Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1488 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Level 1488 is a hard level due to the position of the popcorns, which you have to clear because there is jelly under them.
The top two popcorns are the hardest, so look for any chance to hit them. Stripe/wrap combos on the conveyors at the bottom will work, or the same combo along the left or right side of the main playing area.
Another good combo is the colour bomb switched with a stripe, but make sure there are candies the same colour as the stripe level with the top popcorns before you switch them so you have a good chance of hitting them with the stripes.
If you get the chance for a double colour bomb that will work on the popcorns as well as the jellies.
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I've been stuck on this one for days...can never get those top popcorns...ugh!!
Struggling to get even one hit on those top popcorns!
In the last couple of episodes, there have been some fun and strategically challenging levels. This one, however, is another of those rubbish levels that relies on possibly getting a lucky board...and wasting a huge amount of time and life in the meantime.
After playing solidly for a couple of days, I have not even come close to clearing the top two popcorns. Any potential moves I am able to set up just get destroyed before I can use them.
A good level to finally quit Candy Crush.
Yes I agree with everything that's been said. Been playing good few days and have barely been able to touch the top 2 popcorns. It's obviously going to need getting a "lucky board". Do dislike these types of level........... don't understand the need for them as they are so tedious. Could it be to push people to purchase a zillion boosters and buy more time just to pass it? Sadly I bet there are a few who will do this and I just hope they can afford to spend the money.............
King needs to realize that when you can't go forward to play other levels without clearing the other ones in order a level like this one becomes a boring, tedious waste of time. After a 100 or so games on this one and I'm bored to tears with this game and since I can't move forward to break up the boredom I'm about to end my association with King.com. Short of a miracle board this level just sucks.
And as if to compound our misery, when you do get the two bottom popcorns, 9 times out of 10 the speckled candy just falls to the side where you cannot access it to use................ groan. I keep getting a picture in my mind of the level designers rolling around laughing at these comments and whispering "get a life you suckers"....................
I also agree with everything said above. I feel that to get this far, we are are pretty good players. I've been on this level a few days and it truly seems almost impossible to beat. The speckled candy falling into the side and unable to use is just silly. I feel we probably need at least 10 more moves to even make this a possibility.
Yep...King to me...had to buy 3 hammers...because I needed had only 1 popcorn that needed 2 hits...UGGGG...but glad to be passed...either that or waste more time on this stupid level...at least if I finish this segment I will have a few free days before Wed new levels...stupid game...I need to just quit!!! Easier said then done...so many times I say this...but then get a lucky board...and here I am...
This level is impossible!! Very bored of it now! Doesnt anybody trial these levels!!! Sort it out king!!!
Finally got it after days of trying and not even getting close. Used hands to switch candies twice; one hammer to get the last top popcorn; and 5 extra moves.
The board was exceptionally kind to me before I brought in this extra help.
I officially hate this level. Been stuck on it for a couple of days. Getting the top two popcorns is almost impossible. Grrrrrrrrr.....
I am making combos, lots and lots of them!!! But the board many times sets them off before they are where they will be helpful. And invariably, whenever I make a chocolate ball and stripe combo, it "conveniently" makes the stripe go the opposite way from where it would strike a popcorn! It's uncanny -- I don't make the combo until I have a couple of the correct color properly lined up with the popcorn, and they always turn into whichever stripe will not be helpful. So frustrating. I guess I just have to wait however many days it takes for King to think I should move on. Ugh!!
I would just like to thank Emmanuel for his wonderful advice. I personally hadn't thought of concentrating and making combo's until I read this. In fact sometimes I chuckle at how on earth did silly little me ever manage to get this far in the game at all. Oh and thanks for putting your advice in Capital letters as I am a bit hard of hearing...........
The only way I could pass this level was to use my hand swaps (I have over 100 now) and manouevre any stripes or wrapped I made into position in line with those top cauliflowers. Horrible level.....................
Combos may be the trick, but getting them is trickier. I play carefully and strategize and line up the candies, and then POOF other candies fall on them and they are gone!
"you only need 2 more jellies" x 100 ... getting bored now.
Well, I assume this game has come to an end since you have made a level which is impossible to pass !
Bored with this one.
As an aside people recommend using hand switches but I don't have any. I have plenty of other stuff but the daily spin and other freebies haven't given me any hand switches for weeks now. Weird!
