Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1467 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie.
You have 20 moves to clear all the jelly. Your obstacles are conveyor belts, licorice and bombs.
There are no licorice dispensers so you only have to get rid of them once.
Look at the board carefully before each move and try to clear as much licorice as you can with every move, this will give you room to make the special candies you need to clear all the jelly in so few moves.
The center does have 3 bomb dispensers that release 15 move bombs so save that area until you have made a few moves, that way you don't need to worry about the bombs as you will have less moves than are on the bombs..
If a stripe or combo opens them up no biggie- 15 moves is generous for bombs. Not a whole lot of room to make big moves so just focus on the outermost jellies and corners since they are the hardest ones to reach.
Colour bombs are not hard to make, so use them as soon as you get them, then it will be easier to make another with even less colours.
Look at the board carefully before each move and try to clear as much licorice as you can with every move, this will give you room to make the special candies you need to clear all the jelly in so few moves.
The center does have 3 bomb dispensers that release 15 move bombs so save that area until you have made a few moves, that way you don't need to worry about the bombs as you will have less moves than are on the bombs..
If a stripe or combo opens them up no biggie- 15 moves is generous for bombs. Not a whole lot of room to make big moves so just focus on the outermost jellies and corners since they are the hardest ones to reach.
Colour bombs are not hard to make, so use them as soon as you get them, then it will be easier to make another with even less colours.
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I found this to be a fun level. I started at the bottom to clear the jelly and licorice. It seemed to make it easier. Try to stay away from the middle until you've cleared a lot of jelly. If you make moves at the bottom, the bombs will fall down and make it easier to destroy them.
In iPad, the boms are 15 moves bombs not 20
Okay!!! This is sooooo unfair. Video shows 50 moves for this level and Android has only 25 MOVES. That is half s many moves. Video shows 20 count bombs and Android has 15 count bombs.
I found this level fun too! Cleared it on second try working outside first. Good luck LA
Again, this is a peculiar level. I first tried it on the Asus Zenfone 2 and got to within one jelly. That was 50 moves/20-move bombs, but later, playing on a Samsung phone and a Samsung tablet, I had the 25 move/15-move bombs version, I was not even close on multiple attempts. Then I tried it on the computer and has the 50-move/20-move bomb version and got it on the second try with many moves left to spare. Definitely play this on the computer or a mobile device with the 50-move version (four Android devices, two with one version and two with the other) because it is easier. I had no fear of going into the middle quickly if the opportunity--wrap/stripe combos--is there. Combos tend to fall apart quickly on this level, so use them as soon as possible when they form.
Well, after many tries finally finished his one on Android tablet. The version with only 25 moves and 15 count bombs. No boosters, 4 moves left, only 2 stars but at least I got through. Wait and see how King responds to the email I sent them. As usual they will probably send a generic answer and not address the real problem.
Fun level for those who play on pc and frustrating level for those on I- pad with only 25 moves and 15 move bombs..crossed it using boosters..
I used a sprinkle and a fish booster and got it on my iphone with only 25 moves and 15 move bombs. Good Luck everyone
On my Samsung Galaxy Note there are only TWENTY moves, and 15 count bombs! I've almost gotten it a few times but is virtually impossible. Going to try on a pc - this is crazy!
I am on a PC and I only have 25 moves. Why is there such a difference depending on the device you use?
Only 20 limited moves on Samsung Galaxy S5. Going to save up boosters for this one. Near impossible without them and a lucky board.
Like others have said above, android tablet and only 20 moves! Crazy.
WTF!!! I only have 20 moves on Android!! Really wish they could get these games right before releasing them. Maybe we ime to find another game developer to play....
WTF!!! I only have 20 moves on Android!! Really wish they could get these games right before releasing them. Maybe we ime to find another game developer to play....
20 moves on My iPhone, 20 moves on My Asus pad, 20 moves on my laptop ! Not fair at all!
I have been waiting over a week for them to fix this and add moves. I have luckily found those sweet levels that rack up the sugar drops so I have a large bank built up.
I don't want to use them on here because the licorice will eat them all up right away.
