this game don't mean to be taking away all our gold in such an underhand manner. This is unrelated to level 1451 I know, but it's costing me a lot of gold bars!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the help.....with the advice above, I just beat the level on the first try (after 100 tries)!! Use a fish, and focus on the jelly, not the meringue. The Jelly doesn't come back....just remember which ones you have cleared and focus on the jellies rather than the clocks!

Unknown said...

I still don't really understand Evil Spawners. Add mystery candies to the shuffle and it becomes even more challenging, not in a good way. It's very hard to strategize due to the nature of having no control. I finally passed it (and didn't bother wasting any boosters). And, I see the next level has them again. I'm dreading it. Good luck to those who stick this out --- depends largely on patience and a lucky board.

jonithorne said...

Been stuck for a few days. Bored.

Anonymous said...

I also can't come close, but I have a question -- I thought that the Evil Spawner exploded after 5 hits. Is that true? Is it true for this board. I haven't actually kept track, but it feels like I've hit some spawners an awful lot, with no results.

Unknown said...

I know I have hit the spawners more than 5 times also and they still don't detonate. Surely they don't have to be consecutive moves?

Mrs. M said...

I can't, for the life of me, figure out the point to this game. As soon as you break through the meringue, the spawner fills it again - and as far as the spawners are concerned, no one seems to know how many strikes it takes to get rid of the nasty things.
I also don't get what someone above said about focusing on the jelly, not the meringue. Well, duh. You can't get to the jelly w/o hitting the meringue.

Mrs. M said...

Oh jeeze. No sooner did I post the above, when I got a super lucky board and was able to get rid of the spawners fast. The comment about the jelly was correct. If you get rid of the jelly, and the spawner is still there, it will produce meringue, but the meringue isn't considered jelly, so it doesn't need to be removed, again. I hope that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Use a fish booster! worked for me with the first try!

Anonymous said...

Upon advice given here, I used a fish booster and won on my next go. Surprised me too, since I had no idea how much jelly I had left. Top box was completely covered with evil spawner and heavy cream.

Anonymous said...

Played may times with no chance of beating this level. Checked in to read Ms Cookie's hints. Took out the evil spawners with 5 hits each and remembered where the jelly was. Only needed 3 (one double hit) on the bottom. Focused my hits on those and a fish took out the last one. Thank you Ms Cookie. ALH

Anonymous said...

My fish boosters are exploding regular candies on regular board, not in the 3x3 squares. That's no help.

Anonymous said...

I got down to just the spinner (with cream in other 8 squares), knowing the jelly was cleared. BTW, the spinner counts as a jelly, so I lost. So close. I wonder if hammer works on that. I didn't have one or I would have tried.

Anonymous said...

So boring. This should be marked up as a hard level. I do like to feel I have a bit of a chance but this is hopeless. Tried using the fish booster but it made no difference whatsoever. Every move you set up to get a spawner blows itself up as the conveyor belt moves. Horrid level.

Thiru said...

Try to blow up the maximum mystery candies in the first three moves, its a great opening start :-)

Anonymous said...

Read here once to SEE how much jelly is left, hit the switch hand button, it will illuminate where the jelly is located. Haven't beat this yet

Unknown said...

Just passed this level by using every booster available & waiting for a striped wrapped combo to appear next to the spawner. The game began! This combo cleared most of the jelly immediately. The fish cleared the rest very quickly. Thought I'd past the level as only the evil spawners remained. I couldn't work out why the game hadn't finished so continued playing. I then realised, I needed to completely knock out the soawners. 3 hammers later this level is done! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Yikes. After many lost lives, I got this in 10 moves....40 moves left over!! Had a ton of fish early in the board, matched them with stripes and wraps and...dunzo! The tip here about using the fish really helped.

Unknown said...

Using fish booster worked second time after reading the hints. The fish seem to alternate between hitting the needed blockers versus the general board. o the poster who is afraid of next level - don't be - it is a fun one especially compared to this one.

Anonymous said...

Always on mobile. The 1st 5 levels on this episode were pretty breezy, got them all in 9 tries and a hand switch. But this level is tough, took me a while to figure out its intricacies. Great tip here that once the jellies are gone they are gone. Nonetheless, the spawners still need to be hit adequate times and this is the hardest part. Took me about 20 tries before my lucky board turned up. Still needed a hammer to clear the last jelly.

