Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1470 Candy Crush Saga without boosters
With only 25 moves level 1470 is now extremely tricky.
With only 25 moves level 1470 is now extremely tricky.
You need to collect the keys to unlock the candies along the middle and allow the fruit to fall down to the exits.
The best way is to make a vertical striped candy and arrange the candies on the conveyor so you can set the stripe off and get both keys. Or use the stripe provided if you can get it in position by making matches in the top to bring the stripe into position alongside a key.
A stripe combo will work if you can get two stripes together on the conveyor.
A stripe combo will work if you can get two stripes together on the conveyor.
Once the locked candies are gone you have to get the fruit out of the exits, you can switch them upwards from the lower conveyor, or they will fall in from the upper one.
With so few moves you can't afford to make too many mistakes so watch the candies very carefully and try to make moves that get the fruit onto one of the conveyors.
Once on the conveyor and heading towards the exits make matches as far away as possible so it doesn't start circling around again. If you can get the fruit to stop between the conveyors and keep it there for a couple of moves you may be able to switch it into the exit as I did on the video below, but it's very hard to keep the fruit still except when it's over the exits in the middle.
Once on the conveyor and heading towards the exits make matches as far away as possible so it doesn't start circling around again. If you can get the fruit to stop between the conveyors and keep it there for a couple of moves you may be able to switch it into the exit as I did on the video below, but it's very hard to keep the fruit still except when it's over the exits in the middle.
This can be a very frustrating level as moves are so restricted at the start, but with patience it is possible without boosters.
It may help to start the level with a stripe/wrap combo booster or a coconut wheel..
Video below
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That is an incredibly lucky last move that wouldn't happen to me if I played a million times. I passed with boosters. Life is too short.
This was one of those aggravating levels. If you can get the exits unlocked you don't have many moves left and the cherries keep falling off the conveyor belts. I finally got lucky with some chocolate bombs and stripes. I got the exits unlocked with something like 25 moves left. I got one pair of cherries collected and with five moves left, the second one was on the belt directly below an exit so I used a switch-hand to move it up.
Got lucky 2nd try 3 stars...patience and got to realy watch before making moves...
When I am waiting for the next level to be ready, I play games with the "c"s so I can get extra boosters. I was able to get 4 hand switches so I used them to finish this one.
When I run out of games and the new level isn't ready, I play the older games with the sugar drops. I was able to get 4 hand switches which used along with a chocolate bomb to win this one.
Thank you Allina for your tips. This was another level that I didn't understand and flubbed two games trying on my own. After watching your video and reading the comments, I figured it out. I won using a coconut wheel that helped get a start on unlocking the keys. It took me the second try but I won with 3 stars.
The best thing to do is to make sure the cherries fall on the left side of the board. If you can keep them on that side, it's relatively easy to deal with the cascades that keep cycling the cherries through the portal. Then the top conveyor brings the cherries toward the exit and it's pretty easy to get them to drop through. I finished the level with 18 moves remaining.
I thought this level would be impossible, but I used a chocolate speckled candy and a stripe/wrap booster to start. Made all the difference, I was able to get all the keys unlocked within 10 moves. Ended up using a hand switch and lollipop hammer to move cherries into the chute. Can't see how this level can be completed without boosters. Now that we have the sugar drops, I don't worry about 'wasting' boosters.. that's what they are there for.
First pay attention to where the candy falls. Keep the cherries on the left. Making up stripes I found to be useless. I made side stripes on the right of the board and tried dropping them into place to hit a key. If you get all the keys you MUST drop the cherry down the arrow by making a hit below. I made the mistake of thinking having the cherry go across the conveyer above the arrow would drop it. Was luck I make a hit below to drop it down an exit on the last arrow. One of the most frustrating levels of the game. I did get this on the last move of my sixth try with no boosters. Good luck. ALH
This must be the most pointless level ever. You can't call it 'difficult' as it's just moving shit around until you get lucky. 0/10 King. Sack the person (or machine) that made this one.
This is an extremely frustrating level, to say the least. Just when you think you have a striped lined up to take out a key, candies fall down and ruin it.
