Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1459 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Level 1459 is all about clearing the Evil Spawners! Only make matches next to them if at all possible and if you can get rid of the top ones in the first few moves your job will be a lot easier.
The spawners at the top release cream blockers to restrict your moves and the ones at the bottom release licorice to make them harder to hit.
If you can get at least 2 fairly quickly it will give you space to work on the rest. The fruit will fall from the three dispensers which are directly over the spawners and even if you are good at moving ingredients you will struggle to get them down to the exits if you can't remove the spawners.
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1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»Can I be the first to say "Eeeew"? You get so few moves before the spawners take over the world that this level seems next to impossible. If lollipop hammers work on thoser spawners, then I might just have to stockpile lollipops and come back when I can smash those spawners right away.
Nightmare............. losing lives so quickly. Lollipops do work but at 5 lollies (at least I think it's five hits) for each spawner that's totally prohibitive for me. Ah well.........will just keep using my free five lives as they become available which will take me all of a few moments to lose unless this level improves............ :)
just went back on and did it with no boosters and got one star which is fine by me................. so don't give up :)
I thought this board seemed impossible but I completed it after ~25 attempts with a sucker and a hand booster, with 4 moves left. Just need a lucky board. And you pretty much know within 8 moves whether there's any hope, so losing takes no time at all. I hated this board when I was playing it, but except for not being able to play CC for more than 10 minutes at a time b/c of the draining of lives, it was actually pretty interesting. Having not seen anyone posting that they'd completed the level led me to think it was impossible, but it is easier than some boards, and I would rather die on a hard board in 8 moves than in 50 moves.
I have tried numerous times!!! I think its impossoble. Just lose lives after lives
I was lucky to get a striped candy and a color bomb next to each other and combining them helped me to get rid of three evil spawners at once. But you have to get a lucky board, without it the winning is impossible really.
I'm just glad I'm over it :)
I should note that I might have been able to get it without using the two boosters... I just wasn't willing to take that chance. Again, no, not impossible... You just have to get lucky.
The doughnut booster did it for me here.
I used a sprinkle booster. Worked like a charm!
I've just coconut wheel and sprinkle together a few times and still got nowhere close. Impossible. I hate this one.
Why would anyone create such an almost impossible level. I am not having a good time and ny blood pressure is going up. I need a lucky board!
I am really beginning to find candy crush saga boring as there has been so many levels lately where no matter how good you are at the game all you can do is wait for your lucky level.
Got this one on me 8th try, no boosters. Made a color bomb on the first move and used it on the color with the most on the board. The cascade made many hits on the spawners and made 2 more color bombs. Again used them on the same color as the first and again the cascade took out all but one spawner. One hit on that and it was done. Then dropped the cherries and game over with way more moves than needed in the game. ALH
Incredibly enough I think this is the first time that exactly opposite of the hints is what worked for me. I tried countless times to work on the top two spawners first, to no avail. Finally, out of frustration, I tried working from the bottom up. I took me only two tries to get it. I don't know if it would work for everyone, but it sure worked better for me.
This is terrible. I start out good, striped/wrap, get a couple more wraps and get rid of 2 spawners. However, as soon as I do that, the other spawners take over and there's absolutely NO WAY to stop them.
This is the worst level, yet.
2nd attempt on ipad and I took Mary Louise's advice to work from the bottom. I did start with a sprinkle booster and firstly took out the colour there was most of on the board. Then working from the bottom caused multiple cascades which quickly took out the spawners. Maybe I was lucky there were moves at the bottom but it does seem the best way to beat this level.
Omg that was horrid and if I never see another spawner it will be too soon. I plugged away and I reckons took 60 or more goes and somehow I broke thru 3 spawners..bottom left was in tact and blow me down I see the words sugar crush..kinda forgot about fruit. ..closest I'd had was 1 fruit left..these were the only 2 games apart from.my 1st attempt where I was close. Good luck .. I cant give many tips really I just got lucky..HATED THIS OBE WITH A PASSION
Who at King decides what is a hard level and what isn't?? I never give up. But this is so frustrating.
Got this after ten tries. Used a chocolate sprinkle three times but it didn't help. Took advice and worked in bottom left. After a few hits on spawner I got a stripe/wrap and it took out both top and bottom. The cascades had helped on top one. The middle one was harder to get rid of. The ingredients fall on side you're working on but I always got one in middle at the start. If you keep working in bottom they fall down through holes in board. Used a lollipop hammer on one licorice to get the middle one out. Good to know the hammer works on licorice.
As usual thanks to everyone for the great advice and good luck.
The spawners alone is impossible to beat but you'll survive when candycrush wants you to survive not bcoz you're good,but the real problem was you need to drag those fukin fruits everytime co they get stuck that's the main waste of move,when you do,the spawners already filled your board in 3 moves
regardless of how to beat these boards with the "spawners", they just aren't fun at all...it might just be the end of this game for me if these are in every board from now on...