Anonymous said...

Finally, after many, many tries. Three moves left, no boosters. So frustrating setting up moves only to have everything self detonate. Did not like this level.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with Paul Kington's comment. Why can't we have an "Are you sure?" tick box before using extra lives.
would also like to thank you for this site I would never have got to this level without it.

OBie1 said...

Used Fish and combo booster, cleared it with 38 moves left.

Anonymous said...

I used a fish booster. Got a lucky board with a stripe/wrap over the jellies, then a sprinkle/wrap. Was able to destroy the top spawner before it spawned, taking all the jelly in that box. I only had the top left jelly remaining in the bottom box. Finally got rid of the lower spawner, then a couple of fish took out the last jelly.

Michelle said...

I completely agree.
They use this in all the other candy games too.
Drives me nuts to waste my money for extra moves when I do not want them.

Michelle said...

Omg....crazy...anyone else have their board go crazy....tons of noise and then watch every candy turn into a sugar point candy?
2nd time I have gotten a board that did this.....
Ended up with 60 sugar points....

Michelle said...

Omg....crazy...anyone else have their board go crazy....tons of noise and then watch every candy turn into a sugar point candy?
2nd time I have gotten a board that did this.....
Ended up with 60 sugar points....

Anonymous said...

Follow Thiru's advice by using mystery candies in the beginning and use a jelly fish booster like most of the comments mentioned and you should get this easily. It worked for me. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Fish booster helped me cross the level in the second try..

Brian said...

Nothing easy about this one. A real booster eater!

Anonymous said...

After struggling to just using a fish, I finally used all 3 and reset board till sprinkle and stripe were together and this cleared almost all my jelly so I could concentrate on making moves to hit spawners and that did it! Not a fun level
Thanks for tips
CC from Vero

Annonymous said...

I just don't get this level. One game ended saying I had only 2 jellues left but I couldn't see where they were.

Anonymous said...

Horrible, horrible level

Anonymous said...

Wow...getting nowhere here!

Anonymous said...

I like this level. I actually sort of enjoy the randomness of it. BUT I will be relieved when I finally get the lucky board! :)

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with the above comment. Been here for a long, long time

Marc Shapiro said...

This is killing me. Killing me!

Jennifer said...

I hate this level. I use up all my moves just trying to get the spawners gone and I can never seem to knock out more than just one anyway.

I know a few people have mentioned how to get rid of the spawners. You need to hit them five times. I too felt like I was hitting them way more times, but once I started counting, it is indeed five - it just feels like a freaking lifetime.

Melanie said...

I was feeling like this was the time I was going to get past this level. I used a fish booster hoping it would clear jelly under the meringue, finally with one move and one spawner left I used 2 hammer hits on the spawner, hoping that was all the jelly left and it worked!!! So happy to be done with this one!

Unknown said...

I have had this same issue!! Please fix this King!!!

Anonymous said...

Been stuck here for days, followed previous advice, used all 3 boosters n reset till stripe n sprinkle together. Got it with 2 moves left.

Anonymous said...

One word: BORING!!!!!! Grace from DU

Cat said...


Bill. said...

Amazing tried dozens of times nowhere near then first attempt on Pc with fish booster. Seemed like a different game.

Ornurse said...

Used a fish and a combo booster. Reset until fish was beside wrapped. It swam over and blew up a lot of the left side. Make sure your boosters aren't on the left when you start.

Anonymous said...

Been on here forever and can't even get close. Even tried using specials, I am done. This is no fun anymore.

Lucky me said...

Very tricky level, stuck for days but after reading all comments concentrated on using fish and fish combos. You need that lucky board to do damage early and then the fish eat up the jellies, but hard to see/ remember where the last couple of jellies are. You can just see a faint border around the edge of the meringue, used hammers to get the last two, so glad to be through finally!

Anonymous said...

The only thing missing from this impossible level is the stupid frog.

Anonymous said...

So the fish booster definitely helps. Also, you do NOT need to explode the evil spawners (although helpful) but there is NO JELLY under them.
When my board finally cleared, there was one spawner left and quite a few meringue still showing but I had already cleared the jelly under those earlier. It definitely helps if you can remember where you have jelly left.
If it's any consolation, the next level is a wonderful, joyous level of the 5 minute cascading candies! 3 stars and 1,103,255 in points.