50 moves?!? Not in my world! Only 20 moves on android, pc, laptop AND tablet! Useless watching this particular video because 50 moves does not exist. Why King? On a positive note, I love this "blog" and appreciate everyones hints & tips!
I would like to see a video that shows completion with 20 moves...I'm not sure it can be done even with boosters!
Checked out King's site & they stated that the video is the "old version" & level has been updated to where everyone has 20 moves. Old??? Like what, 6 weeks old? It would be outstanding if some hints & tips could be given on 20 moves. Can this level even been done in 20 moves? As of now I think not.
Yeah. iPad with 20 moves, 15 move bombs.
my laptop has 20 moves with bombs at 15 moves. I was getting no where and was going to finish my last couple of lives as I was fed up on this level and had played for days. Was going to wait a few days without playing to see if it got fixed, but first I bought 5 extra moves cos I was quite close to finishing it but still no luck on that game, then on next life I got it in 20 moves no boosters except the sprinkle bomb that dropped whilst playing, so it can be done in 20 moves but maybe you've got to be buying from king first before they give you a winning board to allow you on to next level and maybe spend more money LOL. For those that say they would not give any money I don't mind spending 79p a couple of times a month, it is entertainment and king has to make money some how otherwise why would they bother making the games?
On PC and 20 moves!!
There are 20 moves on andriod as well as on laptop. Huh
Very difficult with so few moves especially difficult to get the centre jelly. Can't see the point of the bombs they make no difference with so few moves. Need lucky combinations.
and again. The total injustice of making the games considerably harder after they have been out for 2 weeks. Why King?
What would happen if I would delete my candy crush app and reinstall it? Would it change the amount of moves in this level or would I lose everything?
The video, hints & tips on this particular thread has been updated to 20 moves. I was the one that doubted it could be done in 20 with or without boosters. I was wrong. Finally got thru it after posting and with a lucky board. No boosters were used cause I ran out trying to pass it the other 20 times I played this level.
King's website said they have updated this level to where every device has 20 moves.
PC has only 20 moves.
With 20 moves on PC I have not even cleared up all the liquorice when the game is already finished! Grace from DU
Haven't come close to clearing any of this. Need more than 20 moves
Can't clear this one! Helppppppp lol
Don't try this level until you have a good stock of hammers and hand switches! I eventually threw all 3 boosters at it and still needed two hammers and Three switches to get through, just sick of it after about 5 days, good luck.
Impossible with only 20 moves on every device I own. Fish were a total waste - they were not able to be used until the 3rd to last move. Bombs mixed with striped don't go far with all the licorice.
Really 20 moves, is this a level speciality design to increase revenue for CC
Have 4 hammers and 2 switches saved but can't even get close to thinking they maybe useful on the boards I am getting
Got it 3rd try without boosters. The trick is to clear the licorice very esrly in the game (I cleared most of it within the first 7 moves). Once the licorice is out of the way, it's pretty easy to make combos. Especially the stripe/color bomb combo is very useful to clear the remaining jelly. Good luck!
P.S. I had only 20 moves as well ;-)
Got tired of getting no where so I used all 3 boosters. Kept resetting until sprinkle was by the striped & switched those 2 on the first move. Also got about 5 fishes. Last fish was by a wrapped & when I switched those 2 together it took care of the rest of the jellies. Lucky board as well. Good luck!
Having difficulty with this level. Holding off using boosters for now. Thanks for the tips.
I've been on this level for well over a week, playing on iPad. I did use a sprinkle booster and ended up being lucky enough to cross it with a wrapped candy (my new favorite move) and the explosions basically cleared the board. I had quit a few moves and used them to clear what jelly I could, I was totally prepared to use hammers if needed, but got lucky and was able to clear them up without and finished with three stars. I almost think a sprinkle and wrap combo was the only way I could have done this.
I HATE bombs and jelly levels....
No way is there enough moves!.....
I don't want to play this level anymore cause I know I'm not going to make it without boosters....or more moves..
Is there ever any point leaving comments here ? Do King ever respond ??
Another discrepancy...on phone, there was jelly under all of the stuff in the middle. on mac desktop, just 3 of the blocks in the middle had jelly under it...
