Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1480 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
You need to collect 150 cream blockers to complete the level, some are already on the board but the rest will be provided by the Evil Spawners. You don't want to clear all the spawners as you need them for the orders, but if one gets destroyed as you work it shouldn't matter too much.
All you need to do is to keep making matches that destroy the cream blockers to keep them from taking over the board.
Don't ignore the bombs, if you get a chance to clear them take it as you may not get another and they will kill your game just as quickly as the spawners will.
Obviously specials and combos are important to collect the orders.
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This is different on my IPad. Need to get three fruit down. Evil spinners are there along with the chocolate. I used a coconut wheel to clear the board.
Same as Anonymous above, I had to get 3 fruit down (iphone). Thanks for the coconut tip. I used it and finished first try.
Thanks for that coconut tip for iPad. Worked second try.
I have fruit on iPad. Will try coconut! Thx!
CC from vero
Also had fruit. Used coconut wheel and it appeared over and over in Sugar Crush. Finished just shy of 2,000,000 points. JS
Coconut booster. Done LA
Coconut wheel tip was just the job!
Agree need to get three fruit down. Just explode combinations as soon as they form. Keep an eye on the bombs. Second attempt.
I have no fruit in this level and no ability to use a coconut wheel.
Is this a wind up. Impossible level where are the fruit and whee is the coconut wheel??????
No fruit no coconut wheel on this level on iPad. Not even marked as hard but it is. Lucky if I get down to 30 blockers to go. Perhaps need to crank up PC
I am using galaxy pad. No fruits. This level is very hard. I cannot seem to even come close.
Anyone have any tips? This is close to impossible.
Finally beat it. Took about 50 tries. Just keep plugging away at the blockers. Gotta keep them down and not forget about the bombs. Did it without killing any spawners.
Coconut booster is not available choise, only other usueless bolsters on my IPad. So, how do I get a cocnut, because this level is diving me nuts!
Hi, I'm Snowgoose. I've never posted on here, but I'm so grateful to you guys for your brilliant tips, that I thought it's time to help someone out in return. This is a horrid level, a complete waste of time. So I wouldn't bother trying to do it without using some special candies. Collect some chocolate sprinkles and lollipop hammers by going back to level 46 and playing easy levels to gain sugar drops until you've got up to 180. If necessary, leave it for a few hours until it resets, then repeat. A few spare gold bars might come in handy too, for a few extra moves. Now start with a chocolate sprinkle (don't waste your tick/check marks on this level - they don't help enough). Reset (restart) the game until the chocolate sprinkle is next to a caged chocolate sprinkle. (You won't lose any special candies by resetting, provided you don't make a move.) Now tap the caged choc sprinkle with a lollipop hammer, then swap the two choc sprinkles. That will stun the evil spawners giving you a breather, and clear some space for you. Now move carefully - try to create special candies at the same time as hitting the cream blockers. You can take out one evil spawner if you like. Keep using special candies to keep the blockers under control. Doing it this way, you should be free of this level within two or three lives. Good luck everyone!
You have got to be joking.... This is impossible
Thankyou Snowgoose!!!
This one I agree with the poster at 3/23/16 at 11:27 is impossible. This game is evil. Tried numerous times with boosters and still came down to 15 or 16 left. I don't have any fruit to drop so not sure what those comments are about on this level, I'm playing this level on iPhone. One thing I've noticed, if you can't succeed at level, give it a break for a day or so, don't keep at it. I noticed after coming back from the 24-48 hour break, the first board you play is a good board and I've passed numerous times that way. Good luck to all playing this insane evil game.
Horrid level! These new spawners make the game impossible until you get the lucky board. They are nothing but harassing bullies. Thanks for ruining the game King!
Thanks Snowgoose, I tried your strategy but went through a complete round of 180 sugar candies and didn't get a single sprinkle. After that, no sugar candies appear on any level even though they say they're sugar candy levels. It's like they read your post and decided to block that strategy. Very annoying.
Hi Unknown, Snowgoose here. That's unfortunate and frustrating for you! I think if you leave it for four hours you can then redo the sugar drop levels. They vary what they give with them so much and you've just been unlucky. Have another run through, and hopefully you'll pick up a handful of chocolate sprinkles and get past this annoying level. Good luck!
Snowgoose again. Don't forget level 1476 is a fun way to collect a lot of sugar drops. I just collected 41 on there! Just make wrapped candies, which is easy, as there are so few colour's. It's a great way to collect lots of candies of the same colour too.
I've seen a lot of people say 1476 is a good sugar drop level. But for me, that level isn't a sugar drop level (ie, there's no 'C'). Which is a shame, cos I can see it would be a good one....
Thanks Snowgoose. I followed your instructions but without success as I ran out of hammers and choc sprinkles. But it did prompt me to use a simular strategy that is to reset the board until a stripe or wrap booster is adjacent to a sprinkle/wrap/stripe. Then use the hammer to release the cage. I found that using the sprinkle combo did destroy most of special candies that are needed to keep the cream at bay.