Anonymous said...

I know some are posting they passed this level, but I don't see me ever passing it. I've tried all the tips, used fish and I'm not having any luck at all. The cascades completely screw any chances of setting up moves.

Rtrout said...

Agree. I won't buy gold bars in this or soda saga primarily because they get accidentally squandered all the time. So I'm boycotting purchases until this is changed.

Anonymous said...

Same thing has happened to me numerous times. When you purchase something from the Apple Store it will ask you again if you want to buy it. Not with the extra moves button. Obviously by design to steel your hard earned gold bars. If they are honest & truly care about their players they would fix it!

Anonymous said...

Horrid level! My fish boosters are worthless. Some of them eat candy where there is no jelly. When they did try to help with the jelly they tried to clear the upper block which was already cleared. Very frustrating when CC doesn't play fair! When I use a booster I want it to do what it is designed to do. I appreciate the boosters, but a lot of the times they are worthless!

Anonymous said...

Ditto with the cascades! They screw up my moves & waste my specials!

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely stunned! I used a fish booster. On first move, fish ate 3 jellies. On s consive, a sprinkle lined up next to a stripe. I activated that and the explosion took out BOTH spawners and left me with 3 jellies. On the 3rd move I released another fish. Game over! I'm in shock! Never in 1450 prior games have I had such luck. And that's what it was. So my advice - hedge "luck" and start out with all 3 boosters. Keep resetting until you can release fish on first move and on second move the sprinkle and stripe will align. I was fortunate in that my stripe had lots of the same color in the blocks and on main board. I really hope it works for you.

LoriLou said...

I used a fish booster and a wrapped stripe booster and kept resetting the board until I could cross the fish with the wrapped candy anywhere I could. They all swam to the squares with the spawners and detonated one and really helped get the second one on its way to detonation, not to mention the jelly it cleared in the process. The rest was just dumb luck, getting combos, etc.

Anonymous said...

i also cleared the game-or so i thought-with 3 stars(shocker!!) but it said i had 2 jelly left...??? no clue as to where they!!?? anyone have any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Ugh, it's gonna take awhile on this one, I have a feeling cause king won't see my comment for days. I get lots of good combos but they don't hit the right place very much. Ugh

Anonymous said...

Yeah...bite me...I'm done..

Anonymous said...

Haven't even come close yet!

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla....effing messed up level. Nothing like pure frustration!

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to play anymore. Ba bye cc1

Anonymous said...

How do you tell where the jelly is left? I was down to one, it said, but I couldn't figure out where that one was!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever said to use the Fish Booster is a genius. I just used it. Passed 1st time with 38 moves left. Should be no problem if you use that booster.

Anonymous said...

I have been stuck on this game for over a week now. I have used the fish booster several times and still don't come close to winning. I'm sure I could accomplish more with special combos but they magically blow up on their own before I can use them....strange. I have noticed this on many levels. Time to retire for while, this level is really taking the fun out of this game. The closest I've come to winning it I still had 4 jellies left and not enough hammers to pound my way through. Good luck to you all, I hope you do better than I have.

Anonymous said...

I passed this level without removing the spawners. The spawners covered everything with meringue. But I just kept making stripes and wrap combo when possible and just kept hitting the jelly area although I can't see the jelly as they were all covered. But the jelly can be removed this way without having the remove the meringue first. So never mind the meringue and the spawners. Just keep bombing the left hand side with stripes and combos.

Janine Marie said...

Not sure how I beat the level....think the fish ate the jelly that was covered in things.....just passed it with 3 stars...feel like it was a fluke.

Anonymous said...

Not all of the jellies were cleared, but it passed me. It's either a glitch or I'm not understanding this level.

Anonymous said...

You do not need to worry about the spanners. I used just one free fish booster and that worked. Here's how. Even though the spanners create cream on top, the fish will still clear what is underneath; you just can't see that happening. I worked on this level for many days before I finally gave up and tried using a fish booster. Bam! Done!

Anonymous said...

Tried using all my boosters, with no luck. I either need to quit or get a lucky board:(

Ann said...