In all the months I have been playing I have never got the daily spin jackpot. Does it actually exist?? Sue
Passed it on my first try. I mixed 2 color bomb twice.It was a lucky board.
I really hate this level. Been playing for days and have got nowhere near clearing the two top popcorns. If I don't complete this one soon with a lucky board then this is gonna be the level that finishes Candy Crush for me.
Not saying anything new here, but I just thought it would be therapeutic to say that THIS LEVEL SUCKS! Time to stockpile suckers... Oh wait... When's the last time I got one of those friggin' suckers on that dumb wheel. I just keep getting 3 fish that end up just being one useless fish that I have to use within the first few moves. Did I mention that THIS LEVEL SUCKS?
Thanks for this level King. It has finally broken my cc addiction. Ridiculous.
I've crossed two color bombs TWICE in one game and still can't get close. I thought King had gotten over the ridiculous, impossible levels that they end up having to nerf so people can get past them, but I was wrong.
I'm done. CYA King.
Impossible. That's it for me.
Definitely among the top 5 frustrating levels b/c of the poor layout, allowing color bombs to slip into the bottom corner pockets where they are virtually useless. This was extremely tedious as the top two popcorns were incredibly difficult to burst. Probably after at least 150 games and several days, I just now passed with 2 stars, using four hammers to burst the already damaged top popcorns. Definitely save the hammers and probably hand switches for this one. The other saved boosters I had seemed to not be helpful at all. It IS possible, but incredibly frustrating. Not a good layout at all.
I have never been this close to packing it in with CC. I have stuck it out through all the other so called "Impossible "games but with this one I am losing interest very fast. There seems little point in continuing to try.
Goodbye CC!!!!!!! final nail!!!!!
It's doable, but frustrating, extremely annoying, and no fun at all.
I used 5 extra moves & four hammers for the top two popcorns.
I read comments that they finally got through this level after they have purhased this of that booster. King gets stats of which board they made more money off. If you don't want boards that are impossible to finish unless you BUY boosters. King will never stop making them. It's that simple. Duh.
This level bites a$$. I am tired of levels that need boosters or levels that require luck. I want more levels that require skill!
I, too, am fed up with this ridiculous board. Yes, King wants to sell boosters, but don't they realize their market shrinks when people quit playing altogether when these terrible boards are rigged against winning without boosters?
I don't understand why anyone would spend money to buy boosters. When I get to one of these levels, I take a couple of days and play old levels to collect sugar drops and get boosters. Somewhere on this site is a list of levels that yield a fair number of sugar drops. Earn all the boosters you can twice a day for 2-3 days, then go back to the level that is giving you grief and blast it with boosters. Sometimes you need to repeat this process a couple of times, but in the end it usually works.
Finally passed this level after 2 weeks of trying. Just had to wait on that good ole lucky board!
When I started playing this game, all my FB friends were there too and it was fun to compete with them. I guess my addiction is stronger, because thanks to these impossible levels, that forces you to buy boosters, I'm all alone now. I won't say that's it for me, because it's not true, but I refuse to feed this strategy from King, making money out of their shrinking audience.
Yes very hard level this one. Im stuck and had some good boards with 4 striped/ball combos but still cant get enough hits on the 2 top popcorn. But Im sure it will eventually happen. I aint buying any boosters though :)
I finally did this level by using two lollipops on the top popcorns. I had to collect more boosters first in those levels easier to get a lot of sugar drops. I'm not in a rush and I don't mind taking a couple of days to do so. This is just a game, not a race.
This came out today on iOS and it's completely different. I passed it first time. Bizarre ...
After reading all of the Comments before even trying this Level when I got down to only having the top 2 Popcorns left on my 1st try I just went ahead and used 6 Hammers and moved on before wasting days and being aggravated......Works for me. Moving on.
I think this might be mentioned elsewhere, but on the mobile version, levels 1486 and 1488 are reversed. So to get past this level, work it on your mobile device - you will probably clear it on your first try. Or if you are a mostly mobile type and are stuck on 1486 (this level), switch over to FB, and find the much easier board. This has happened in earlier boards as well. You really need to attack these things on both FB and mobile - even when the boards are the same, the gameplay will be much easier on one version or the other.
Thank you for the person above who told us to do it on the mobile version. I don't know why the levels are reversed, but they are, and I did pass it on the first try. Thank you again!