Will report back if this strategy works. This is my first post but have used this blog regularly to help with difercult games
I played this level off and on for a day with no success. I didn't even come close. I came here and read Snowgoose's tips and tried that. I did better but still had 48 left to get at the end of the game. I usually play on an iPhone but decided to try on my laptop (PC, not an Apple product). I have a couple of those free flying disc boosters left from when they were first introduced still available to use on the PC and thought that might be useful against the evil spawners. I started off just using whatever moves I could on the board without using any boosters and was able to make quite a few plays, enough to give me some room on the top of the board and then suddenly "Sugar Crush"!!! What? I hadn't really checked at the start of the game but I only needed to get 75 of the cream blockers on the PC. 75 instead of 150!!! My advice to anyone with a PC available is to switch to that for this level. I only got 2 stars but I don't care. And, by the way, to anyone who does want to play this on a PC, Candy Crush is not supported by Chrome (which is my preferred browser). You have to switch to Explorer or Firefox to get the game to load correctly.
My continued thanks to everyone who posts tips here. I'd probably have given up long ago without you.
I just wanted to add that I played the next two 'hard' levels on the PC also. I used a fish booster on 1481 and none on 1482 and passed them both, 1481 on the second time and 1482 on the third. What I truly don't understand is why King bothers to label them and what makes them decide which is hard and which is easy. I typically have a much easier time on most of the 'hard' levels than I do on some of the others. There doesn't seem to be any reasoning behind the labels. It's not like we get anything extra for passing the hard ones. I also don't understand why there are so many more goodies available on my mobile device than on the PC. Right now, at least on the iPhone, there is an extra present box above the daily wheel that gives you free boosters and gold just for checking it daily. So if you routinely play on a PC you might want to play on a mobile device if you have one available for a few days to get some extra boosters and gold.
After getting no where on the iPad and reading these comments I went to my Mac and won on the first try with no boosters. I also appreciate all the help on this blog. I know I would nenver have gotten this far without all the suggestions, thanks everyone!
I agree dumb Level just play some thing else. This is dber then dumb!
This looks like a "hard level". Awesome!!!!!! NOT!!!
I'd like to know where the coconut wheel is that I got on the daily spin yesterday. I haven't got the option to use it!!! Wth?!?!?!?! Rippin'off cc king!!!!!!! And they want you to buy boosters!!!!! BITE me
Thank you for the tip snow goose. I got it first time using a sparkle as you stated. I didn't think I'd get through it because of the bombs. But I played slowly and was lucky to get stripes and another sparkle which got me through. Only one star but happy to be away from yet another hard level.
Good luck everyone.
I have no idea what just happened. I came here to read the comments and tips before I even started this level, then expecting to spend a couple of days here. I'm not a spammer or one of those people that win every level on the first try with no boosters and a gazillion moves left over. I honestly just cleared this level, first try with some moves left over. I'm sure the lucky board gods were smiling down on me and I have no clue how I cleared this level to even share a tip or two. All I can say is we all got this far and have had some incredibly hard levels. If I can do this anyone can. One thing I can pass along is, I trained myself to not get upset or frustrated and to keep my emotions at an even keel, kind of like, if I don't get it this try I'll just keep on til I get it. I NEVER BUY BOOSTERS! Good luck all!
I'll echo fan4sure. This looked like a dreadful level, but I got it on the first try, no boosters, with a couple moves left over. I'm wondering if they nerfed it.
All I did was let the spawners do as they pleased while I tried to uncage the center and hit the cream as much as possible. Got a wrap and a sprinkle together, and that was pretty much all she wrote.
Such a pain of a level, I tried the double chocolate candies and it didn't work out for me. Need a break from king here please.
This entire section has been a nightmare so far. I've taken longer to get these last few levels than 3 or 4 other sections put together. I know it gets tougher as you go along and I don't mind that, its just the repetitive boredom of waiting for lucky boards and having no chance of completing it on your own merit. Rant over.
OMG will 1480 never end? I'm not even getting close. Why oh why do the tick markers turn to blockers? Like that's gonna help!
8 hour cool off period, then systems go again.
Got the lucky board on my first try. This looked and sounded horrible after reading these comments. Can't give any advice because all too often now it is just pure luck. Doesn't make for a fun game. As for the 8 hour cool down. I have to wait days. And I no longer get treasure chests!😡
Had no fruit to bring down and no coconut wheel. Somehow got two sprinkles together and it was done first try. No idea how it happened. Gone!
Same problem as Boffo. After I play a Sugar Drop level it becomes inactive for days. Play on laptop.
Just stay on top of the bombs. Leave the Evil Spinners alone! (YOU actually NEED the evil candies they spawn.) Candies will drift down and eliminate the layers of icing as they match. Really kind of a lame level, but certainly NOT impossible!
Thanks for the life Norman. I'm at level 1650, really needed that. Feels like I'm the only one playing up there
That should be NORMA...
Not having fun. Thanks for the good suggestions.
Crap level... stupid bombs! Posting for luck,
Still here. Need Lucky Board,
I am having no luck with this, the spanners are evil and on top of that the timed balls 😑 hoping for a half way decent board.
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