Having said that, I did what someone above said and started with a doughnut wheel. This helped get rid of the first two keys and I was lucky enough to get a chocolate bomb which wiped out two more keys. I did have to use a hand switch to get the cherries back up on the conveyor. After that I had to be very careful not to knock them off the conveyor. So, two boosters and 3 stars later, I'm done with it. Gah.
This fn suuuccckkkkks like wtf
This fn suuuccckkkkks like wtf
Took advantage of freebie boosters for this level. Started with a sprinkle, but rolled over the board until both keys were the same color. Made two more sprinkles straight away for the other keys. Both my cherries were on the right, so as soon as I had each one under the exit I used a hand switch to get it out. Only one star, and I feel a bit like I cheated, but moving on!
WTH! Ipad only has 25 moves!! Are you serious!!
Ok, if Kings intention is to get people to start hating the game in order to stop playing it, I'd say they are succeeding. Just so many frustrating, boring levels as of late. Then to top it off, somehow the game stripped me of ALL the boosters I've won in the past few weeks (on this level where I could have really used them - crap!). Then gave me on-screen instructions how to collect sugar bombs, as though it's the first time I've ever played. Fricken stupid.
Start with coconut wheel to hit the keys. Great tip to work the left side to have the fruit drop there. Just needed one hand switch after that. Good luck all.
Once again the video shows 50 moves but Android only has 25 moves. That's like giving a Poker player two and a half cards.
Not sure how I got this. Second try, 8 moves left, 3 stars. I only had 25 moves on my Android device. I used a Chocolate sprinkle booster and reset til both keys were the same color and got a 2nd one that got a third key. After that I managed to get one cherry dropped and 2nd one kept falling off lower conveyor until I heard it drop though.
Used a coconut wheel. Cleared all the keys. Got both cherries in the middle of the lower conveyer belt. How do I get them to drop out? Read all comments & watched the video but this has me stumped! Please heeeeeelp meeeeeee!
3 hands and a hammer....enough and done
Opened using two of my abundant supply of hammers to take out the first two keys, which at least kept the board flowing, and then later, got lucky with a stripe/colour bomb combo to get more keys. Then it was a matter of doing my best to keep the cherries on the upper conveyor belt, and I was able to set up a move that dropped both cherries through the exits at the right moment. My first attempt was on the Asus Zenfone 2, where I had fifty moves, but got the level on the Samsung phone, where I had only twenty-five. Still, an awful level. You either make it or you're not even close.
To Velda Rhodes: the exits are in between the two conveyors. Having the fruits on the lower conveyor doesn't help, they are too low. You have to switch them up with a hand switch or let them drop from the upper conveyor.
I also used a coconut wheel which I let fall to the conveyor and roll in place to get two keys at once. With a little luck I was able to get the rest of the keys and then worked only on the left side to get the cherries in position. They fell off a few times but eventually I got them out.
Good luck - Gabi
This is impossible!! Not enough moves!!
CC is no fun anymore....it is time to say goodbye.
Didn't realize you can lift the cherries from the lower conveyor ... should have won hours ago!
Mine only has 25 as well, and I'm on a Droid phone. Wtf
Tin tin here. Some things to note. It took me a while to get my head around these moves. The candies in the right and left 3 columns just go round and round. The hardest part is getting the first striped candy to get rid of one key. That will open up one column where the candies will then fall and continue going from top to bottom and back to the top. Once you get one column open, then you need to make more stripes, and they must be sideways ones to get the keys. You may be able to release from below, but that is hard. Once you get the columns going down and then up again, you can make sideways stripes and you can manoeuvre these til you get in in the right position to get the rest of the keys. Then once you have all three columns rotating, you need to get the cherries in such a position they can go down the three central release ports.
I have just finished this one, but even with the hints above it took me a while to work out the sequences.
Been stuck on this for 3 days on iPad and no wonder! Only 25 moves while the video shows 50! Time to fire up the PC
That board requires no skill whatsoever only luck. After being unlucky several times, I gave up. Used a coconut wheel a color bomb and two hand switches. -Theresa
What previous levels are best for earning sugar drops (to earn boosters)?