Got it after working the bottom up and focusing on one side before the other. After you clear one side, it becomes a lot easier
Horrible and I,possible level!!! Help!!
Absolutely horrendous level! I hate evil spawners! Someone at King has a devious mind!! Totally got fed up with this, so finally after countless lives, I used 8 hammers to get rid of the spawners at the bottom. After that I was home free! Tried the coconut wheel but it didn't really help much. Combos seemed to work better as the wheel wasn't always in a good place to help. Thank heavens for boosters! Couldn't have done many of these levels without them! Good luck everyone!
In a few seconds the board is filled with licorice and the game is over.....
This is the limit for me......I quit !!
This is not the CC that I want to play, only impossible levels and very frustrating, no fun at all!!
Good luck!
After reading all the posts, I started with a color bomb, and a coconut wheel. I worked on the bottom evil spawners first. Beat it on the first try, with 12 moves to spare. Good Luck!!!!!
J'ai suivi le conseil de Mary Louise. En attaquant par le bas, j'ai pu neutraliser les générateurs de mal et finir avec trois etoiles ***
Merci Mary Louise
Impossible I'm so stuck time to walk away for awhile bye candu crush
Well what can I say yet another impossible level thinking about quitting wasting too much time on here
I would like to hang the inventor of the spawner by their toenails. Evil little things!!
I really hate the evil spawners and this level is no fun at all. I see from previous posts that it can be done but I am despairing
I almost gave up candy crush over this level - it seemed like there was just no way to blow up those evil spawners. I wasted a few boosters - tried every time- but to no avail. Finally, as others have said, I got my lucky board. I was able to make a chocolate sprinkle on move #1 which hit the top two spawners once, then a stripe formed above it, so move #2 was to combine the chocolate sprinkle with the stripe which gave me the head start I needed. Another strategy which almost won for me was to use a chocolate sprinkle booster and combine it with the most common color locked in the jelly - that released the jellies to give me some combo's..............however, the lucky board did it for me.
This is a ridiculous level. I got a lucky board and destroyed all but one spawner and it still beat me. I lost a lot of lives before deciding to play at the bottom, which worked slightly better. Then I followed advice in the comments here and started with a sprinkle and coconut wheel. I did better, but still can't get it. I either take longer to lose,or run out of moves. Not fun.
Got it first time after posting the above :) I used the 2 boosters and rolled over the board till I had them where they looked useful. After setting off the sprinkle, the coconut wheel was next to a stripe, so that did a lot of damage. I finally had one spawner left, which was taking over, but I got a lucky hit and more coconut wheels. I finally used a lollipop to hit the spawner to destroy it. Surprisingly, I only needed 1 more fruit, and there was a simple match 3 under it. Only 1 star, but I'm glad that's over.
This level ticks me off. The top spawners are supposed to shoot out cream blockers? Mine shoot f'ing licorice. How the h am I supposed to blast through that much licorice??? It makes me so mad. Most of the levels lately are stupid and not enjoyable, but this one is especially shitty. I have lives to play, but I don't even want to, to be frank.
How soon before I get a lucky board
I wonder if this game can't be win on iPhone. I have played, easily, 200 times, possibly more. There are no meringues or "cream blockers" on my boards, only licorice.
I've tried playing from top-down, down-up, one side, other side, and every other permutation possible.
I've used coconut wheels, chocolate balls, stripes, and wraps with no luck.
The board fills with licorice after about 5 moves, and forget about trying to move the cherries over.
The sound of the spawners is about to give me a seizure.
After a couple of tries getting rid of the spawners on top and getting killed by the licorice, I changed tactics. I worked from the bottom and got those spawners first. In the meantime the top spawners were getting hit as well. The spawners were gone before they could do much damage.
Sprinkle and a stripe. Done. LA
If the point of this level is to make me cry, then you win Candy Crush. You win.
After reading the comments here, I figured it was a good level to use my free boosters on. Tried sprinkle stripe/wrap combo resetting until sprinkle next to stripe. Did this a couple of times with no luck. Since I'm short on the strip/ wraps, I switched to coconut wheels. Reset until they were in good position. Second time worked with two hammers taking out the last two fruits. JS
I'm just getting licorice on the iPad.... No cream from the spawners .... Hate hate hate this level :-(
Tin tin here. Yes impossible really. I followed some other tips here and started with a choc ball booster and a coconut wheel booster and worked from the bottom. I also used one hammer to get the last one out. I guess a lucky board will turn up sometime but I used so many lives, am just pleased to see the back of this one.
