Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1513 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Level 1513 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
Level 1513 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
You have to collect the 2 popcorns, 10 striped candies and 50 licorice in 32 moves to complete the level.
There are only 38 licorice on the board so it is very important not to destroy the spawner too quickly, let it spawn once or twice until you have enough licorice on the board, then destroy it.
Start by working in the bottom part of the board if you can, this is not always possible but if you have to work in the top of the board take out as many licorice as you can with each move.
Start by working in the bottom part of the board if you can, this is not always possible but if you have to work in the top of the board take out as many licorice as you can with each move.
Count the licorice, there's no need to leave the spawner once you have enough, so destroy it as soon as you have enough licorice on the board to complete the order.
Once the spawner is gone it's fairly easy to make the stripes but not always easy to get them into position to get to the popcorns at each side. Stripe/wrap combos are better.
A colourbomb/stripe combo will give you enough stripes and with a bit of luck it may also hit the popcorns a couple of times too.
A colourbomb/stripe combo will give you enough stripes and with a bit of luck it may also hit the popcorns a couple of times too.
Video below.
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You say "it's easy to get the popcorn at the sides" but I am finding it virtually impossible to get stripes in the right place to hit it. They need to be right at the sides to go up or down, and any sideways ones always drop below the middle line. This is NOT as easy as you imply. Getting frustrated!!
I was able to make a color bomb/stripe combo but still ended up whacking the right popcorn twice with a lollipop to finish.
I am not finding this easy at all, like SueJ said, been playing last couple of days and getting close but no cigar, then I didn't get enough darn points! Grrrrrrr, frustrating level again 😢 Aunty Vi.
Also having difficulty with the side popcorn. Finally got a screen with all the stripes and both of the popcorn but was left with the 3 stupid licorice. Five moves left to go and it did not produce anymore of the licorice. How frustrating.
What worked for me on one popcorn was getting two wraps together diagonal to the popcorn. Then when you swipe together they jump the empty space and hit the popcorn twice. Then a chocolate/stripe finished it and hit the other one twice. Used a lollipop to finish it off.
Very odd. 1st attempt needed one more hit on right side popcorn then I saw it was ticked as done..sugar crush..it did open in the cascade after sugar crush!! Very odd and not complaining .. after reading check comments was a glitch and got lucky
Where is the vÃdeo?!
Impossible to crush the popcorn!! Help!!
Twice I got everything except the licorice. After that I started counting how many were on the board. Didn't realize I wouldn't have enough if I destroyed the spawner right away. I should have read the comments first! As I have over 300 checks I used one each game which definitely helped. Also counted the licorice each game so that there were enough left on the board. Good luck everyone!
I didn't have any trouble getting the licorice or the stripes, it was the darn popcorn. Then I decided to use the special candy booster. I was not happy at all when the first three specials turned into popcorn. Well, those were much easier to bust. I went on to win with many moves left.
Got it first time without booster. Then I woke up, I realized It was just a dream. I think it's time to quit candy crush. I started this game last year for fun. For the last month it's all frustration.
What an unbearably frustrating level this is. No joy in this one. In fact, getting really tired of levels like these.
Appears this level is going to ruin my weekend!
Very tedious to get horizontal striped candy to get the popcorn. Finished on very last move.
Easy to make stripes to get the popcorn - HAH!
One miserable level after another. There used to be fun levels between the slim chance frustrating lucky ones. It's not that this level was the toughest, or I think I couldn't pass. I just don't find CC fun or smart anymore. Done, deleted! Goodbye!
Another worthless level with an evil spawner. Can't get the popcorn. Set up specials to hit them & King makes sure to destory my specials before I can use them! Cheats!
Ok I finally passed by using a check mark booster which at first was a pain but then it finally gave me two popcorn in areas that were easier to reach. I had to hit one with a hammer to finish the level.
Finding this incredibly tricky. Board completely taken over by licorice on many tries.
Used all my saved tick boosters.
Sigh......waiting for the inevitable lucky board.
Wow not many of us left playing...anyway check mark booster worked for me.