Got this first try, no boosters, and total luck. cleared all jelly even though I only took out 1 spinner and 2 blocks. I could see that I had only one jelly left after I took out spinner, but I had no idea where it was. So with 7 moves, I just kept shooting left and managed to hit the jelly I couldn't see. Ultimately stupid level

Anonymous said...

I got this first try, second move!! Colour bomb & wrapped candy, total luck like Ann.

Deedle said...

Don't give up. After about 30 games lost, I reread comments,tips. Started by using a fish booster & a stripe/wrap booster. Board opened with a fish next to the wrap, and a stripe to set off to hit a spawner too...took out about 8 jellies. Then used tip of just blowing up all the specials that I could. Then,for a turn or two, I had no special candies on board...thought, uhoh...but,they came back. Just kept making some stripe/wrap combos, finished with more than 20 moves left. Tips plus good board did it. Thankful

Anonymous said...

I finally passed following some of the tips. but some were saying that you don't need to remove the spawners but I had a jelly left under the one spawner I had left and hit it many times but still had jelly under it. finally the spawner blew up leaving the one jelly and was able to clear it with 7 moves left. cleared a lot of jelly with the fish and wrap twice. good luck everyone, this one was a real pain!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting this level! Nothing like the video here. Played hundreds of times and never got down to less than 6 left. Tried fish, combos, and sprinkles. Even tried all three together but nothing seems to take away the jelly. Stripe and wrap combos have many times not reduced any jelly even when directly over the left side of the board! Striped/Sprinkle combos go everywhere but miss jelly. How is that possible????????? Truly boring level, just waiting on lucky board which seem to be few and far between lately! SMH

Unknown said...

You can st it up so you need to enter a password for your transaction to go through. That's what I dd

Unknown said...

Can somebody advise. Bought a new phone. CC was installed automaticly. Right level but no livex. Have 843 lives on old phone. How do I get my lives on new phone. Btw cant pass this level.

Unknown said...

I thought I would go ahead and post my complaint post before I even started this level so I can get that out of the way. Come on lucky board!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand this one. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

I am really fed up with this one. So so annoying. I can get all kinds of good candies but nothing breaks through the blockers.

Unknown said...

The fish don't hit the spawners. I've had 2 jellies left and some fish to use and they just hit anything but the jellies (which were under the spawners)

Mary said...

I don't get the spawners. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 hits to explode it or you can hit it more than that and it doesn't explode. I think sometimes the game is fixed so you won't win no matter what. Then you get a lucky game and it plays itself.

Unknown said...

After what feels like a millions of try's on this level haven't even got close but after reading some tips on here I'll give it a few thousand more try's at It or pray for a lucky board

Unknown said...

After what feels like a millions of try's on this level haven't even got close but after reading some tips on here I'll give it a few thousand more try's at It or pray for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

After having won the previous 1,450 games, this is the one that is unwinnable --- at least, for me. Countless wasted boosters, eggs with nothing but blockers and bombs, useless vertical stripes, unwanted cascades ... it manages to be both boring and frustrating.

Wish I had great advice instead of kvetching, but I'm reminded of the line in the film "WarGames": "The only way to win is not to play."

Anonymous said...

Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh this is driving me nuts.

Anonymous said...

This is not good. I've been doing this for ages and getting absolutely nowhere, not even close.

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible. I have tried the fish booster several times plus the chocolate booster and cannot win. Closest I came was 1 jelly left but where was it. I am fed up with it. Time to find something else. This level sucks big time.

Anonymous said...

How many times do you have to hit the devil's spawners? I've actually counted one game and I hit the bottom one 7, yes seven times in succession and it still didn't explode. My patience is wearing out on this one.

Karen said...

I have to break the all the blocks not just jelly..Impossible!

Unknown said...

I started off with wrap and fish booster, as someone suggested, and managed to wipe out first spawner and just tried to keep hitting all I could and I don't know if fluke or not but suddenly got a candy crush; whew!! I'll take it!! Good luck. I hated this level.

Unknown said...

This happened to me too today. So frustrating

momma said...

Impossible level! Waste of time and boosters!

Anonymous said...

Those spawners are really killing this game. What kind of a mind created them! exasparating and no fun at all!!!

connie said...