I've come close so many times! It's the fact the candies move so very much that keeps me from being able to win. I've had one candy to go, had it on the right side of the board, and one move away from the exit, then the conveyer moves, and the candy falls through again. Then, on my last game, I had a stripe positioned to take out a key, I set it off, and the key just sat there! THAT makes me sure the games are fixed! I'll win when the game says it's my turn. I'm out of hand switches,too :-(
It happened again! Two different horizontal stripes are not knocking out the keys!
This level is useless. Both on facebook and phone I only have 25 moves. Of course 50 moves makes it a little more possible. The cascades always maker any special go off.. Another one to test your patience.. how many times do you have to play to get a lucky board. Skill has nothing to do with winning this one. The video above just proves that...
I am really aggravated with this glitchy level on my iPad. It just used my last hand switch and I didn't even tell it too. I was saving it to move a cherry. Plus I am also experiencing stripes that aren't taking out keys. There are so few moves anyway that it's annoying when a move doesn't work the way it should. Posting for luck and a good board. The cascades are killing me.
If people are complaining about this level and how difficult it is that have 50 moves available, what chance has anyone got using their devise that only has 25 moves. Love a good challenge, but at least lets have a level playing field.
Can anyone say "impossible"? This level is ridiculous. I have other games to play. Maybe it's time to quit CC for awhile.
iPad, android all 25 moves, tried PC today still 25 moves, no way can I do this with that many moves or should I say that little amount of moves!!!!!!
Same here, only 25 moves either on Android, I Pad or PC.
Only solution.....quit this game!!
Very difficult and tedious level. Essential to use the striped candy bottom left to collect one key AND to drop both fruits on the lhs on moves 20 15. If the fruit drop on the rhs game over. Even then the fruit can fall below the conveyor very easily.
So we get from one tedious level to yet another one? Where's the fun?
Weeks and weeks and weeks!! Really getting fed up now! Not one lucky board and boosters after boosters used nothing! Sort your crap out cc!!!
Sooooooooooooooo boring. Can't be arsed, just gonna stock up on boosters and booster the crap out of this when i have plenty of hand switches, life's too short for this one. I have come close but its so cheesy when you have them set up and random conveyer matches take the fruit away from exiting
Bizarre, after saying the above and getting some boosters from sugar droping, started with coconut will, did it using one handswitch, 11 moves left, this frigging game
I give up! Playing cc is meant to be fun, but has become anything but!!
Tricky! Took a while to figure out, easiest way is to use a coconut wheel to take out first key, that gets a good start, once you've managed a few horizontal stripes to take out the others its best to have a couple of hand switches spare. I managed to drop one fruit through from the top conveyor but used a hand switch to switch the second one up and away from the bottom conveyor. Make moves well away from the fruits when they're edging towards the exits or all your hard work disappears, good luck.
Again, we bow to you miss bragger Obi-Wan of CC. 2nd try, my you are slipping. Usually you brag that you got it 1st try, no boosters, with moves leftover. Good technique to dial it down a notch this one time. Woo hoo.
Why in hell do you think this is fun for the players? I have used up all my boosters for this level. Get it fixed or I'm done!
Why in hell do you think this is fun for the players? I have used up all my boosters for this level. Get it fixed or I'm done!
Very challenging but I find it interesting as there is so much to watch and lots of movement, albeit sometimes frustrating. For me the tip about trying to keep the fruit on the left, using the wheel booster and some luck did the trick.
Another stupid pointless level! Too much movement, can't get the fruit to the right spot to drop!
I probably played this level 20-25 times. Could not have beaten it without having watched the video and reading the comments. I kept resetting the board until my first move took out the bottom key. Then just made every stripe/wrap/ sprinkle I could in order to open up two exits. Then it was just a matter of carefully getting and keeping the fruits on the conveyors. I used one hand switch to bring one fruit up from the bottom conveyor. I actually enjoyed this level.!its nice to have one that doesn't depend entirely on luck.
I super hate this level. Just a warning, on the iPad, if you start with a coconut wheel on the centre and roll it to do vertical stripes, it won't get the key when it is close to the middle. I've done it twice now, and the candies directly under/above the keys just disappear and the coconut wheel rolls over and does no stripe!