Yes, this is 1486 on iphone. Horrible level. I think Emmanuel must have designed it. :P
This is what I posted on level 1486 but I would add that popcorn would't pop when hit with a hammer on iPad-
On iPad. Awful level in a truly unfun episode. Several tries finally with all three boosters, always resetting for adjacent choc ball/stripe, making sure the stripe had a candy of the same color under or soon to be under both popcorns, in hopes the candy would be a vertical stripe. Took a lucky stripe/wrap and a hand switch. Can anyone tell me what the point is of choc balls which always fall in the corners?
Good luck to all.
On Android level 1486 and 1488 are identical!
This was 1486 on android. I got it out after hours and hours and only cause I smashed last popcorn with a hammer. Got a lucky stripe combo underneath it then had to move the last choc ball on top right covering that last jelly and nightmare over! Someone has completely screwed up this station with different challenges on same levels as FB .. this popcorn crap level am sure will be modified
Very odd cause my hammer did smash popcorn and am sure it hasn't in the past..
Win this level on first try.
On iphone lollipops don't smash popcorn but they will smash the evil spawners.
I finally passed but used hammers on the top popcorn, and 2 switches. I made a lot of wrap stripe combos..
Why is level 1486 and 1488 identical...I passed without boosters after a few tries. Got stripes and wraps in corner of bottom board so that it hits both top and bottom popcorn. I passed only to go on to level 1486 only to realise it's the same level!!!!How frustrating!!!!
A simple trick, as 1486 and 1488 are reversed on a tablet and on a PC, just do the simpler one (the one that starts with all reds) on a PC and then do it again on a tablet. That way you avoid this level from hell.
If you do want to know how to pass this level, the only way I've found is to forget everything, and just try to match 2 sprinkles twice.
Same issue!!! AAAAHHHH! !!!
They aren't reversed on my mobile devices. 1486 and 1488 are identical. Never got the level with all the "red candies"!
I actually did match two sprinkles twice, and it helped as much as a spoon helps a person with no hands. I did this on multiple boards. I'm on 1486, though so I guess I'm going to fire up the old PC and try to avoid this level.
Your response is so much better (and way more polite) than mine would have been!
Horrible level. After many tries (24 hours free play from the treasure chests!) I got close so I used a lollipop to finish off one popcorn, then another hammer to get the one remaining jelly when I had one move left.
Brutal. I have gotten 3 of 4 popcorns ... can't get the 4th!
My iphone version is not the same as this video. This was 1486 for me which i had to go on pc to pass. 1488 on my phone was passable on first go. LA
Mine too...Combos. ..go figure
All I know is this sucks...plus collecting boosters you need gets harder.
Instead of hammers I get fish or wheels..fish are useless here and you can't access the wheels.
Reallt really tired of these god awful tedious levels from hell.
All I know is this sucks...plus collecting boosters you need gets harder.
Instead of hammers I get fish or wheels..fish are useless here and you can't access the wheels.
Reallt really tired of these god awful tedious levels from hell.
Hate this level!! It is ridiculous!! 2 days already no luck!
I understand....
I just used 2 hammers and a switch hand to beat this..
I am so over this level.
Good luck..
Where oh where is Van5?????
Norah S.
Um... I beat this level as 1486 on Android (using multiple hammers and other boosters), now it's back as 1488. Unreal. When i go back and look, 1486 is the red level. I'm addicted and not pretending this will make me give up, but sure is demoralizing.
I'm having the same issue as many people already stated... the two upper popcorn are extremely difficult to pop! I try to set something set up, then BAM... my plan explodes prematurely! There were a couple of previous levels that were a joy to do. But levels like 1488 only increase your stress level :)
The good news is we know that eventually we will get past these difficult ones... some just take more time than others.
I'm sure you are right there lol 😂
Ok, I am confused, on ipad 1486 and 1488 are the same puzzle! Took days to get through 1486 and now stuck doing it again on 1488!
I can't believe it! What is the use of us all posting if you none of you are reading the posts above your compkaints.
I'm on level 1486, but came here for tips because 1486 and 1488 are the same board on iOS! The only thing worse than having to pass 1488, is having to pass it twice.
