Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1469 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
You have 25 moves to clear all the jelly. The board is broken down into 2 large rectangles and 2 smaller areas. The smaller areas are full of licorice and then spew out 20 count bombs once the licorice is removed.
Work on clearing the cakes first, this isn't easy as there are no candies on the far sides to match so you need to hit them with stripes or stripe/wrap combos to clear the outside sections of the cake.
The cake cannons will clear the board for you if you can get to the corners of them.
If you have any hammers now would be a good time to use them to get those corners.
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This is a boring level. Only one move or shuffle with every move. Absolutely no fun.
Horrible level.. agree with other comment that you are left with the same shuffling around in the same few spots mostly in the middle. Very difficult to clear enough to break either cake. Should be labeled as 'hard' level, not enough moves.
The posters, above, are absolutely right. Make a move, shuffle, make another move, shuffle. getting to the entire cake seems impossible. I'm posting a comment just because it seems that when I do, I go back and pass the level.
I hope I didn't just jinx myself. :/
Couldn't do it without a lollipop hammer.
You know there's a problem with a level when it has to shuffle after every single move. It's really boring because there is only ever one move that you can make. Really needs some tweaking.
Finally I've done it by using the boosters at the beginning because I didn't have any more lollipop hammers left. Worked very well with moves left and 3 stars. Didn't have the constant shuffling like others seems to have.
Started out with a fish booster. Finished with 5 moves left. Good luck!!!
Agree that there are not many moves in a confined space. May have been a lucky board but focused on cakes because they do clear the board. Finished second try- no boosters so it is possible!
CC from vero
Mind numbingly boring!!
Don't the programmers who come up with these levels realize that if the board needs to be reshuffled on every move there is a problem? Yeesh
Agree with all you say here and posting for luck too. Boring level waiting for that lucky board.
Got bored so I used all 3 boosters at the start. Rolled over the board until I had the striped/wrapped next to each other. Blew things up fairly easily. The cakes take care of all the jellies. Finished with 3 stars and 13 moves remaining. Probably the striped/wrapped booster alone would have been enough, as long as they are together.
Posting for luck. LA
Can't believe it! First try had quite a bit of shuffling and wasn't able to clear one cake. Second try finished with 14 moves left, no boosters and three stars. This time the shuffling helped giving me moves to clear one cake which totally opened up the board and everyone was right, when I cleared the second cake all the jelly was gone and Candy Crush activated. Good luck to evetyone!
Best advice is to concentrate on the cske on the right and clear the cream above it because that will make blowing that cake easier. That clears the remaining cream and makes blowing the second cake easier. If you go after the cakes, that takes care of the jelly. There is no jelly underneath the cakes. Doing it this way, I got the level in ten tries with no boosters.
What a boring level. Still, I was lucky enough to get it first try. I cleared the first cake when I had only two moves left and was certain I would lose. But with my very last move I could clear the second cake and it wiped out all the remaining jellies. So I guess clearing both cakes is the key to win, alhough there's no jelly underneath them.
Game is tiring!!!
Game is tiring!!!
This one is enough to put you asleep!
About to throw in the towel on this one. Tired of constant reshuffling and getting nowhere!
Used the boosters colour ball and stripe wrap combo. Shuffled the board till color ball and stripe were next to each other. This helped in clearing the first cake in five moves. Then it was very easy. The second cake was also gone in just four moves and this cleared the board.
Used the boosters colour ball and stripe wrap combo. Shuffled the board till color ball and stripe were next to each other. This helped in clearing the first cake in five moves. Then it was very easy. The second cake was also gone in just four moves and this cleared the board.
Lucky first attempt got both cakes on the last move that cleared all of the jelly.
I think I will not even try this one for a while. Had enough of shuffling. I have discovered Yathzee 0nline and play that as well as Word with Friends. Much more entertaining than shuffling candies. Grace from DU
Ooh thanks Grace, will try those.
Don't waste your boosters on this, just keep trying and eventually you get a board that stops reshuffling and opens up, easy after that.
Once again bragging about getting it in the first try Sharon. Give me a break. WTF.
Rather boring, not even fun. Waiting for a lucky board.
Stupidest level yet! Reshuffles after every move! Stupid designers as well! Can't tell me they enjoy playing this rubbish!