Was expecting this to be impossible, but got it first try. No boosters. You don't have to move the fruits sideways...if you destroy the spawners, the fruits slip down diagonally like magic. I either got a very lucky first board or it has been nerfed. I played on Android and worked from the top down. Good luck all. PS: someone was complaining about the noise of the spawners. I never play with the sound on. I didn't even realise people do, does it not drive you mad?!! There's an option in the game settings to turn it off always. Good luck all!
This level is NOT FUN! The swawners are EVIL. Don't even know what else to try. I can usually only get one, maybe two of the clocks to explode. ARGH.....
I have never been so bored by a level, I have played this level for 4 days now and got nowhere close. Most games are over within 10 moves, wait 2 and a half hours for full lives and all gone within 30 seconds. Think this might be the final straw now. I don't know if I have been playing for too long, but most levels now are just tedious
Thank heavens for this blog! After two days, followed the sprinkle and wheel advice and worked from the bottom, finished first time! Don't give up crushers!
Lost all my lives in a matter of minutes on this stupid level. I don't have cream blockers at the top - I get licorice all over. Only one time was I able to remove two spawners and it made no difference. The other three covered the board so quickly, I feel like I'm doomed as soon as I start.
Okay, I got lucky on my phone. Lost a few lives, but then the board just kept giving me chocolate sprinkles and I was able to clear it.
Woot! The chocolate sprinkle and coconut wheel did the trick! Thank you fellow crushers.
The donut works but reset game until you have it next to candies that will turn into a stripe immediately and pair them, this will open the board right up.
I just deleted my Candy Crush app! This level is a joke. All of my spammers release licorice, not cream. Even after destroying the top 2 spawn ears, the licorice just takes over. Obviously I am a good player completing 1458 levels and the entire Dreamworld without spending a dime, but this level is impossible! Goodbye King, I am moving on!
The spawners cause me real headaches. I used a chocolate bomb and coconut wheel booster and kept resetting until I could get them together. (My first move brought them in line) It was fairly easy after that. I finished with 11 moves left. The boosters kept coming in each successive move, so that made it easier. I don't usually give up easily, but the spawners really cause me tension 😝
None of the spawners on my board release cream blockers. They all release licorice so once they start they are impossible to clear. I don't see this board as being possible. Anyone else have this problem?
Am at the end of my tether no matter which end i do top or bottom I cannot do this level. Thought I was a pretty ok player but this level has got me. Dont know if I can do it or not.
I thought this level would be impossible to pass but hints from here (Mary Louise above) got me through it first time I tried them so don't give up.
Even better CC is giving a free sprinkle booster today and I helped a lot.
I used a coconut to clear the middle then a sprinkle to clear any colors near the middle spawner, this wiped out the middle section completely. 2 fruits fell straight down the rest was a breeze.
Needed 15 tries getting better after each attempt. Not so sure that it's entirely luck, does require careful thought but can be done, without boosters. Should have come here first because I wasted several attempts trying to move the fruit from what I assumed was a blocked position but as one blogger wrote above, the fruit just drop - somehow, miraculously - as soon as the blockers are cleared. A couple of stripe/candy connections was all I needed but I was very crlose twice with stripes only above the spawners. Thanks to all here for their comments, much appreciated.
Alex S
first few tries my board got covered very quickly by the spawners. My tactic was to try and hit each clock at least once to slow them down then watch out for which one was about to spawn and hit it if I could didn't always waork but on last attempt cascades from the bottom hit out a clock the explosion made 2 chocolate sprinklers so i was able to knock out clocks quickly after that. Just left 2 fruits one of which I had to move but was lucky and did that in a 4 or 5 moves and got it down. Don't waste moves trying to move fruit till after you have cleared all the spawners. I was lucky I guess, sometimes I can be stuck on so called 'easy' levels for days
I tried this awful level on my Ipad for three days without even getting close to what seemed a possibility of success. Then just now, one tried on my laptop and bingo! Lucky board and success without boosters and three lives to spare.
So don't loose hope everybody and just wait, that lucky board will come :)
Still haven't got it :(
Twice almost done with the spinners after being gold lingots, it freezes on me, have to get out but loose everything, very strange.... is it fixed
Seems impossible to me, never have enough matches to get those spawn ears. Wasted a colour bomb and a wheel trying with no luck!
Took quite a few attempts. Need a lot of luck to get all the spawners then straightforward.
I don't understand why this isn't classed as a hard level. It's near impossible, so sick of it!
25 moves and 5 spawners??? How can you do it as the blockers take over and you cannot even reach the rest when you have killed one. Btw, don't you get sick of having to prove that you're not a robot by picking the right pics before publishing a simple comment? Grace from DU
Wow, surprise, surprise, I got through on the 3 or 4 turn. Lucky board indeed as the ingredients got stuck but super blasts got them moved and through. Only 1 star although the points were not bad. Grace from DU
Finally did it on the lap top not my usual I pad and all due to a lucky board no,boosters. I have wasted all my boosters on this level on the I pad. Had no boosters to use on the lap top and did it!, Explain that?
