Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1485 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
This is the trickiest level so far in Delicious Dynasty!
Not only do you have countdown bombs to contend with, you also have to clear the three Evil Spawners down the left side of the board because there is single jelly under them all.
The spawners spit out marmalade, which is not as bad as chocolate or licorice, but it will still block your moves if it gets out of control.
I found that alternating between clearing bombs on the left and matching beside the spawners worked best for me. The main thing you have to look out for is the top spawner blocking the top of the board with marmalade so you run out of moves because the candy can't fall, so watch that doesn't happen.
It isn't difficult to make special candies and combos so look out for them before every move.
A colour bomb switched with a stripe may hit the spawners but there is never any guarantee it will. It's worth a try though.
The top spawner is usually the hardest to clear, so if there is a move beside that one you should take it as you may not get another chance.
Once you have less moves than the number on the bombs you can ignore them, but until then take care not to forget about the or they will kill your game.
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Just did this 3rd go and the plug in froze, not happy had to restart the plugin and the game was lost, this happens a lot.
Frustrating level! Can't seem to get any plays near the spawners!
Fish booster! Use it! When a fish hits the spawner, it eats the jelly underneath so you don't need to clear the spawner. Also two color bomb/strip combos helped!
Tks for the fish booster tip. Worked great for me. Paired with a coloured chocolate I made during the play, they ate all the jellies under the spawners. Bombs were not a big problem for me.
You guys are "da bomb" ~~ used the fish booster and it worked like a charm!!! Woot woot
Mine spawned marmalade AND licorice (iphone). This level was extra, extra hard. I used several lollipops to take out the remaining spawner. This is the second level that I know of in this episode (so far) that's different than what's shown on the blog.
Playing on an iPad. Had two jellies left, under two spawners. Fish booster did NOT take them out.
Yeah, just watched your video... Not the same game I'm playing on iPhone.
I don't get half the specials you did and the evil spawners do marmalade AND the cages. Not sure what Apple did to puss them off, but they sure do HATE iPhone players!
Yeah, just watched your video... Not the same game I'm playing on iPhone.
I don't get half the specials you did and the evil spawners do marmalade AND the cages. Not sure what Apple did to puss them off, but they sure do HATE iPhone players!
Used a fish booster. Total waste. The only jellies I had left were two spawners and three groups of three fish and not one of them went to either one of the two jellies under the spawners.
Finally done with cc, these spawners suck. Games aren't fun at all anymore. Good luck to you all.
Absolutely impossible on iPhone. King sucks.
Always on mobile. Either one of them is more than a handful. Combine the spawners and bombs together as in this level , it's a nightmare! Seemingly impossible level. Forget the fish. They went all over except for the spawners. The sprinkle and stripe/wrap are a better combination. Can't think of any strategy, just reset the board until a fair chance appears. This level really pissed me off...to the extent I used a hammer to clear the last jelly with 15 moves remaining and...having eliminated all bombs and spawners! Just fed up of this level and wanted out quick..
Must play on computer with fish boosters. Boosters won't win in on iPhone.
iPhone is marmalade and cages as said above and only 15 moves for the bombs. Advice?
Got it right after I posted this message. No boosters, 3 stars, and 21 moves left. Just got lucky. I got two chocolate sprinkle/stripe combos early on and the board just opened up.
Wow suck AGAIN. Used all 3 boosters after playing all day and still nothing. Tried just the fish still nothing. So surprise surprise another luck level..Getting pretty boring and frustrating. Get this far because you obv know how to play but nope logic doesnt matter anymore just luck. No longer fun. Peace out Seacrest
THE WORST level ever. EVER!! Absolute torture. Who wants to play the same horrible game over and over and over again? Played more than 50 times and never came close. Hate it.
Fish doesn't eat the jelly under the spawner in I pad.. Crossed the level by removing the last spawner by using hammers ..Many levels are difficult in I pad .. easier for those playing on PCs..
