Candy Crush Saga Level 1460

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1460 Candy Crush Saga with 25 moves and without boosters by Cookie.
Level 1460 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it
You have to collect cream blockers, licorice and chocolate to complete level 1460.
The licorice and cream are already on the board but the chocolate needs to be released by the chocolate dispenser in the middle of the board.
First clear some blockers and licorice to give you more space, work close to the bottom of the board so that the licorice will fall down and be easier to collect.
Once the chocolate starts to appear leave it to grow for a couple of moves before you clear it.
If you collect it every time it appears you will run out of moves before you have enough as each time you collect any no more will grow for the next move.
Wait until you have 4 or 5 pieces before you clear it.
You will need to make some combos to collect everything in the moves available. Stripe/wrap combos are good as are colourbomb combos switched with either a stripe or a wrap.
Video below by Johnny Crush

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Anonymous said...

Take care not to destroy the evil spawner before you have all the chocolate you need, otherwise you can never reach the target! Just to be perverse, there seem to be lots of chances to strike the spawner...................

Anonymous said...

Apologies - my comments above should have referred to level 1457. This level is fairly straightforward.................

Anonymous said...

Got close several times but it took a while before I finally got all the blockers, licorice, and chocolate but only had 49,800 points so I did not pass the level and the option of buying more moves was not given.

Anonymous said...

You have to collect all of the licorice and I found if you concentrate on the licorice, you'll get the rest of it, too. Stripes help a lot.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had much of a problem getting the orders but I am having a problem getting enough points. I have "cleared" the level several times but always not enough points.Help!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you to whomever suggested focusing on clearing the licorice. I was able to pass this level on my next try!

carlton said...

Ending this episode on a relatively easy level. .relative to all those evil clocks levels. Did I mention that I hate those clocks. Oh well,see everybody next Wednesday

Anonymous said...

Awful station. .did it in a few hours but my least enjoyable experience to date!

Anonymous said...

Always on mobile. This episode is more novel than difficult. Though challenging those evil spawners levels were nonetheless interesting and innovative. Well, see you guys coming Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

WTF, I need to use a lot of gold bars and booster to compelte android episode 98


Anonymous said...

If you can set off a couple of combos along the way, that should take care of the points requirement. The first time I cleared the board I managed without combos, but was short on points.

Anonymous said...

For some reasons this level was easier to achieve on my PC than my iPad. On iPad not even close to finish the challenge, but on PC I managed to finish the challenge every time but I needed the points to pass it. Finished it after 3 tries on PC. Just remember to concentrate on the licorice and wait to get a few chocolates to eliminate them like previously mentioned tip.

Anonymous said...

Just finished level 1460... Waiting for 1461 to open up on ipad

Unknown said...

Waiting for next level on my phone can't wait

Anonymous said...

Passed this over a week ago. Still waiting on next level on android. $#*÷

Anonymous said...

Can't believe there are still CC players that don't know what day the new levels come out on mobile devices!!!!!!

Anon lafy said...

Quite an easy level to finish the episode. It still seems strange to collect the 'blockers' that we usually think of as enemies! I got this on my 2nd try, no boaters, only one star, but hey! That's fine. It's Wednesday so I should not have long to wait to continue.

Anonymous said...

Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me!!!

What makes you so smart and the rest of us so dumb - by your standards?!

Unknown said...

Hi so tell me when do they out please?

Anonymous said...

Fewer moves on iPad. Impossible.

Thresa said...

So much easier on the PC. 1st try success.

Anonymous said...

I passed this level twice. But wtf is wrong with Candy Crush? Everytime I passed, it says that I need to retry

Anonymous said...

I have to say, it's pretty clever of King to make boards with the dreaded licorice d chocolate spawners as necessary to a successful game. I've never wanted to see chocolate spawn, til theses levels! I'm still struggling, but not as frustrated as other levels.

Anonymous said...

I'm posting for luck because I'm getting a little sick of this level. It does seem to work better if you concentrate on the licorice. Twice I've got to within one and it was a piece of chocolate that hadn't appeared yet. I've even gotten 2 sprinkle balls together twice and still couldn't get all the chocolate. I've also tried it on the PC and the iPad and it's no different. I'll get it eventually I guess.

Anonymous said...


Bill. said...

Agreed concentrate on the liquorice need combinations especially wrapped candy. Took ten attempts.

Anonymous said...

Top chocolate spawner blocked everything so I had no candies left. Please take care that it does not do that. I took the advice to leave the chocolate until there was a bit more but you can only do that if you have enough space to work with.

dirty vegas said...

Finding this hard with only 25 moves , I come close but not close enough to clear a few extra moves would be helpful .First time in a while I've been on a level for more than 3 days and its not fun .

Anonymous said...

Took me a few goes to realise 31 liquorice is every one on the board! Good advice to concentrate on it and also not to hit the chocolate too soon or you run out of moves before enough has grown.

Anonymous said...

This one is very difficult. After many tries, I decided to use all 3 boosters (check mark, color bomb and striped/wrapped) and STILL had to use lollipop hammer to get the one last required licorice. GEEZ.

Rose P said...

I love level 1460, I haven't done it yet but it is so nice for a game not to kick your confidence straight away. No bombs enough moves to make you believe you will nearly get it. I wish there were more levels like this.

Unknown said...

i think the video shows 30 moves but it's only 25 on the iPad. I needed those 5 extra moves. Plus a freakin' hammer.
This was no where near easy for me. And as I've shown, am not afraid to use boosters to beat CC.
I give kudos to all of you who can get thru these levels without boosters! 👍
On to the next game. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I forgot to add how I got thru this with 25 moves.
I kept resetting the board until I had about all purple and a wrap. Wraps do a lot of damage to the licorice & I was able to get off a few more of my own. I did work from the bottom which opened up and let the top take care of itself.
I had lost a ton of games prior to today so I'm glad to be done with it.