People crack me up! They get a hard game, (yes, they can suck) and they are all, I'm done! Not playing anymore, candy crush is making the levels too hard! Hahaha! Get real, you know you'll continue playing!
Boring level. This should be marked hard.
I got it first time using the tip posted by a crusher. Started with a colour bomb booster and took out the colour that was mostly on the board. It then produced another colour bomb and repeated the action. Then repeated it again with the next colour bomb that appeared. The colour bombs just kept coming with the cascades. Easy Peasy.
This level is impossible. I've been trying for three days and can clear the top spawners, after that I get nowhere. Not fun!!!!
won this! I found after many tries to get the middle spawner first and then its opens more on the board/altho i think its the lucky board that helps you win and that was what happened with me. everything just went crazy and I won!!!
This is by far the stupidest level ever. We've had some doozies getting this far, but this one takes the biscuit for stupid and ridiculous level design.
Someone beat me to it. This is indeed the stupidist game yet. By 4 moves you know you are beat even if you get two spawners. You take out 3 candies and 13 licorice show up the first time. Now you cant get to the other 3 spawn. I just go to 20 may 18 and you know it is a lost cause. Actually, you could just shut down if there is no hit to make. Most of the time that means doom. What is the point of this??? I refuse to buy anymore after hundreds of games and getting suddenly only one but you have not more moves. It is a waiting game. Took me 5 minutes to run through 25 lives I accumulated because of the hours of free play given for the holiday. So I have played it on iPhone, iPad and PC with tons of moves and not even close.
Ps, I have had tons of sprinkle bombs. No help at all. Those licorice come on too fast and they do not leave. SUCKS big time.
Look up how to get free lives
did it on about my 6th try - after two attempts was clear starting at the top wasn't working, so i agree with those who say start from the bottom. even if its only a few hits before you have to move to the top, proved enough to cause the middle one to blow on its own while i worked the rest. got a lucky cascade when top and bottom blew at same time giving me two chocolate balls (if you know what i mean...). horrible level, glad to move on. oh i did start with a coconut wheel, no other boosters tho
Tough level, don't get totally fixated on clearing all the evil spawners, I managed to pass without clearing them all as the fruit slipped down one side.
This level makes my ipad frequently crash to a black screen. I lose any boosters I had set to use on that turn. :(
on this level for over a week, wish I had some good tips....just keep going, sometimes magic happens !!
At first I focused on getting rid of the top spawners, but no luck on passing. I then changed my strategy to just focus on the two spawners on one side (and the middle one when I wasn't able to hit the two spawners I was focusing on) and it worked. Focusing on one side then made all the ingredients to fall on that one side. I was able to pass quickly after changing my strategy! Good luck!!
One of the worst! Always on iPhone. After about 5 moves it is over! The spawners spew licorice everywhere. No moves can be made after that. Totally crappy! The spawners ruin it for me. Since they started I dreaded playing most days. I'll try a few more times & if not successful then I will delete the CC app. Games are suppose to be fun & this one isn't!
Hard to believe that so many people can get THIS FAR in the game only to be so frustrated. It's obviously not from us not knowing what we're doing - because we're at Level 1459!! But this is insane. I know some levels simply require you wait until that one "lucky board" - and this is one of those, no doubt - but when it gets to be so frustrating trying to beat it against insurmountable odds, the fun is gone. I'm near the point of removing the whole thing and finding another pastime. This is beyond ridiculous.
Am I all by myself, stuck here on this super-frustrating level? Think I am doing well and BAM the board starts filling up with white and black. Sheesh!
Oh yippie!!!!!! This isn't a "hard level"? Sigh...here we go again. A week, at least!
You've got to be freaking kidding me!!!!!!!!1 impassable!!!!!!!!!!!
Use a rainbow sprinkle and get rid of the most common color, then focus on the bottom spawners. Once I did this, I got it in 1 try. Glad I came to the board to read the comments.
23rd try. Started with a coconut wheel that freed up the center of the board. Was lucky enough to put a color bomb and a wrap together 2 moves later. The rest was easy.
Bob in Banner Elk, NC
This dreadful level may well have cured me of my a session with Candy Crush.
I suddenly have much more time to do other things as my 5 lives are gone in minutes.
Whatever I do the board is suddenly covered in liquorice and its game over. I've used up all my boosters as well so life here I come!
Stupid level.
Why have they divided the levels in 'hard' and others? The normal levels are many times much harder than some of the hard levels.
This level is not hard, it's impossible to solve without getting the right colors. So it's just pure luck if you make it. No skills at all.
Gotten tired of all Kings games now and this level made me really decide to abandon King. Bye bye King... forever.