I've tried the fish booster several times and it has never hit a spawner. Are you on a PC or mobile. Wondering if this is yet another in a long line of boards that are different for different platforms.
Yep another board that is different on mobile than PC.
I'm wondering if king is getting tired of me always pointing that out??
How many other mobile users send king messages about this?? Hope I'm not the only one.
After reading the comments on here decided to use all 3 boosters available. Sprinkle , wrap/stripe and fish. Maybe I was lucky, got my sprinkle next to stripe on 1st move. This was my third attempt at this level and cleared it with 36 moves to spare. Playing on iPad.first two attempts without boosters I was nowhere near.
I know what needs to be done, but impossible on the IPad due to the bombs...soooo frustrating
Wasn't getting anywhere on my phone (Android - just marmalade, no cages from the spawners) even with the fish booster. Switched to PC, still with fish booster, and got it second attempt, with 3 stars.
I am one step away from deleting the Candy Crush app from my iPad because of this level, which can only be described as torture.
Pure torture. I can't take it anymore.
Please fix it so I can move on!!
Level 1486 on the iPad is different than the one on the computer on Facebook. It's a total different board. The iPad version is very hard and so far impossible while on Facebook I got it on the very first try.
Impossible on iPad and Android! Blllllhhhhhhhh..........!
Hammer will kill spawner. ..
Finally passed this on the iPad. I used all 3 boosters and played until I had all of the jelly cleared except under the spawners. Then 4 hammers took the spawners away and I was able to clear the jelly under them.
Ok not sure what's happening but on this level I have no spawner !?? Open with all red jellies and just need to clear jellies. Finished on second try. What's even weirder is when I played this level this morning it was totally different. What the hell!!
I got through on my iPad on approx. 8th try. Used fish booster, it never hit a spawner, I also used a sprinkle bomb, it didn't do anything too exciting either. In the end I used 2 hammer hits for the last spawner and won on last move. I think we get all these boosters so that the frustrating levels don't drive us too crazy. The strategy is knowing when to use them, you sure don't want to sacrifice them to an easy game! One of the great things about this blog is that you have a pretty good idea as to when you need to pull the 'big guns' out! Thanks for all the tips, Everyone!
Wasted a lot of boosters playing on the iPad and never won. Followed the advice here and went to the PC. Won the first game no boosters. Some games are just better played on the PC. Good luck.
ahhhh so frustrated, just cannot win on this level. Have tried hammers, and combos, and you damned name it. Have now used up all my reserve hammers and hands] I quite regularly get to only needing one jelly......... grrrrr. Stuck on the blooming dreamtime owl thingo too. Not a happy camper at the moment. Margyb
Julie D you say you did this with 36 moves left???
Sorry to expose you as a liar hunny bunny but there are only 35 moves to begin with... Smh
Concentrate on the top spawner whenever possible. Bombs not that bad ignore combinations if you can free jelly around the spawner.
CC is no fun anymore. Everything is slim luck. Spawners are just frustrating. Time for another game.
Yes....fish booster...second time through and done
Fish didn't work for me. I was down to one spawner - all other jelly gone. I matched a fish and the three fish just "swam" across board eating nothing. So I had to use a hammer on the spawner to close out the game.
Fish???? Even when the only jellies left were under the spawners, the fish still hit some other random candy. Had 20 moves left, 2 jellies (under the spawners) 3 fish dropped and NOTHING! That's just wrong...
Oh,I see, another money sucking, booster sucking, pathetic level....
So tired of this level. I quit about a month ago and decided to give it another try. No different than before. Goodbye Candy Crush.
I've played this level once. Didn't even come close. I can just tell this level is going to drive me nuts! I don't know what approach to take... It's hard as heck to get this evil spawners. Crossing my fingers to get it EVER! Help!
Omg! I made a purchase and it froze with one move left I needed to do a hammer... It froze. I had already used 3 hammers.. I'm pissed beyond belief. I was robbed!