I've never felt like quitting before, but this level is so awful on the iPad, and then buggy too, I am at the point where I just can't be bothered. I don't understand the People who found it fun?! But I respect your opinion being different, lol.
UN effing believable!!!!!!!
Well, I got all the keys unlocked, but now I need to figure out how to keep the fruit on the bottom conveyer belt. They just keep on falling, again and again! I may never get them to stay there and get to the exits....got a lot of wraps and color bombs but really couldn't use them for the fruit or theyed fall to low all the time...frustrating to say the least. Now I may never get the keys unlocked again.
I meant the top conveyer belt on last comment. I see the left top moves, move the bottom left and the top right moves , move the bottom right and if you have a stripe lined up on the bottom or the top to hit the key, you may only have a move on the side it's on and then there it goes! So confusing.
Freaking impossible and I'm getting so sick of it. I think I'll get rid of cc and go paint my house...
I QUIT!!!!!!!!!! BITE ME CC KING!!!!!!!
I basically quit playing on this level, but I will play it once in the morning to wake myself up.
I cannot wait to start the day after one try.
It sucks that much, just pointless crap to get me pissed off and into the shower.
Will never use a booster on this level out of spite, I really do hate this game now.
Tried a few times today with no luck.... It's so ridiculous. No, I'm not buying boosters. Give it up KING! I will tell everyone new to this game to STOP now! It's pathetic!
Why. Why. Why. Why, do we have to be stuck for weeks and endure this God awful boredom?!!!!!!!!!!!! I think this one is going to put me over the edge and delete cc!
Omg!!!!! What the hell do they expect you to do? The Damn fruit won't stay put!!!!! I think this level is impassable!!!!
Gee, thanks! You give me a coconut wheel and then a wrapped and I almost got it set up to get two keys and the only move I had was to blow up the wrapped candy and it made the wheel go off and it was no where near the keys!!!!!!! Thanks, you pos game!!!!!I'm so fed up with this horrific level!!!! I've been trying for a week now to get past this pos level!!!!! Effing stupid!!!!!
Again, thanks, got all the keys but I can't for the life of me, get the stupid fruit to stop falling! It's impossible to get them out!!!!!!
I'll just keep saying it!!!! F U!!!!!!!
Freakin thank you! Finally!!!!!!!
Me too. Knocked out keys many times did nothing. Another dumb Level!
I must be stupid. Cant even get the keys. Lost so many boosters on this level.
Boring Boring Boring.
This may finally be the level that makes me quit this extremely addictive game... I just cannot get the keys to go ...
OK, I'll admit it. After over 100 tries, I quit for a week and stockpiled free boosters. When I had 18 Lollypop hammers and 14 switch hands I played it once. STILL almost didn't get it. 3 stars and more boosters than anyone probably ever wasted on one level. Thank God that's over with.
This is where I get off. I've played 25-30 games a day for the past week not even coming close to the goal. I have been able to beat all hard levels in past games but this one has me stumped. Time to put it down for awhile and get back to life. This level has got to be the WORST so far.....Ta Ta King....you lost another fan of cc.
Id Love to take a hammer and smash the persons hand that made this level!!!!!
Decided this level is just impossible. I need to quit for awhile, save some boosters and then MAYBE come back to the game:(
Absolutely no way to pass this level. If one does manage to unlock, the fruit always falls too far. Refuse to buy anything else to help!
On my first board, I made a few moves and then only had one in the bottom. Huge problem! Don't move in the bottom 2 squares unless you are forced to I had no candies to do anything with. I came here and watched the video. We are all good players or we wouldn't be here so I knew there had to be a way to beat this board and settled in for the long haul. On my second board, I got a stripe at the bottom left and then made a move in the top left to drop the stripe into the top section and took out the top key. This at least opened up the board and kept things moving so I had a shot. I will say I took out the next 3 keys and nothing opened. Nothing. I luckily got a strip/wrap combo and that took out the bottom key to open up a portal to possibly get the fruit out. Both fruits were then on the left side and I made moves only on the right so as not to drop the fruit. When the first fruit got over the portal, I had no move to drop it and I resigned myself to that fruit having to come back around. My cherries were side by side on the belt. The next move I was able to drop the second fruit over the portal and much to my surprise, the first fruit dropped as well. Lucky, just lucky, but doable if I did it.