Hang in there. Five lives are very fast, go about your life, repeat. I tried numerous times over 3 days, but won it using a sprinkle ball start, setting it off early, and then luck with two match ups of packets. I ended up working from the bottom up based on resultsN. I had previously tried the sprinkle and coconut, but got overtaken soon enough to lose.
Absolutely hate this level , have used about 40 lives , mixed sprinkled candy and coconut wheels together ,, still never came close ... Time to try some form of new game
Why is this level labelled as "hard"?? It should be labelled as "impossible"!! Never have I been stuck on a level as long as I have on this one. Come on King... Are you trying to drive us insane?!?!
It doesn't matter how many boosters one uses ir how many times you hit the spawners. You need the lucky board. I'm about due for one!!!
Impossible!! Boosters do not help, and making matches next to the spawners would help if the board would allow you to make a match there! I need a lucky board!
Definitely ready to try a new game that doesn't require luck rather than strategy:(
wasted so many lives and boosters on this one. it doesn't really give you a chance. I mean obviously some people have passed it, but it's just tedious
The best I've gotten is 3 spawners down and 2 fruit through but the bottom of the board is jammed with licorice. So frustrating. Not even holding out for a lucky board. Don't think it exists. Boosters don't seem to matter. You're just throwing them away. I've actually gotten farther without boosters. What a waste.
started with coconut wheel and sprinkle. reset until they were next to each other. then ended up needing a hand switch and a hammer. just glad it's over
Coconut wheel situated bottom left worked for me, thanks for the tips, happy to be finally moving on.
This level is so frustrating. Anytime I actually manage to get a combo lined up or match 5 for a sprinkle the licorice eat them up before I can make my next move. I actually got 2 sprinkles next to each other and thought AHA I will finally beat this nasty level and they exploded each other so basically nothing cleared. I suppose I should thank King - this level uses lives so quickly I am playing this game less and less and have time for a few other things! I know I'll get it eventually - just need a very lucky board.
I don't know why this isn't labeled a hard level. It's the hardest. I'm waiting for my lucky board.
I finally beat the level but not on my iPhone, I won on the computer. Also I won killing the spawners on the bottom first. When you do that it's easier to get the other ones and drop the fruit.
Got on 3rd try using choc sprinkle and wheel boosters, resetting til they were together. Worked on bottom and one side to get rid of spawn ers. May have been lucky board too. Zita
Same here. Garbage. AND this is labled as easy level. I need more hints!
I completed this level with moves to spare using striped/wrapped & sprinkle boosters, restarting board until I had sprinkle & striped next to each other, (it's the only way to deal with spawners) good luck!
Used a sprinkle booster to start, followed hint to start at the bottom. Worked for me after three tries. Thanks! Glad that's over! 👍
Horrible level and not even listed as hard. Very frustrating and boring.
Two words - COCONUT WHEEL! Got this finally using that free booster and using one hammer on a licorice. Done!
open and die immediately no fun at all
This is the most ridiculous level. How the hell are you supposed to pass? So pissed off with it. I cant see how anyone can pass. They seriously need to do something about it! Are they for real thinking up this fucked up level?
coconut wheels do nothing. I just wasted two of them. the spawners make blockers faster than you're given subsequent coconut wheels (if at all). What a sucky level.
I must've gotten the lucky board - passed the level with no boosters. You don't have to switch the fruit past the blockers that are near the spawners. Once you blow up the spawners, the fruit falls down through the blocker. The blast from blowing up the spawner helps the fruit fall. Finished it with 11 moves to go. Good luck and hang in there for the lucky board - it's out there.
Wow. After try after try on iPad, 1st time on the phone with stripe/wrApped combo and boom boom boom done! Thankfully!!!
I used a sprinkle as mentioned in some of the previous comments. Matched it to the color that was the most prevalent next to the spawners. The sprinkle was in the lower left. Blew up two of the spawners in the first couple of moves. Then had to mop up what was left. Did not get the last spawner lower right but moved on after the first try using this tactic. Thanks for the great tips.
I'd love to meet the sadist who thought up the spawned. He/She is a cruel person.
Come on cc, no matter how many times I get rid of the top two spawners I get backed into a corner almost immediately. Getting really sick of this level.
Aaaarrrrggghhhh I'm about to hop my phone off the wall.
At least I'm not the only one cursing this level. It does seem impossible. I've tried most of the tips but nothing has helped. Maybe posting here will bring me a lucky board.
At least I'm not the only one cursing this level. It does seem impossible. I've tried most of the tips but nothing has helped. Maybe posting here will bring me a lucky board.
Ok, after 2 years of playing CC, I'm done. Level 1459 is ridiculous. I have played it maybe 100 times, used several of the hints and still never gotten close! It's not much fun to lose all my lives in les than 10 minutes. I will find another game (not by King) that will be fun to play.