I got it down to the top two jellies (I got the popcorns!) I just had no way to get the jellies.. with 7 moves I couldn't do it... I almost cried... horrible... just horrible
WTH! I did this level on 1486. Sucks. King has messed this episode up totally. Not happy that I have to do it again.
Sorry, nothing constructive to say, but it seems I always pass a tough level quickly once I come here to complain. Good luck, everyone!
Hope it works for you Melanie. Horrible level......not getting close to getting the two upper popcorns
1486 and 1488 are exactly the same on the PC or the iPad/iPhone. I passed 1486 by going to the PC and doing the "red" heart challenge but now 1486 and 1488 are the same. You HAVE to pass the incredibly hard "drop the sprinkle ball in a useless place" version no matter what. I don't know how people have amassed so many boosters (100 hand switches). I do the daily spin and play sugar drops but I've never come close to getting that many boosters. Maybe I use more than most because I refuse to buy. One time I managed to get the top right popcorn but could get the left one. I agree with the person who said the stripes never go to your benefit even though you've swiped them the correct way. I am also sick and tired of my special candies being exploded before I can even position them to use them. Loved the CONCENTRATE AND MAKE COMBOS comment. Seriously? What a dumb comment. Just on here ranting and posting for a lucky board. I have absolutely no helpful suggestions to offer.
Not happy! I just finished level 1486 on my iPad after battling with it for a week & it's been duplicated on level 1488! Wtf? Get your act together King. Different levels for different media's is one thing but duplicating the same level in one episode should require you looking into your game programmers. Idiots.
This level is IDENTICAL to level 1484!!!! Took me a week to get off 1484 only to play it AGAIN on 1486!! What the heck is going on!!??
I decided it was time to download a new book. Thoroughly enjoyed the novel. Played 5 times on this level each day, knowing that I would continue to lose until some magical time clock determined that it was time for a good board. The novel took my mind off the aggravation of this level. Finally got a lucky board when I had a few pages left in the book. CC lost its addictive power over me. On to the next level where it looks like I will need to download another book.
Is it me or is it impossible to hit popcorn with a hammer? I've been down to the two top popcorns many times & in frustration tried the hammers but no cigar!
Hate this level. King sucks!
Took a lot of attempts. Wrapped candies at the top essential but these are difficult to get. Chocolate bomb plus striped candy almost always missed the target. It can be done.
Having been stuck for a couple of days playing this level on pc, played it on iphone and passed first time. Much easier
Posting for luck. This one's a toughie!
certainly not a boring level but THE most frustrating level yet - having cleared every popcorn a number of times, just can't get those last jellies at the top that are left after the popcorn, infuriating
can't believe i've actually done it! like i said above, thankfully not a boring level but boy that was tough. longest ive ever taken to beat a level, and did it with no boosters as well amazingly. I didnt feel it was a lucky board or anything either. i cant really offer any tactics beyond what was stopping me finishing it - getting the top two jellies under the popcorn after i blew them (getting them to detonate is hard enough but i had done that a number times). what i tried a few times was to keep the bottom popcorn 'alive' till near the end so i have the two bottom chocolate balls still in the corners when i top two detonate. i managed it this time and so i had four chocolate balls near the end. I set one of the top ones off and that set every one of them off, clearing the board.
im not saying its a tactic you can rely on but it worked for me, maybe it will for you.
The odds are so bad and the coincidences so many that this is not random and I would expect a win in Vegas before this level gets done. I could buy it if I wanted to. Have not even been close except in score. Time after time I have beat my group of players. Not the top but everyone under 300,000 several times and still I never get the popcorn all broken. I get 3 and at then not enough to get that one clear much less break the 4th. It is rigged. Too bad you aren't giving us a chance to buy a few lives. I refuse as too often that has not worked plus no time to check before you make up your mind. I am about as frustrated as I have ever been. I opened some treasure chests before and had hours of play. I pretty much played all the hours. NOTHING.
Absolutely impossible. Now I am just seeing how many sugar drops I can collect. Thanks candy crush, getting lots of boosters stored up!
After reading these I comments I decided I would not be stuck on this lever forever so I used 4 lollipops and one hand switch to get passed it. Not sure it's possible without boosters. Now it's back to collecting sugar drops before I attempt the next level which is a hard one.
