Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1458 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
This is a basic jelly level with bombs to contend with.
Clearing the jelly is not the hard part of level 1458, the hard part is controlling the bombs, these are what will kill your game repeatedly.
Remove as much jelly as you can before the bombs start to fall from the dispensers, then if you get a chance to match a bomb take it, you may not get another. If you can switch the bomb out of its space and leave a normal candy there better still.
Look carefully at the candies moving around the conveyor and if there are candies you can use to remove a bomb on the way around try not to match them or you may not get more in time.
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This level is impossible! It seems that King does everything to prevent you from getting combos and forces you to buy boosters because you think you have it and then the bombs kill you.
Anyone else having a problem with 1458?
I just got to this level and saw it and thought "oh yeah.. doesn't look too bad!" lol.. then the bombs. :-( Lasted about 10 moves into my first go at it haha. Out of lives now so gotta wait til they replenish but somehow I think I'll be stuck on this one for a while. Hmmmm
Agreed! Bombs are the problem
It worked just like you said it would!! Thanks!!
horrible level, no idea how to defeat.
Has anyone passed this level? Been stuck for a week. Can't even get close.
3 of my friends passed it with quite high scores, too. I think they may have used boosters, though. I used the fish, waste of time. I guess we'll just have to wait for that lucky board.
BTW, is anyone else's game "jerky"? It's like there's a hiccup and it's been that way for the last several games.
Well, I passed it, today. I tried not to break the frosting covering the bombs until it was absolutely necessary. I did have to use a lollipop hammer at one point, but it was worth it. Finally passed with 2 stars.
The next level is absolutely RIDICULOUS! :/
Lucky first try and one hammer. I also watched very carefully for upcoming bomb switches which would enable a switch for a regular candy under a dispenser, and counted those moves to make sure that would happen in time, so I rarely cleared bombs when I fiirst could. That was key for me. Thanks for the tips, and good luck to all.
Don't BUY boosters. Play for sugar drops to get free ones. Impossible to win these games without boosters.
The only way is to use boosters. Hammer and hand did it for me. Didn't buy though. Played with free boosters from sugar drop games.
After reading the comments, got this first try using 2 hand switches and 2 hammers. Didn't figure this could be done without boosters unless I wanted to use countless lives. And what else are the boosters for? Happy to collect sugar drops every day just for this purpose. One star but happy to be moving on. Good luck everyone!
I'm posting this for those who are without boosters and/or may be stubborn, as am I, when it comes to some of these levels. Having gratefully used that hammer to pass, I came back to see while waiting for Wednesday. It takes luck and planning, but it is doable without. Good luck.
Keeps crashing on this level on my ipad - not managed it on the PC. All my boosters are on the ipad version so will have to wait for King to fix the crashing or for a lucky board on the PC ...
A frustrating level. Took a few tries to get this. It's a mixture of skill and luck. I did use a hand switch to get rid of a bomb that was about to explode, and I was ready to use a couple of hammers, but got lucky and didn't need them. 3 stars, moving on (I hear the next one is a bad one!)
Here is how I passed second try. I carefully cleared jelliea frim the center out trying not to disturb the blocks that release bombs on the outer portion until the rest of the board was clear. Then I moved carefully and some were taken care of by the movement of the conveyer. I did use 2 hammers near the end to finish off 2 bombs that I didn't want to chance exploding. Good luck! LA
I apologize. That was for level 1458
Used a fish booster and a hammer to kill a bomb and crossed the level.
I lucked out on this level. 1st try 3 stars. The combos just made themselves.
I'm posting for luck... I need it! Finding this one very difficult and I'm about out of boosters. Help!!!
Replenish? You realize how easy it is to have unlimited lives?
Ok Master of CC
Like a lot of these levels easier on Pc. Chocolate bombs plus striped candy twice cleared the jelly and bombs.
Johnson 1956 why do you come here and say got it first try?? we don't want to hear that! We need advise NOT oh combo made themselves, really, post your luck somewhere else please!
Great advice about clearing the centre first and also try to only be dealing with one or two bombs at once. Went slowly, no combos, just wrapped and striped. No boosters but would have used if needed. Played on iPad , so is possible.
Ellie H
I passed it after taking 1 or 2 bombs at a time. It was after a few try. By opening too many bombs is too dangerous. Just open one or two at a time. No booster used.
Omg!!!!! The last level was hard enough and it wasn't even considered a "hard level". Good God. I so sick of being on a level for a week.
Cc King, you think I'm gonna spend $5 on a lollipop booster? You're sadly mistaken. One effing jelly left and the effing bombs ruined it. You really know how to get people PO'd!!!!!! After being stuck for three days on this level, you still won't get my money.
What is sugar drop?
posting for luck...not getting even close
Fish helped me finally get this done, immediately after reading the comments here. I concentrated on the inside as much as possible to postpone the bombs. But since there is candy to be cleared underneath them, they have to be dealt with, and as people above said, one or two at a time is easier than having them ready to go off all over the board. I had to break two bombs with hammers at one point as I could see I was getting closer than I had over the last few days trying to get this one done. Good luck, all.
Not the worst level for me, came close with 2 jellies left twice, managed it on 10th try or so.
Took Judy's advice. Worked middle as much as possible, swapped out bombs to conveyer, kept sprinkle to hit low # bomb, took time to examine all moves, fish booster helped. Zita
Just thought I would jump in here with my complaint post now instead of waiting til I'm frustrated. Usually your complaint post helps you win the next board. We'll see.
Posting for luck. Previous comments make me hesitant to start this level for sure after the last one. Agree with those that comment about the "regular" levels being as hard if not harder than the "hard" ones. Need a break....
Please give me luck lol
I didn't use any boosters but was lucky enough to get a sparkle with a stripe early in the game which ate a lot of the jelly... lucky board thankfully.
Got it on the first try, can't believe it.
Got close with only 1 to go but have no hammers or other bonus things to use so did not pass. I refuse to pay for any extra's as I have when horribly stuck on previous levels. Cc can kiss my ass on paying them anymore money. I would rather quit or go nuts still trying to pass this horrid level. It seems most of the levels are now made so we will pay....only another 50 attempts to go hopefully :(
Ha! I just managed to beat this on my second try without any boosters, so it is possible. I used the tip above to start clearing the center first and to leave the last layer on the outside pieces that produce the bombs. Once the center is opened up it is easier to make combos like sprinkles/stripes. Good luck out there!
I got you free gold and boosters.
How easy is it?
This is BEYOND boring ! I can’t waste my time with this anymore. Pure crap !!! No challenge. Just hope you’re lucky board comes along and you get through it. Please ! I took a nap in between playing this level it’s so boring !
I concentrated very hard on trying to not clear under the bombs until as late as possible and this helped alot and I passed on the third try.
Impossible ridiculous level.
Posting for luck
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