Wondering if anyone else quit at 1485. Probably 50 rounds of it so far, with and without boosters, and I'm bored witless. I've enjoyed the game up until now, but this just seems like a luck-only (of which I've had zero) pointless waste of time.
Huh. Minutes after posting that, in the very next game, I won, having never even gotten close before. Go figure.
"All Help" seems to be a very apt name for this marvelous site. And boy, am I glad to see the hind end of 1485.
I hit the spawner 8 or more times before it popped. What's up with that?
This is a crap level for sure. Feel sorry for Livia it sucks when the game freezes & not only takes your money, but you aren't given the chance to finish the level! It's happened to me many time & I send hate mail to CC. Hopefully I'll pass this level before all of my hair turns gray or falls out! :-/
Good luck all.
In the video the marmalade only covers one square on my phone it covers 3 or 4 at a time impossible....
This level is absolutely impossible! Have no boosters left so it's bye bye Candy Crush. You took all the fun out of the game!
Thanks for the tips! With the tips and lucky board - I hope will win 😳
HORRIBLE!! And not classified as a hard level. So bad. I too am calling it quits over this beyond frustrating level. What sadistic morons devise these levels that run everyone off?
Got it! Lots of tries, finally used all 3 boosters, two times, then got it.Happy days, and my last hammer.
I give up!!!
Why are there different versions of a level on different devices? I don't get it. Bored sideways doing this on iPhone.
I think I am at the end of my Candy Crush journey. Have been stuck on this level for over a week and it is no longer fun. Used all boosters but no luck!
Need to take out the right top spawner first and foremost. Played from the bottom as much as possible to have a chance at making combos. These spawners didn't require five hits as previous levels, at least it didn't for me. Took me three tries on Android without boosters.
With regrets today just may be the day I cancel candy crush. Getting to level 1485 was fun but also most frustrating as King keep wanting us to pay to play. No more so done with this.
Tough one, but after making it this far I refuse to bail! Nothing closer than 3 jellies left. If I post here, I've found that I usually win soon after.
After making the above post ^ I got lucky. I matched a couple of striped/wrapped and had to use 1 hand switch and 5 hammers, but anything to get rid of this level! I hated it. Good luck everyone, I thought about leaving CC myself after all of these 1400 levels.
Finally starting to understand why all my friends gave up on this game years ago. Impossible to win unless you buy boosters which i refuse to do
Thanks for the memories King. After playing this ridiculous level and never coming close I have finally had enough. I have now joined my friends and deleted you from my phone. Good riddance and back to my life
No way to win, even with the last jelly to clear and several moves to go. This is by far the fuckiest level ever. It should be marked as Simply Impossible.
This level is the worst! Tried with all boosters, no boosters, and still can't get that top spawner cleared. Even double choc balls didn't get close. Fish ignore spawners and are useless. Spawners taking way more than 5 hits to clear. Glad to read this board and we it's not just me :)
I think there is a bug on the Android version. There are only 12 moves which makes it absolutely impossible. I had to use one of my precious confetti canons plus a switch to finish this.
Another booooring level.and stupid.stuck it.fish didnt help at all
Oh for goodness sake, how many times do you have to hit a spawner before it explodes? I can get the middle and bottom one but no way on the top one and I know for sure I've hit it more than 5 times. Need a lucky board please.
The videos are useless! I could pass any level with boosters in every one. Any tips I read are useless. Ugh, beyond frustrated
Playing on iPhone... I swear, those “spawners” are aptly named. They spawn helpless frustration and NOTHING kills them!! The fish ignore them, and the hammer is useless. I think striped/wrapped makes them weaker. That’s the only thing I’ve found other than waiting them out. They implode, and if you take your time- which is next to impossible with bombs on the board- they will eventually vanish. Until then, bombard them with striped/wrapped. Good luck, everyone!!
I am having trouble,I tried to use a hammer on spawner wasted it. Also just not getting any decent set ups to hit the spawners. They don’t disappear on only one hit. Think I am done here. Bye
Impossible without hammers, nope fish don't work so am totally stuck!
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Ridiculous level.
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