Whenever I manage to switch a chocolate drop with a strip they always fire off in the wrong direction totally missing the two top popcorns so it seems this is almost impossible to complete without using hammers or hand switches. No one I know has passed this level and I refuse to pay so this could be the end of the road, shame as I have enjoyed the challenge so far but it is just too much of a waste of time.
Hammers do not work on popcorn on the iPhone. Can't seem to find a way to get to them.
Phew, that was a tough one! Need to go into it with a few hammers to finish off those top popcorns when you get close. Vertical stripes on the conveyor gets you a few good hits on top popcorn and I started with striped and wrapped as well, spent a couple of days collecting sugar drops to go into it with everything thrown at it. Plan every move carefully to hit popcorn as often as possible, but would be tough without a good stock of hammers, I needed three.
Ps playing on iPad, hammers work on popcorn, sorry to those who don't have this option
No wonder King is continuing to create these unendingly frustrating levels. People are buying boosters! Why would they stop? They're not in this for the fun of it. If you buy boosters you haven't won anything. You just paid your way through the game. King wins.
Really the popcorns at the top are ridiculous and the way the colored bombs fall away from any candies, what a big joke on us
tough one, only suggestion I can make is if you have hammers saved up use them to break the top popcorns...I did and game over....
Finally got this one. I concentrated on getting rid of the top two popcorns. Color bomb wrapped combos helped when the color of the wrapped was near the top popcorns. Finally got both done with few moves left, and then used a couple of hammers to get the leftover jelly.
Really enjoying this level. Lots of stuff going on and it's a little bit tricky. Just the way I like it. Thanks King.
Lol to Joanne. YOU MUST be an employee of King ... Who would Enjoy this level!
I actually think this board requires a decent amount of skill and concentration. It took me about 30 times and finally completed it with the use of just one hammer. Things that helped me, work at getting vertical stripes on the converter belt and set then off when they are under the upper popcorn. Or matching a stripe with a color bomb, making sure you have a matching color next to the upper popcorn. It is not easy, I was frustrated many times, but constantly looking and planning finally paid off.
Did it in 3 tries. I've found that cascades are the way to go. Work from the bottom and make as many stripes and/or wraps as you can and let the cascades set you up for color bombs. Good luck!
Yes it does for two players I know. One hit it twice.
It does actually exist becuz I got it 4 times. Don't know how. I just spin the wheel and look away when I press stop so it is totally random.
I played on the PC and had two flying saucers which automatically targeted the two top popcorns… success after 4 days!
Finally! Used the sprinkle, the fish, and had ONE left. Bought the extra moves and fish got the last one! Whew! My strategy was to match the sprinkle with a wrap--it goes a long way.
Crappy level. Could be the end of CC...
This level is Almost impossible! Why can the fish eat jelly under the pizzas but not under the popcorn?!?!????
Thanks for the tips on going away and doing the levels where you can collect candy boosters. I waited until I had loads of candy hammers, and then when I passed the board, I managed to mix a chocolate sprinkle with a wrapped candy and that burst all the popcorns in one turn! Then I used the hammers to take out the jellies as needed. I wouldn't use a fish booster on this, as they don't take out the jellies under the popcorns. I say, use a chocolate sprinkle and the wrap and strip candy and on the iPad, keep rolling until the sprinkle is next to the wrapped candy. :-) hope that helps
I agree with this is definitely a waste of time. You would have to buy a hundred lollipop. Dumb
I actually quitting cuz its boring. To me a won. Ran its course! Cuz never complete cuz keeps making dumb levels where not enjoyable at all
Wtf?!?!?! All the effing combos don't do Shit! They just blow up in the wrong places and you can't even use the damn sprinkle candies after you get the popcorns popped!!! Go blow yourself cc king
I've noticed the stripes when mixed with a sprinkle, don't make the popcorns grow even when they are right next to them....wth?!?! You cc designers are ripping off people! Get it right! This isn't supposed to be a "hard level!" Like I said, go blow yourself king!!! Get some game designer s that know what they're doing!!!! F U if you think I'll break and buy boosters...
I'm just plain sick of this crap. What good are the sprinkle candies when they can't be used? Never get anything close to getting the top popcorns. Everything drops in the middle and it won't hit the top popcorns, let alone the bottom ones. This is the stupidest level I hit yet. F U cc king
This level is actually doable, but you have to concentrate and be strategic.