The power of the post! Right after posting above comment I won. Didn't use boosters. I just played the only option the game gave me with each move. I don't consider that fun at all & certainly requires no skill. Only advice I can give is wait on your lucky board like I did. Good luck!
Sorry cc but this level is the first one that's just plain boring you just make moves that go nowhere till your out of them :(
I can't play this level anymore its putting me to sleep awful level
I used a fish booster because it was the only booster I had and I might as well have been pissing in the wind for all the good it did me. What a waste of booster and waste of time. Shame I'm so addicted to this bloody game.
Got it without any boosters. I just stayed patient until I got a board that did most of the work for me.
Well, I don't have any hammers. Nice
There should at least be a frog
I had 14 reshuffles out of a mere 25 moves on this level. Good to know I'm not the only person experiencing this problem. I don't look to get far very quickly in this level....I must agree with above comments....
waiting for a lucky board! otherwise boring!!!
Best advice is use striped/wrap combo and keep resetting till they are together. Wipes out a cake in just a couple moves. Makes enough room to
Oops didn't let me finish... Makes enough room to open board enough to make other specials or matches on conveyor to wipe other cake out and that automatically clears the whole board.
Can't seem to get opps to make many stripes much less wraps. I see one gamer had success with fish booster,but one said it was a waste....
Absolutely horrible !!! Keep wasting lives .....I'll get 3-4 moves and then " no more possible matches " ...End game ...this is BS ....if any lvl ...this one will make me quit this game !!!
please respond to the shuffling errors king. says no more matches when clearly there are. again please respond so we know you know about the problem!
How does King expect anyone to win this game with it shuffling all the time. I don't see anyway to win.
I agree, I will finally quit if this keeps stopping the game with "no more possible switches? after reshuffling when you know there are possible matches. This is ridiculous! There is no doubt that this game is rigged, but this needs to be corrected.
Ready to search for some different games. This level is insulting!!
I was able to circumvent the shuffling issue by playing on Android. Still a boring level. I used 3 hammers to completed it.
Are you kidding? Two moves then no more moves after the shuffle? I just burned through 5 lives in a couple of minutes. I've never commented on here before (even though I visit regularly) but this is beyond ridiculous! There is clearly a glitch with this level.
This level is ridiculous. The board comes up with maybe one move if you're lucky then shuffles it. Then often there are no moves after the shuffle and there's your life! I've burnt through 5 lives in 10 moves or less numerous times already on this level. They really need to reconsider this level. This may be the one that makes me give up playing.
Shuffles once and then says, no more matches possible!!! End of game!!! Made first move, then it shuffled once and then message came up "game over", no more matches available!!! What the hell, it should keep shuffling. Anyone else had this issue?
I have had the same problem as the above poster. Reshuffle then game over. After numerous fails, I switched from my PC and tablet and went to my Anroid phone. Must have been the lucky board because I finished quickly. I did move slowly and tried to look for moves that would break the pie, but for the most part it was just luckk. Obviously, I know!
Posting for luck! Sad isn't it?
I have no clue how I passed this awful level. It was all I could do to get a board to stay up long enough to make a move without shuffling. I know I had cleared one cake and I had one move left and I managed to clear the other cake on my last move and it cleared the whole board. Whew! Glad that is over!
Shuffles once and then says, no more matches possible!!! End of game!!! Made first move, then it shuffled once and then message came up "game over", no more matches available!!! What the hell, it should keep shuffling. Anyone else had this issue? YES. same problem, just burned thru 5 lives in a matter of minutes. Last one got the message after the first move/re-shuffle/no more moves..... FIX it or I am gone....,
The most boring, tedious level to date. Shuffle lose, shuffle lose, shuffle lose. It's fundamentally flawed.
Not much skill used in this level. Make a move, shuffle, make next possible move, etc. need a lucky board and haven't had it yet. Boring!
These type of levels are so unfair taking life after life. My board just shuffled and I could see a match of three that could be made but it still said 'no more moves' and I lost another life.
You know some asshole designed this game, because it has to shuffle after every move. I had some boards that finished after one move because there was no more moves to make. Very poor designed game.
c/candycrush here
I just had 5 out of 5 games end after only a handful of moves. It would give a shuffle and then tell me 'no more moves possible'. What rubbish, it just needed another shuffle as I could see several the same colour just not together.