This level is horribly rigged. If you don't get the 2 bombs in the first 8 moves then just quit because it is useless. Stripes come late most of the time to be of any use. In general, you will win when it decides.
Won this level with the lucky board. I must have gotten 4 choco balls and the cascades took care of the rest. Hang in there.
How is this even possible with only 20 movew. Seems like you need at least twice as many. I even tried double boosters of sprinkle and fish. Didn't work. Guess I will just wait for a llucky board
Why are there different amounts of moves for different appliances? Twenty moves for this level is a joke.
This level is daft, twenty moves is not enough.
Watched the video again and my boards never look like that. This level is very frustrating and tedious.
Luck pleasee! let me pass this level now!
I'm tired of everyone whining about how many moves they get.
Could we please have more discussion on how to make combos?
I'm stumped.
I am so bored of this level. There's no kind of tactics to it. Just a lucky board, still waiting for that after 60 tries. I'm not even bothering to try just playing till the lucky one comes along.
Color bombs are easy to make 😆
More of the annoying 1400 level. 20 moves . 1467 20 moves? King must love to frustrate their players. I really need to quirt. Not fun anymore.
I hate this level .... how can you get anything in 20 moves ??? The lowest I get is 30 ... I don't think I will be able to pass this level and I'm not going to spend a penny ! Why does KING make them so hard !!! I love it when people say to do this and do that , but you have to follow what the game gives you , you can only make matches where it is possible to make matches .... Getting fed up !!!
Don't know who's idea it was to come up with an extra hard puzzle and only 20 moves. Not fun anymore just frustrating! Boo
Closest I came was 2 jellies left but was out of boosters....using both PC and IPhone....waiting for lucky board as most are not even close.
I don't understand why I only get 20 moves with 15 bombs and other people have 50/20 �� it should be the same across the board. This is impossible in 20 moves without boosters!
If you delete the app and reinstalled, you won't lose everything because your email address will pick up where you left of. Levels don't change regardless!
Not impossible if you spend more time on trying to solve it than bitching about it. Somebody had to say it.
Thank you for the tips, refreshing to see someone not bitching about how many moves they have on their devices.
Tedious level, no strategy involved. 20 moves to knock down 65 jelly. Boosters won't help at the beginning, so I resigned myself to play it without. 30 tries on this one and finally was able to match a color bomb with a wrap (got lucky) that took out most of the jelly. Even with that particular combo, the hard to reach jelly was still on the board with 10 moves left and three of them hanging around. So, made some moves that would anticipate a desired effect, and like I said, got very lucky. Two stars and one move left, I'll take it. I have to agree with previous comments, fun and tricky. Just have fun, something eventually will go your way. On to 1468 with my helmet.
What a tedious, boring level depending on luck. How is it possible to come within 1 square of winning no less than THREE times (no hammers left) and coming nowhere near winning the rest of the hundred times? Getting really tired of this whole game and hardly play it any more.
Why make levels so hard you don’t want to play?
Because King is hoping you get frustrated and spend your money on hammers, fish, extra moves, etc.
I'm not even close yet. Waiting for that lucky board!
20 games later. Still no luck and I haven't even gotten remotely close. Maybe it time to move on to another game...sad
After playing a bunch...finally came with in 2 BUT I refuse to pay more $ to win!
Horrid level. Used all 3 boosters. Reset to get sprinkle bomb beside a wrap. That did it for me. Good luck.
Not as hard as it first seems. Start along the bottom of the game and try to get as many combos as possible. As with many levels it does perhaps depend on the luck of getting a good board
is the helmet no more? i have not gotten one in ages..and i have finished levels on first try . i play on pc
Need help very difficult board
This level sucks... iPad play is near impossible. I’m going to try a saucer next time as I have 2 I got from finale freebies. So far I’ve not been able to break even one layer in the bomb section! 😢😢😢
20 moves is ridiculous.
Once again I listened to the hints and Mr. Alvaro Quesada and WON THIS LEVEL IN TWO TRIES...maybe a lucky board, but I was following the hints and going slowly.
Posting for luck
Hey CC Will you slip a few more moves in my game or give me an easy board.
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