Just passed using striped/wrapped and sprinkle booster. I matched the sprinkle and wrapped. Mass explosions. It took 3 of the spawners off the board right away. Then took out the others. I thought this one was impossible. I've been playing it for weeks.
CC bas become a very boring game with those spawners.
Not much fun lately
Forget sprinkles, coconut wheels, starting at the bottom, iPhone versus laptop - this is impossible. Worst level ever. It's like punishment for those of us who made it this far. I'd break down and buy a booster but it wouldn't help.
Finally got through this living hell of a level! Used a sprinkle candy booster, got rid of the color that seemed to have the most on the board on my very first move. Then I worked only in the middle, from the bottom and knocked out the middle evil spawner. Working only in the middle caused all the fruit to drop into the middle row and after the spawner died, all the fruit fell out! Maybe luck, but it worked for me!
I only have liquorice too. If King are hoping to force us to buy boosters to get through this awful level, they're sadly wrong. It's such a ridiculously impossible level that I won't buy boosters on principle. None of the above strategies have worked for me: there is no way I can beat that liquorice. And games that take a lucky board not skill aren't games to my mind.
Addition to my comment above: after many more failed attempts, I'm going to give up playing for a while. It's making me so angry because it's just not do-able. OK, OK, I know it must be because people have got through it, but God knows how and I'm just not prepared to put myself under such irritating pressure simply to wait for a lucky board.
Seems impossible, gonna save up some boosters for a while
4 hand switches an 3 hammers did it
Starting at the bottom worked better than starting at the top for me.
Was able to create to sprinkle balls together to remove the licorice that had surrounded the cherries. Only one start, but no boosters. Glad this one is over.
I've had it with having to play 60 times to get a 'lucky board'. This is happening far too often to try to get you to spend money. I'm done with Candy Crush because of this level. Hey King......here's a penny. Shove it up your ass.
This worked for me. Used a color bomb/wrap combo. Reset the board until there were enough colors that matched the wrap then set off the combo. It opened the entire board, destroyed 4 spawners and hit the top left one. Made a couple of matches near the remaining spawner then cleanup. It is not impossible if you have the boosters given to you by King. Done on to the next one.
Will be doing the 180 Sugar Cube hunt later to add to my cache of boosters. These are freeeeeeeeeee.
hoping for a lucky level.
That's it - no more CC. Finally did this level with a sprinkle and use of a hammer. BUT the site went down before my score was ratified. This stinks. Tried another couple of times and used all my hammers. I'm off to get a life.
Okay. On PC only 2 cherries and on my Android 4. What's up with that? Please give me a lucky board board.
Followed annon chocolate ball with stripe/wrap. Reset until choc. ball and stripe together. Few easy moves and wiped out spawners. Done!!! Thanks. This was after 3 days of trying.
OMG, I feel for you anonymous 10-25-2016, GAME SHUT DOWN B4 UR SCORE REGISTERED! Out of everything that I have encountered in this whole game, being cheated & or ripped off of your win, (esp on a near impossible level) is enough to give me a stroke! I've even sent some very hostile complaints to CC (not proud) telling them to correct it or go get f*****! I know, not my finest moment, but oh well, LOL. Anyway, good luck if you do come back to try CC again! :-)
Yep, that's what's referred to as "lucky board"
This a tough one! Hoping for a lucky board 😊. Happy Thanksgiving!
Yikes still trying😢 Will try to start at bottom and see if it works better 😉 Sure could use a lucky board!
After many many tries it seems impossible, but most of my friends have passed so I will keep trying and hoping for a lucky board 😢 😊
I started with a color bomb and used it on the the color with the most on the board. That started a cascade and lots of combos, hitting spawners.
Yeah, gorrible level. It wants us to spend money. I am not going to pay!
I agree with other posters. This is a horrible level. After several tries and being thoroughly irritated, I finally passed this level. I got a sprinkle ball next to a striped candy early. This took out all but one spawner. I was able to take out the last spawner and with 11 moves left, I got a Sugar Crush. On to the next level. Good luck everyone!
Don't give up, it is a very frustrating level for sure but if I can get past it you can too. I used only a choc.sprinkle to start with and reset the board until it looked good. I was able to make another sparkle and I took out the color there was the most of but I didn't get the great cascades like others did. I did get a stripe land next to the other sparkle but I still had to make matches next to the spawners and I played aggressively to take them out and suddenly it was sugar crush.. I never even saw the fruit.
I was starting to believe that this level was impossible and then i used a coconut wheel. Done and dusted! Next!
Finally got my lucky board. Horrible level. Glad to leave it behind. Next one is challenging but fun. Hang in there everyone!
FUGLY imposible level, bye cc
I've been working on this for 3 weeks. No luck. The game is no longer fun -- it's work. I do enough work.