It is also not needed to get both popcorns at the top. Only 3 popcorns are needed to win the game.
use a sprinkler and wrapped candy at the top of the board switch them then that will take out the two top popcorns the rest is easy. keep resetting till you have the sprinkler and wrapped candy at the top of the board.
I tried resetting for over 100 times and the sparkle did not end up near a wrapper at the top, so I gave in and just played. I tried a couple of boosters then nothing again. This time I managed to get two sprinkles twice and used a handswitch twice to put the two lots together. Then I was left with two top popcorns, which I had to use three hammers on. You 'do' have to use all four popcorns to clear the jellies.
Good luck everyone. Now I'm off to make more boosters in jumping candies.
Got this on my second try, 2 stars, 8 moves left and no boosters used. I was lucky in getting a colour bomb next to a wrap that had lots of its colour at the top so was able to get the top two popcorn easily. All the popcorn in fact. After that it was plain sailing.
Got this on my second try, 2 stars, 8 moves left and no boosters used. I was lucky in getting a colour bomb next to a wrap that had lots of its colour at the top so was able to get the top two popcorn easily. All the popcorn in fact. After that it was plain sailing.
I've been on this level for 75 years now ( feels like it ) and getting nowhere. Always have the top 2 popcorns left. I might need semtex to move them.
Oh well, if it was too easy we would not be playing this game. We like challenges. Isn't that the reason we play to begin with ? I also hate this level and many, many others but still playing. Be patient, you will get it soon or later. Just try to accumulate as many boosters as you can because it's the only way. Unfortunately, I have none left and no more life so will have to wait a day or two to get back to it. Good luck all.
concentrate ONLY on making a color bomb and then lining it up next to a stripe or wrap or another color bomb - passed in three tries after proceeding this way
After many tries, color bomb/wrapped worked for me. Even if that color wrapped is not near top to get the two tough ones to get. As you get cascading explosions, some will hit the two hard ones.
oh god this level. luck pls!
How are people using hammers on popcorn? Had only one popcorn to go, bought (God help me) a hammer which was a waste of time as it had no eff ct!
I cant get the top popcorns :/ bobble stripe switch gives me stripes that dont touch them :' ready to quit
When I saw the # of comments I started to turn around cause I know it's bad news, which I already knew or I wouldn't have
come over here 😛
Time to bite the bullet I guess and get started working on the lucky board karma...
This level is not just stupid but unfair...why would the bottom two popcorns fall into the corner (where they are practically useless)? Yet, when you pop the top two they stay put and do not fall?
I don't know if they have changed it or I just got a very lucky board but I was able to pass first go by combining a chocolate sprinkle with wrap candy twice and both times the color of the wrap was near the top two popcorns. Don't give up as lucky boards do exist.
Same here I started with a chocolate bomb and wrap (from the magic dash challenge) reseting the board until they were next to each other and had the same color near the top popcorns. The cascade created another color bomb which feel on the lower conveyer belt. I was able to make a green wrap which matched the green candies in the top left and right corners. I brought the wrap down next to the conveyer and waited until the chocolate bomb was next to it to switch. This took out the last 2 hits needed on each of the top two popcorns. From there I was able to create one final chocolate bomb to take out the last jelly from under the top popcorn.
I can also guarantee if you make a sprinkle/stripe combo and line the same colour up under the popcorn, the stripes created all go the wrong way....Happened a few times, good on ya CC for such a shitty trick :( The level is hard enough with out handicapping us!!!
This one stinks more than a pair of week old socks worn by a teenager!!!!
HERE'S THE TRICK: I made two Sprinkle/Wrap combos and the explosions cleared the popcorn! IT WORKS! Try this!
I tried a hammer on the top popcorn and it wouldn't work so I wasted a hammer ... I don't know how people say they use their hammers , wouldn't let me use mine on the popcorn .... what gives ???
This silly level may actually get me to quit candy crush, no skill needed, need a lucky board to get top popcorn, been stuck for two days. I think some of these levels are just too ridiculous for words.. I guess they want you to spend money to get through it...not this time..
I can't pass this level because of 2 jelly!! always 2!!!
This one is ridiculous! Time to quit! Had enough! Plenty of other games out there!
Funny to read all these comments from people who say they are fed up and going to quit. This IS a bad level, I agree, but eventually some things will line up that allow me to knock off those top two stubborn spots. I check here in case there was a trick I was missing, but evidently you just need luck.