I'm assuming I'm of average intelligence to have made it this far but this has me flummoxed. It's late and I'm tired but I'll be damned if I can work out how this level goes. Maybe I should leave it until morning. Just thought I'd share.
Another chuck your phone at the wall level, come on cc, give us a break here.
Update, now fully rested and have finally worked out how this level goes. Not made a blind bit of difference and I'm still no nearer to passing it than I was last night.
My problem is, I get rid of keys and more keep coming?
Impossible , boring level! Used up all my boosters and still can't get it done. Have to stop for awhile!
Been stuck on this level for days. Requires no skill - just luck (and I haven't had any). CC should allow you to 'pass' a level after so many tries. It is boring and It isn't fun!
May be the end of cc for me. Frustration no rhyme or reason to this one
Boring. Very boring. I don't know why anyone would think this one is fun! (Yawn) maybe I'm just getting tired of cc. I've thrown every booster at it but no way can I get the second cherry anywhere close to the portal, and you don't even need all the keys!!
Just think I need a break.
More than Boring! Who needs thèse headaches un their lives?
Can't take the frustration. Feel like like a robot endlessly moving things nowhere.
When I first started the level from HELL aka level 1470, I somehow managed to get all but one of the fruit down. For the first time in my life I'm seriously considering quitting something--I never quit! Unfortunately for me, Candy crush has gotten me to the point where I'm prepared to QUIT. One would think if you managed to get this far in the game winning the levels would be a piece of candy, er, cake, but in this case Not so much! If only there was a way to receive a refund for all the frustrating hours I've wasted on the game of Candy Crush!! But I'm realistic enough to know it will NEVER happen, so I will give this level ONE more chance--then I'm uninstalling this game and promise to never, ever, ever, ever, play it on either my tablet, phone, or computer ever again--what a waste! Goodbye Candy Crush! Sorry not sorry!
Ridiculous level for all the reasons outlined above. I got a sprinkle and wrap together at the beginning of the fame, with lots of candies the same colour as the stripe. Never hit either of the keys but took out most of the other candies. What would be the chances of that?? Plus, I'm sick of lining up a move only for the game to force me to use it before I'm ready due to there being no other possible moves. Oh, and using a booster that ends up being wasted because of no alternative moves available. What a fix!!
Well I managed to open up the exits with plenty of moves left - do you think the game would let me keep the fruit on the top conveyor belt? Of course not. I've got to level 1470 so obviously I know a bit about strategic moves by now. Just shows how it's luck not skill half the time. Hate this level.
Ok. Maybe this will help me get through this hellish level. Can't even get very far. Once I did get close but since that lucky (?) board, nothing. Time for my board.
Update this level in more moves this is not a game anymore.grgr
Level 1470, you will become depressed
Kat here - what a weird level this was! Not entirely sure I fully understand it LOL. Anyway, got really really close and broke down and bought 5 extra moves, then used three of my switch hands (and wasted a hammer in the process by clicking on it by mistake :-( ). In my opinion, this level is utterly undoable with the normal number of moves and no boosters. Just not possible. And honestly, I've been playing this game for free for a good while now, so I don't mind too much paying 99 cents; I guess they have to make money somehow...just glad it's done and my internet connection didn't crap out before the sugar crush was over (as it does sometimes, and then it doesn't recognize the progress!!!).
Wow 😳. I think I need a lucky board - have no boosters 😢
What have I done to cause no candies at all to populate to the bottom conveyor or the bottom two quadrants? It's really impossible if I only have half the board after making my first move.
This is a VERY frustrating level. Seems impossible. Tried all my boosters to no avail. A few more tries and then I'm through.
Cheers CC .. you managed to break me . Got to level 1470 and this is now the end for me . I don't mind difficult , I love a good challenge. and how boring would life be without it ... but downright impossible is asking just a ittle too much.
Ridiculous level. And not 50 moves - only 25 moves. Absolutely impossible. Even if you get something lined up to make special candies the conveyor belt moves and destroys them before you can make use of them. Simply ridiculous. - no fun. Bye bye!!