When did the system change to only one shuffle per time?
I guess I will have to try some of my free boosters and see if they help, but I think it is badly designed if I can't get even one game out of 5 to go beyond 3 or 4 moves.
Only one possible move on the board at start up after which it shuffles and says game over, no more moves possible. Every. Single. Time.
How is is this meant to be fun???
So boring going over and over the same routine. I'd really like a few fun levels now after the nightmare of 1467.
Got it on my second try. Clear the cream blockers if you can't hit a cake.
I guess no one is playing this boring level but me,no comments since July 2016, maybe everyone quit,i about to its so boringb
What about CC soda? A little similar to this one with a twist. Those are the only two I play, oh, I forgot - Hit it Rich has to be my favorite - casino style gaming just for fun, you can't win real money but I hear that may change soon. Hopefully!
No spawners, it can't be that difficult. Soon to find out.
Two moves and done! Certainly the fastest I've finished a level. Since I had the magic helmet, I started with a color bomb -free - and the board just gave me the opportunity to create another color bomb right in front of my free bomb, that was the first move, so two color bombs side by side was my second move, and it just wiped out all the licorice and the cakes, really weird. This could be a record and I want recognition! Needless to say, I just don't have any tips, except to say don't drink and drive. On to 1470 stunned!
Well, that was lucky! Got it third try, no boosters, 18 moves left. All it took was for a stripe/wrap combo to show up on the left of the conveyor belt and take out both cakes. Sheer luck I know, but I deserved it after being stuck on level 1466 (I think if was) for a couple of weeks!
Actually it was 1467 I was stuck on for weeks.
It shows only 12 moves for me in this level 1469
Yeah where’s the 25 moves. It only shows 12. What’s with that? Hard to complete on so little moves.
Very difficult
I only got 12 moves, very frustrating, complained to wife! Looked for help and found level should have 25 moves! What the heck! Finally got thru after 30 to 40 tries! Brian
Me too this is a nightmare!!!!
why am I just getting 12 moves for this game. I read that someone has 25 moves. very hard level
I've only got 12 moves on this level ??? HELP!! IMPOSSIBLE
I only have 12 moves as well so I can’t get it. Why do we only get 12??
Definitely only 12 moves now! Maybe they read all the reviews of how boring and easy it was with 25 moves. But I have been trying forever and can’t get it!
12 moves for me too! This is B.S.!
Level 1469 is impossible to do in 12 moves!
I have 12 moves too. They have never done anything to fix it
Yet another level where the goalposts have been moved - 25 moves reduced to 12 - come on, King, PLAY FAIR!!!!!!
There needs to be more than 12 moves for this level. It's very annoying.
Yes super impossible with only 12 moves!! I mean heck I could do it in 25 moves, maybe not on the 1st couple of tries but this is absolutely impossible!! I've tried over 60 times! Sick Of King changing things do radically!!!
Yes super impossible with only 12 moves!! I mean heck I could do it in 25 moves, maybe not on the 1st couple of tries but this is absolutely impossible!! I've tried over 60 times! Sick Of King changing things do radically!!!
I have been playing this level for days. I only get 12 moves instead of 25. Imossible with only 12 moves. Please fix.
Yes! Only 12 moves is impossible!
12 moves??!?!? And always 'no more moves' after one shuffle?? Deliberate glitch in my eyes. Not to mention the AI keeps screwing your moves.
Who the hell thinks this can be done in 12 moves??? 3 days on this one & nothing! Cannot even break a cake! Tired of losing so many lives on one like this. Maybe using a whole bunch of boosters -- not in the market to make King any richer! Don't mind a good challenge but not any this ridiculous!!
4 days on this level now -- 80 lives gone & only able to break the cake on the left once & guess what -- no more moves! This is impossible to get through with only 12 moves!! Just cannot take this any more -- too stressful!! King -- this is supposed to be a GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used the hammer and cleared it and moved on to the next level 3 levels and when I went to play again imtheynput me back to that level -what kind of horse poop is that
Last damn game was 12 moves— now this one? WHY? WHY?!
The only wat to win this is to buy a party booster - I’m convinced of it
This is a stupdenously stupid level. Forced moves all the time. No skill involved at all. Why haven't they fixed this after so long.
I only get 12 moves, why does it say 25 moves??
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