Have tried everything-boosters, extra moves, combos etc. have gotten down to two - the spawners of course, &.can't beat this. Have no control over the board & can't see which jellies are left to be cleared. I don't think this game liked me. I love this blog but none of the tips here are working for me

Anonymous said...

Hated this level so much that I finally removed the app. Gotta say it's about time!

Anonymous said...

Stupid stupid level, I've used ALL my fish boosters, didn't even come close! I hate these levels and the people who say, I got it in the first attempt! I call BS

Anonymous said...

My advice is to play all the moves and just keep making combos. I used a fish and that helped a lot. Just don't give up.

Anonymous said...

I used a chocolate sprinkle booster and paired it with a wrapped candy. Pick a wrap that has the most colors represented in the 2 blocks. When they explode you will get rid of a lot of jellies plus the spawners. From there you can complete the level.

Anonymous said...

I've cleared both spawners a couple of times, but then can't see where the remaining jellies are to make sure I fire sideways stripes in the right place. Plus, fed up of lining combos up only for them to self-detonate. Hating this level.

Anonymous said...

The hammer counts as one hit but you dont know if it is the one that will expode it.

Anonymous said...

Excellent point.

Susie said...

I hit the spawners and it has no affect..I have hit them like 7 times and they are still there. Wow...appears to be a glitch in this one. I'll never pass it. So I'm quitting cc for a while. Puzzles like this loses your business king. Don't you get that?

Susie said...

I hit the spawners and it has no affect..I have hit them like 7 times and they are still there. Wow...appears to be a glitch in this one. I'll never pass it. So I'm quitting cc for a while. Puzzles like this loses your business king. Don't you get that?

Anonymous said...

Dislike this level playing is fun but this level only possible with 20 lollipops

Anonymous said...

the levels with the popcorn are no fun and all boosters already used the fun to the game about candy chrush is over :(

Anonymous said...

This level is made for buy boosters. this is not funny to play the game

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a hard one 😳. Hopefully I will get a lucky board soon ! 😊

Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to hit the evil spawners 😶 I can't seem to make a dent in this one...
Urrggghhhh... Lucky board where are you ???

Unknown said...

There is a jelly under both spawners. Here's what I did: Chocolate sprinkle/stripe, wrap and reset until the sprinkle and stripe were together. You have to take out jellies in the first few moves BEFORE the spawner covers them. After the choc. stripe combo took out many jellies I activated a couple fish and now the only jellies I had were under the spawners and 40 something moves left. I still had to use a couple of lollipops on the bottom spawner in the end but it is over,,, whew!!

Anonymous said...

Seems a lot of folks are truly frustrated and disgusted over this level. The entire 1400 series has been a mess. Why make these games so hard. This level isn't even considered hard??? Are you serious King? To add insult to injury you added bombs??? Fast approaching a goodbye to candy crush. Where oh where is my lucky board?

Anonymous said...

Stupid level ! I'm done. Buy King!

Anonymous said...

Horrid level, I am sure CC likes to make things to drive us mad & pay for boosters, not anymore from me....I will keep plugging away at this one without any boosters as I have used them up, Another few days & it may be quitting time :)

Fairy said...

Thank you for the tips! Ignored. The evil ones. Just kept making stripes and used my fish booster. I loved the hint to use the hand to show where the jellies are. Two days ago of being in bed with a broken foot to get it. Have fun.!

Anonymous said...

I somehow passed this level by CLEARING THE LOWER GAME BOARD ONLY. Took me days. Thought I would be on this one for ever. A Lot of luck!

Silverdollarbill said...

After many tries I used all 3 boosters. On the 2nd move I made a CB & fish combo, and it cleared all the jelly except for the evil spawned! Took the rest of the game to get the lower spawned & jelly. With one move left I used my three hammers, & with a hand switch made a fish combo and one of the fish took out the upper jelly luckily!

Anonymous said...

I have been on this level for months! Ready to delete. Have had enough of candy crush!Ridiculous!

AlvaroGerardo said...

That's what I've got on my Android, five consecutive moves or they'll start all over again. That was part of my problem on level 1449, but enough of the past. This one I haven't tried it yet, but I see the comments and gives me a rush because I live for these moments. I try not to use boosters unless they're free! I lost me helmet so no free boosters going into this level, perfect!

AlvaroGerardo said...

I understood, and I'm not from this planet.