As Suzie O on 18 December said don't give up. You have beaten 1458 levels so far and the best level in the entire game is coming up. Level 1476 is virtually impossible to lose, is great for collecting special candies for free boosters as well as collecting tons of the same color candies for those special events. By the way I extremely lucky enough to get my lucky board my first try here. Worked from the bottom and cascades took out 3 of the evil spawners in the first couple of moves. I finished with 8 moves left.
I'm thinking of giving up its not fun anymore just started a different game which is more fun
Think it's time for me to give up CC now. There is nothing remotely fun about this level. At least my 5 lives a day only waste about 10 minutes of my day.
OMG this is a f--- nightmare!!!!!! Not fun at all. Well I'm glad it's a f---- up board because I'm done for a while! King can kiss my ass!
1459 got me, tired of buying boosters, done with Candy Crush ,
Another aggravating stupid level. All luck no skill here. Games in the 1400 series mostly annoying not fun. Can't understand why a supposed " game" is so difficult. At this level skill and former practice should prevail. No way right King??? Arrrrrghhh!
Stink level that has managed to p**s me off after only a few attempts & being overrun with licorice within a few moves of the start. I have no boosters & refuse to pay for anymore. I am seriously thinking I might delete this game or it might be fun to start at the very beginning again? These levels are no enjoyment so why would you bother :(
OMG what an absolute nightmare level. I cannot seem to get past 10 moves before I am overrun with licorice every time. It is over before it has hardly begun. I utterly hate this level and along with so many others who have commented above, this one may well be the one that makes me hit the see you later CC button. This would have to be the worst level yet by far!! Well done CC on helping so many leave by making this horrid level. I give it another shot for 10 games and that is my limit, I will be off for an extended period to get a proper life back 😡
Thank you CC for curing me of any enjoyment with this game. This level has done me in, I cannot even get reasonably close to getting it after soooo many attempts, so I am done with this game. I am fed up trying to pass this one, it is utter shit!!! As you can guess, I'm over it, so that is it for me. Good luck to others who have more patience than me or can afford to pay for extra bonus candy...my store of those has been used up on this one and I am not giving CC any more "donations" I am off to get a less stress free life back.
I'm done also after playing for 3 years. No sense wasting time waiting for the lucky board. This is just VERY frustrating,not at all challenging. Why you allow some board as this is beyond me. I don't play the lottery either. My fun time means too much to me to waste it.
Finally got it! This is what worked for me: used a sprinkle ball, a stripe and a coconut wheel. Kept resetting until I got the ball and the stripe together, then played it. Used the coconut wheel, which really helped clear most of the spawners. I was so frustrated before this, I was ready to give it all up. But this strategy worked for me. Hope it helps you too!!!!
Got fed up with losing lives so fast. Used a combo of several boosters and nailed it. Worth it just to alleviate the frustration of this level and MOVE ON!
Stupid level shld have a cloud on it
I don't know if this will help anyone, but let's hope. I lost a few lives (in a very few moves), then tried taking a Colour Bomb to start (twice) but that seemingly made it worse.
Then I got a board that allowed me to make moves and I was able to clear the left two Spawners. Once they were gone I kept making moves on that side. That allowed the fruit to fall down (all on the left) and they fell out. I only got One Star but I'm glad to be finished with this one.
I agree. Stupidest level yet
Candy crush has become play to win. The fact I go through a full 5 lives in about 2 minutes. So much for the relaxation and enjoyment the game.
I have made purchases of boosters and extra turns in the past when I could see how close I was to completing a level. BUT I WILL NOT BE FORCED INTO BUYING EXTRAS BECAUSE THATS THE ONLY WAY TO COMPLETE IT.
You should NOT have to rely on boosters to complete any level and how THE hell do you carry on playing on this board when it's covered in licorice?
Pay to win all the way.
I used coconut wheel with wrapped candy, vertically upwards, on the middle row and found to my astonishment that the fruit fell through the blockers. The whole of the bottom part of the board was covered in licorice but for some reason the fruits fell through. Only one star but after multiple attempts of trying to move the fruit across was well pleased.
Man I hate those spawners even more than the bombs. I'm so bored of this level.
If you ever wanted a reason to quit CC, this level will do it for you. The random drops are deliberately so bad that you can do anything but watch those spawners cover the whole screen. Lives burnt through in minutes. Total frustration. All strategies down the toilet. What were they thinking?!!!!
Sorry, I meant “can’t do anything”. Apparently, I can’t even type no thanks to this awful level.
Well I finally did it!!
I reset the board until my colour bomb was next to my wrapped candy. That wiped out one of those evil spawners. I somehow then kept making moves until the other two were gone. I then used my lollipop hammer on the last evil spawner but it wouldn't go until finally I was able to match a colour bomb with a stripe! The fruit only had to be moved once and then they just flew down the exits. Omg finally!!!!!
Hey one of our unreal tipsters once gave us some advice that i will never ever forget;
Candy gives us free boosters daily so don't just keep them, USE them!