Be careful about stockpiling boosters. Every few weeks my boosters just disappear and you can't get them back. It's happened to me 3 times!!! That said, this level is a pain. Came close once and my game just stopped! Once again - NOT FUN!!!
Same thing happened to me -3 times!!! Totally unfair.
A truly awful level.
This level is extremely hard and frustrating but I am determined to get to level 1476 which I hear if the best level in the entire game. As for this level I will try the chocolate bomb and reset the board until both keys are the same color and can be taken out with the color bomb.
this may be the level that makes me quit. ridiculously hard. not fun.
The fruit drops at move 20 and move 15 so try to make moves in the left side at those numbers (to make the fruit drop into the left side). Whatever is at the right end of the bottom conveyor will fall off into the bottom right. I tried several times but didn't have much luck making Stripes to kill a key. I am very low on Boosters, but eventually I used a Coconut Wheel, and on that try I cleared the board and earned 3 Stars. This is definitely a Luck Level and for those of us that have got this far it is definitely boring to be at the whim of the game, rather than strategising and winning because of our best efforts. Good luck to all.
Time to quit. Not fun anymore
Worse level ever been on it for days,used, all my boosters 3 coconut wheels only got one wheel that did nothing these kind of games make you want to quit,I think I'm done
all boosters what makes me angry,used all my coconut wheels and only got one coconut that did nothing.
Time to quit,used coconut wheels only got one move that did nothing,tired of this BS,been on this level for weeks,I'm done
Got it on my first try with nine moves to spare. Watch the video, read all comments, so I was more than ready to approach this level with uncertainty. A free color bomb on my first move took out two keys! Resetting until I had both keys of the same color and the bomb next to a candy of that same color. That did not opened any of the exits, so I knew more keys had to be killed. Wrap/stripe combos took out more keys and I could see the exits. I remembered someone saying that fruits came down on moves 20 and 15, so I accomplished that. I also remembered that if any of the two fruits ends up on the right side, game over, not so. Managed to drop one fruit since both we're side by side on the conveyor with a wrap/stripe combo, but couldn't save the other from going to the right side. I almost ended the game right then, but figured I had to find out if it was true that no way to get the fruit to exit somehow from the right. So I just kept going, making combos because I figured had nothing to lose anyway. When I set off one combo, nothing happened, the fruit was just being tossed around on the right side like the rest of the candy. When I had the second wrap/stripe combo, I set it off, watching the fruit again being tossed around. Then it happened, the fruit came down and somehow found its way to the exit much to my amazement. I have no idea how that happened, especially from the right side of the board. I could try this level 100 times, and I can guarantee you that this won't happen again. On to 1471 feeling like I somehow cheated without my knowledge.
I read all of the comments and watched the video and played a number of times but I seem to be missing something. How many keys are there? More keep appearing when you take them out and no one seems to have addressed that.I have taken out oodles but still usually the exits remain locked. I have yet to have a fruit fall through one. I tried the sprinkle and resetting the board until the keys were the same color, which never happened. I even managed a sprinkle and stripe which didn't help. Chances are pretty good that I am finished with cc. Congratulations cc if this is what you were striving for! I think practically every one of my friends gave up on it long ago.
I was on this level for weeks but not playing often. Suddenly the stars apparently lined up because I won. This one is practically impossible to win as with every move the board scrolls and scrolls wrecking your planned moves. This is if you managed to unlock the keys. I did discover that the fruit can move through the gate without all of the keys being released. I won by sheer luck with absolutely no skill involved.
I do not even understand this level. How can I play?
I do not understand this level! The cherries just keep going out the bottom into the top,round and round, I dizzy! It is so boring to be on one level for so long
This level is perverse, to say the least. I pride myself by not using any boosters no matter how many times I have to play a level. I used a switch this time because I was ready to scream. It's by far is the worst level ever. It doesn't matter whether you get stripes, horizontal or vertical ones. Navigate make sure they go off at the wrong time. I didn't make it this far because I don't know what I'm doing. No King, you will not get me to pay for anything here ever again.
Must have got a lucky board. Beat it on the FIRST try...although one thing I did try to do was get striped candies to aim at the keys in the lower middle of the board. But even though I got two of those, I still think it was a lucky board because I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. Good luck.
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