Anonymous said...

I want to be done with this...

Anonymous said...

More advice from someone who gets 30 moves when I only get 25. I need help on how to pass with 25 moves please:)

Ann said...

plugging away at this...not really getting close. waiting for lucky board. just happy to be done with 1459

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you might put up another video showing how to do it in 25 moves?

Laura S. said...

Boy, 25 moves was tough and frustrating. Finally used a chocolate ball and stripe/wrap booster. That did the trick. Moving on.

Anonymous said...

Really frustrated. At least 10 times I have needed just ONE MORE PLAY to win. About to give up.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck I guess. I don't seem to be playing the same level that some of you are - almost never a stripe to be made, just played an attempt that I lost after 5 moves because there were no more switches to be made. At first I thought it was fun, but now after 40 or 50 attempts, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Well posting for luck hasn't helped so far - I just played an attempt where I didn't even get to make a move - reshuffled before I even started and then said no more moves. I haven't paid ever and I won't, so this might be it for me.

Anonymous said...

Frustrating level to say the least. Reshuffles twice then says no more moves. Chocolate doesn't appear as it should and skips multiple moves before it does appear. Have gotten all of the cream and licorice but always seem to need more chocolate squares, even though I wait until there are several on the board before I hit them. Posting for luck....

Unknown said...

Same with only 25 moves this is near impossible been for a week

Unknown said...

Please help me king pass this frustrating level I've got all the cream and licorice but the chocolate doesn't always come and seriously with only 25 moves near impossible

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Omfg so over this level lucky 🍀 BOARD PLEASE or it's see you later candy crush nice knowing ya this level friggin impossible

Anonymous said...

Can't get used to actually wanting the chocolate to grow, its very weird.

Anonymous said...

Aaarg., clearing board before I collect chocolate. Gone from hating chocolate to wanting more. Cascades keeps taking it out before it came grow! Breath I've made it this far, not gonna give up!

Anonymous said...

YAY, cleared level next try, after posting above post.. thank you lucky blog!

Anonymous said...

Yet another level with the demo showing way more goes than I get on my iPhone. Please show these demos with the lesser amount of goes...

Anonymous said...

I think this level is very hard - finally managed by ticking all three available boosters at the beginning of the level and had to use one hammer at the end! One star but I honestly don't care about that. I just want to get on!

Anonymous said...

I know by now every one hate this game, change moves and so on . So Many stop playing it and i agree, iTS not populair. If i follow twitter, no one is playing it anymore, they boycot CC

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me how you can end up in 1st place and still only bey 2 stars.

Anonymous said...

This one is all about getting the lucky board. By now you are all clever enough to have got this far and know what to do to pass.... so many of these levels are reliant on getting the right board to ALLOW CC to let you to pass. This one is about clearing the board with wrapped & stripes and sprinkles but its not going to happen until CC decides you can have it. Took me about 25 attempts then got a good board, one star with no boosters but I will take it.

Pissed Off said...

Great! Another one of those huh? With 25 moves, having to wait for 14 chocolates to spawn and must clear the whole board, it’s no wonder it’s getting a lot of hate! If you’re looking for fun, it ain’t here, boys and girls.

AlvaroGerardo said...

Change your name to happy go lucky, you'll have plenty of fun.

AlvaroGerardo said...

Read all comments twice, watch the video twice, called trump to see what he would've done, and lit a candle for luck. Got it on my 1st try on my last move, a licorice. Concentrated on licorice from the beginning and it paid off as per the comments. I need to be honest here, since I passed the last level (1459) on my 1st try, I had three extra moves (28) and a couple of boosters. I'll go back to see if I can do it in 25 moves, should be interesting without any boosters.

Anonymous said...

I have cleared it a couple of times but it always indicates one more! Where the *** is it?

Anonymous said...

Cleared on 2nd try, not enough points. Now, 40 tries later I'm still trying to clear. Hate it.

Anonymous said...

Finally got this piece of s--t level after 4 days and at least 150 tries. I got down to 1 chocolate remaining with 9 moves left. It really pissed me off! I bought 15 gold bars which I rarely do just to get this f'd up level behind me. Ended up with 143,000 points. My wife had to endure some vile words from me! I keep reading where people threaten to quit CC over crap levels, and I thought about it, but getting this far I'm sure as hell not going to let it beat me! GRRRRR

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to get this one. Three free hours from a treasure chest...I don't use boosters but used all I had. I gave this up for 6 mos.
I wish I hadn't started again.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mind this level. It was sort of fun, even when I kept losing. Finally passed using a sprinkle and a stripe/bomb combo. Got lucky as the stripe and the chocolate sprinkle ended up next to one another in the cascade. I let the chocolate grow as often as I could, focusing on taking out the meringue blockers and the licorice. Finally, I was down to one move and had only the two chocolates left to get, so I used a lollipop hammer (my last one) and then a move to clear them both. It was only one star, but I'm ;past the level.

It's a level I'd consider coming back and playing again, just for fun.

Gigi said...

Finally got through this board!! Had a full Magic Dash and added a CB to start. Keep restarting (lots of restarts) till both CB's were together. That took out most of the licorice and a great start on the blockers. I concentrated on the licorice and blockers and let the chocolate build up. About every 4 or 5 chocolates I began to collect them. It was very close as there is not many moves.

Alessandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Struggling on this level need help please, keep ending up with 1 or 2 chocolates left

Foxdean said...

I have tried this level so many times I am bored senseless no moaning about King here just I think I have cured my addiction.

TRE said...

Posting for luck