And YOU have made it this far, why, because YOU did it, be proud of YOURSELF!!!
And one more thing I love love love this game. I have been playing nearly daily, only this game, for years. I have good days and bad days but I will NEVER EVER give up. I love this page and when I'm stuck I always come here, it honestly is my second home and my lifesaver.
Thanku Candy and to any one else who is listening or reading my ramblings!
That's the spirit Mel, positive attitude. No matter how difficult, we'll get through it. I live for these moments. Let me go and play this level and show CC who's the boss.
Players have been saying done with CC since level 88 it seems like. Don't say it if you don't mean it. Take your time and do your homework, just because your friend may be ahead of you doesn't mean you have to catch up. When you're not having fun and spending too much money on these games, then it may be time to pack it. OR, become a serious player and take advantage of free boosters, watch the video before each and every level regardless if its difficult or not, read the comments, but whatever you do, don't play if you're frustrated. You're in competition with your friends who may be ahead of you, I get it, so what, not the end of the world.
I come in here to get tips, not to hear the whining, the ridiculous famous words "I'm done with CC", and five or ten levels later, there they are, at it again because they can't pass yet another level. I was stuck on level 330 on CC soda for three months, let that sink in for a minute, three months just because I wasn't paying attention, I knew about these sites, but yet I didn't bother to check it out because in my mind I thought I could figure it out on my own. Three months playing the same level once or sometimes twice a day when I got a break from work. I never gave up. I found out on my own what the problem was, and it was so simple. So, in closing I would just say treat this games for what they are, just games for our entertainment.
Here's my tip for level 1459:
Start off with a color bomb and your very first move should be at a candy with the most on the board, I got that tip from anonymous comment above. That move generated another color bomb, and I did it again, took out the two left spawners and a fruit fell. Easier to work with just the two spawners on the right, and I was done with ten moves left. That was my first try, so yes, one can argue I got lucky, so be it. On to level 1450. Buena suerte a todos.
Meant to say 1460.
What kind of a godawful game is this? I even managed to use 2 sprinkles together and still not a hope in hell of winning this level. Is CC trying to weed out those of us who play with free boosters from those who pay money? If so, I will be out as I am out of boosters and won't be paying to win.
Ok. Truly the gods are with me and someone saw my rant above! On my next try, I magically won, no boosters, 3 stars, so it is possible! I concentrated on the bottom left spawner and whatever move it was that I made - it was not out of the ordinary and I don't even know what I did - but it took out 4 spawners leaving only the one in the middle. Won easily after that. I must have had a lucky board as it certainly wasn't my skill that won it!
I attempted this level a few times and had the same problems as everyone else. I came on here to read comments for any strategies went back and used a chocolate sprinkle and a wrapped candy together and it got rid of all but one spawned then got rid of that one with a stripe. Finished it easily after that ad you can imagine. Always helps when I come on here and read the blogs. Thanks
I think this is sadly the end of c crush for me - I honestly can’t imagine ever passing this level - it’s. Shame have enjoyed it up till now - goodbye everyone!
This level is impossible to do. I have tried and tried. I might just give up. Too bad I really like candy crush but I keep loosing lives again and again. Keep loosing my boosters. Getting really angry. 😖😤
There’s fun, then there’s playing this level. I’m all for a challenge in this game, but this is ridiculous. I’ve tried this level about 50 times now. Used every booster I could save, but no luck. And this level is before the next which is “super hard”?? People who managed to get through this level did so with complete luck. I’m done trying.
Stupid badly designed level
Impossible to do this even if you have 20 hand switches to move the fruit which even after destroying Spawners, inevitably falls over blockers, because before you blink the entire board is liquorice !
Frustrating, dumb and NOT remotely enjoyable
Reshuffle... reshuffle... reshuffle... yawn ... end game, exit, .......bored.
After numerous attempts I used 2 of my boosters — reset board until i got a colour bomb & wrap next to each other - as posted in comments above.
That managed to clear all Spawners except two which weren’t too difficult to destroy
Just glad I’m over this level. Bloomin nightmare!
I think it’s impossible to pass without boosters unless I was willing to wait over 50 games for a lucky board—
life’s too short !!!!
I tried that and the lollipop hammers don't crush the spawners! Also, the licorice multiplies alot quicker than the video!
Good for you!! Still no luck!
Tried that too still the licorice multiplies too quickly and blocks any chances rather quickly!
Only solution: a roller. Tried lots if times for nothing. But when I used a roller, I got it at once, and did not see even one spawner...
I'm here a lot, stuck. Got this on 1st try using a free wheel. A round bomb showed up and together I blasted everything. Hope that helps.
Sprinkle and wrap did it for me.
What is a roller?
This level isn't just hard, It's impossible. Licorice takes over the board in just a few moves. Help!!!
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