This is the way I dealt with the two popcorns on top slowing just about every player: This is on Android.
1. The two candies at the corners on top MUST be the same color.
2. You won't get any wraps on those two spots in 100 years.
3. Yes, you need boosters for this to work.
4. A wrap in the playing field of the same color as the two candies on the corners.
5. A color bomb on the playing field next to the wrap.
Resett until you have accomplished that setup. It took me about 20 minutes. I must confess, I tried the level w/o boosters one hundred times and I couldn't get rid of those two popcorns.
By no means, even with the above set up, is not 100% effective, meaning that you may not pass the level unless you introduce more boosters like hammers, switches, etc as you get close, but I didn't needed any. This is what happened on my first try:
Took out the top left popcorn, and the one on the right just needed one more hit. I had a fighting chance with 37 moves to go. In the end, I had 4 moves left when the board was completed. For me, this was the most difficult level so far, that's why I went Ninja on it. Good luck to everyone. Buena suerte a todos. On to 1489 knowing I cheated!
PS: For those of you not familiar with the word resetting, all it means is that you get out if you don't like the setup you see, you won't lose lives on Android.
You can do it on IOS. Use your boosters if you have them!
Reset board until color bomb was next to a wrapped candy. Used two hammers to finish off the popcorn, then I was done. Yippee
Got it after about 10 tries, I expected worse after reading here. Made 2 color bombs/wrapped and that left just one jelly left and used a hammer.
Good luck everyone, it's not all that bad.
I just finished this level. I got EXTREMELY lucky and got a Sprinkle Bomb/Wrapped combo for a color that just happened to have one candy on each side of the upper popcorns. I had also hit them with a Sprinkle Bomb/Striped once before so they just needed two more hits...then I got another Sprinkle Bomb/Striped to take out the rest of the jellies until there was one more. I had ONE move left, and I happened to make another Sprinkle Bomb that took out some candies, and one just happened to be a blue candy over the last jelly. I must have gotten an extremely LUCKY board, coupled with the luck of reading the tips here, which always seems to give me the fortune to clear the board right after reading. I don't know HOW that happens...but it does almost EVERY time.
Keep trying. Don't give up. Good luck!
Hate this level can’t get the top popcorn, impossible level, getting fed up now
I unleashed all my boosters on this level, and the game put every one in the most useless spot possible. >:(
Popcorn has to be hit three times.
Hoard your hammers. Don't be quick to use them.
Same! Used all boosters, wasted time all lives all my time. Time to find a new game! Played a million times & still haven't popped top popcorn.
Hello all, this is a tricky level, I have played numerous time and lost, kept trying and had to use 2 hammers and hand switch . . YEAH !!!? I won, left the game and came back to play the next game, still on 1488... Got ripped off and not happy !!! Good luck to all 😵
Extremely boring level, obviously designed to make you buy boosters. It's all about money and trying to get players to spend.
Finally I made it!! Combine a striped and a wrapped candy in the column nearest the popcorn. Works both on top and bottom. Good luck.
This level has made me quit playing candy crush. I come back maybe once a week to try it again but I can't get the top popcorn. When I spin the daily booster wheel I don't get the booster. Has anyone else had that problem?
Alvaro, thanks a lot for your advice! It helped me pass this dreadful level using only one hammer.
Stuck on this level for over a year. How to defeat when the popcorns you need to break are immune? Hit them countless times with stripes and wraps and still doesn't break. That means this game cheats!! This game cheats!!! I say it loud and clear. And they say the candy arrangements on the board is down to luck. Or it's down to dice rolls. Dice rolls? Complete BS!! The computer ALWAYS thwarts you by dropping candies into the board that you never need and dropping candies into the board in such a way potential killer combos and potential cascades are, somehow, prevented. And yes, there are only four colours in this level, and STILL the said combos and cascades are prevented and candy droppings are brought under control. You CANNOT tell me it's NOT rigged and you CANNOT tell me it's just 'Random Candy God', because they cannot brought candy droppings under total control and pull those tricks mentioned above, only an intelligent computer AI can pull those. I say it loud and clear, you are being PLAYED by CC's AI.
One hard level after another-hardly seems fair!
Horrible level.
Everytime I match a colour bomb with stripes the stripes go in the wrong direction, grrr
Please help!!
Please help!
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