AlvaroGerardo said...

Not as difficult for me since I took advantage of the fish taking out the candy from underneath all those blockers. Took me about five tries and concentrated on the spawners because there is one candy under each spawner. I had Xtra 🎏 fish boosters so I sent them out on a suicide mission. Without fish, one can play forever if you don't take out the spawners in less than twenty moves. Tip: if you have a color bomb and stripes as boosters, reset until they're side by side or even better color bomb wrap combo especially where the spawners are located. On to 1452. Buena suerte a todos!

AlvaroGerardo said...

The fish will find it anyway.

Unknown said...

What a nasty board! It seems that once the meringue forms around the spinner, it is next to impossible to take out the spinner. I also tried a fish booster which showed up lots of times but doesn't hit the spinner. I cleared everything but one spinner. Has anyone else had their tablet unable to connect with Facebook? This happened to me before also and I had to delete CC App and reload it and lost all of my boosters and gold bars when I did that. Very annoying!

Unknown said...

Craziest, worst board ever but appreciated some of the hints above. I finally won after several attempts while using the fish booster. I even had the so called "lucky" board. After the first move 2 sprinkles landed side by side. I combined them and they took out the first layer of the cream and the next move took out everything but the 2 spinners. I soon took out one of the spinners but believe it or not, I could not wipe out the second one with all of those moves left! One hammer would have done it but I didn't have one. Thankfully I did win the next time using the fish, 3 stars. Just happy to be moving on! Good luck out there!

Anonymous said...

The 2nd time I tried it I got down to 1 jelly remaining using fish. Where in the HELL is that last one hiding? I swear, somewhere in the KING office some pencil neck geeks are so proud of themselves. After making it this far we shouldn't be punished with the BULLSHIT spawners!!

SusieQ said...

It took me ages, and many attempts, to realise that you do not have to clear all the cream. You just have to remember where the jellies have cleared, even though they will be covered with cream again before you can blink. I used some striped and wrapped sweeties which cleared the jelly and then suddenly there were only two jellies remaining - the evil spawners. I used lollipop hammers to break them and jellyfish cleared them both. Don't care what score I got, or how many stars, just releived to get past this one.

Alessandra said...

Load of utter TRIPE
I’ve wasted fish booster twice, hand switch and colour bomb
No more from me , it annoys me more when I’m msking the extra effort for nothing.

I had three jellies left and couldn’t see where the HELL they were - what a stupid , stupid , stupid, stupid set up
Can’t be bothered.

Unknown said...

I have used boosters and I’m still stuck please help

Unknown said...

I have hit the spawners over and over and they are still there.When I do manage to get rid of one I don't have enough moves left to clear the jelly. This level is so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

3 days on this & 70 lives! Doesn't matter what I try -- cannot get rid of both spawners!! Get one then cannot get the other! I am so over this! What is the saying about doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result?? Don't think I am the one that is crazy!!

Anonymous said...

4 days on this now! Another 20 lives gone & still nadda! Have tried all the suggestions! I have wiped out the spawners several times then not enough moves left to wipe out the jelly! Cc I think this is enough! Even the coconut wheel wasn't enough!

Anonymous said...

1 more day on this -- & 15 more lives! That totals 8 days, 105 lives!!!! Have tried all the suggestions & must have watched the video at least 4 times -- no actually studied the video! Just cannot believe I have made it through 1450 games to end this way! Cc you have done me in -- unless a miracle occurs -- DONE!!!!!!!!!!

Kaikona said...

My feeling exactly! I’m so done. Tried everything. Multiple wheels, color bombs, combos,... don’t even come close. Tired of waiting for the almighty magic board! I hear there’s actually a life outside of CC. Bye Bye!

Spike said...

Finding this impossible !!! Not much fun.

Snoozin said...

I read your comments. Thank you. I had some free fish, so I used one. On my very FIRST move I was able to take out a fish with a color bomb on the same color strip as the fish....and low and behold - a cascade of moves happened - fish were coming out of the woodwork. I beat the level with 18 MOVES left, got three ice blue stars and 339,900 points. Either CC felt sorry for me because it took me 2 weeks to complete level 1449 OR I got a LUCKY BOARD on the first try. Good luck everyone...never give up! PS - I never buy anything from these games.