2nd try: got spawner with only 13 moves left. didn't hit popcorn once. long haul
I'm finding it impossible to get to pastn Easy? No....c'mon. The stripes never line up to hit the popcorns and the wrapped/stripe combos never line up to hit popcorns. These kind of levels, the combos always are out of reach of what you need to hit. Rigged.It's like a carnival game
I'm sitting and waiting on a lucky board because I'm not going to get through this level 1513 without a lot of luck. If you could send me a lucky board, it sure would be appreciated.
belachelijk, na 1 zet stopt het spel omdat er geen combi's meer mogelijk zijn, daar gaan dus mijn levens, terwijl ik duidelijk zie dat er nog wel combi's mogelijk zijn.
I get 2 or 3 moves. It runs out of moves and ends the game saying no more possible switches. Very frustrating. What a loser game. About to give up.
I have followed this blog, and really appreciate all of the good comments. When playing on my MacBook, I have lost 3 lives on this level by getting "no more moves" Game over! Twice I had only made one move and the 3rd time I had made only 3 moves. Has anyone else experienced this? When I play level 1513 on my iPhone, the game plays properly ~ shuffling and re-dealing until I ran out of moves.
My frustration is that within a few moves, I end up with a "no more matches" and the game is ended! No way to win when you don't get to play.
Still stuck. I play on a PC, Android tablet and phone. I've discovered you cannot play this on the PC. There's no reshuffle, just game over.
Hate this level
Only 29 comments for this one? What am I missing? It seems impossible.
Freaking impossible to get the sides ....damn I hate these kind of levels!!!!
Object of this game...Purchase six hammers. Sad level :(
Very frustrated! Have not even come close and used all my checked candy and King doesn't give those out very often. I think I might have to use bunches of hammers which I also don't have! Maybe I will go to DreamWorld for awhile.
Need help please king this one could be a frustrating level
As soon as I destroy the evil spawner the game ends. Very frustrating. What can I do?
Need help please king this one could be a frustrating level
How on earth are you supposed to get at the cauliflowers? If I had 6 hammers I'd use them cos this level is totally hacking me off.
I HATE this level so much!! About to quit after all of these terrible levels. :-(
I DESPISE this level!
I had all needed stripes and licorice was manageable and got rid of the spawner. I really thought I was going to win and then GAME OVER! Grr if we don't get rid of it, then it fills up the darn board. A new LOW, King!!'
Once again, the "help" page shows a different setup from what I'm getting. I only get 32 moves, and I have candy ABOVE the spawner too! I"m SICK of Candy Crush changing stuff to make things even more difficult!! DONE!!
I have read this site many times but never posted until now. I agree CC level 1513 is stupid, but frankly, it is just not a fun game anymore taken as a whole. Nothing clever or imaginative now, just ever more convoluted versions of old stuff. Boring. Bye for now, King. You need a new project manager.
This is the level that made me quit candy crush
This level is impossible to pass I'm about to delete the game from my phone been on this level to long this doesn't make any since to make an level this hard
My first time to post - this site has got me this far so a million thanks for that.
The game stops when I destroy the spawner. How ccan you finish this. Grumpy as hell.
You have to count your licorice before you destroy the spawner. If you don't have enough licorice on the board - the game ends. Anyway, I have been on this too long. 2 in a row now. Unbearable!!!!
As soon as I get the spanner the game stops what am I suppose to do?
Yet again another demo where you've more moves and way more liquorice to start with. This is beyond a joke cc.. and no help at all
After having enjoyed this game for a few years, it ends for me at this ridiculous level. Yes, at this stage there too many lucky boards to conquer, but this one simply takes the fun out of everything. I have deleted the game
I'm getting one game over after the next because of cascades hitting the spawner before there's enough licorice on the board. This one is really difficult and I have wasted so many boosters :( time for lucky board!!!
Every time I blow up the evil spawn, I get a message that I have not completed the level because I destroyed the mixer. I still have 20+ moves left. Is this a bug?
Since the video was made, the number of licorice candies has been reduced from the original 47 to 38. The spawner has to be left longer before being destroyed making this level considerably more difficult. By the time there have been enough licorice candies produced, there are too many to make any plays to destroy the spawner. Still stuck after two days.
For me CC game stop at level 1513. Done with the kingsize games, although, i only played CC. All the other kingsize games i through out. So i go on playing further wit slotomania, and leave CC behind me!
And thats why i don't download any other game from you. What a bullshit and bad organisation. Now i know why you are not populair anymore. You lose Many players and you Will lose more and more. Follow twitter CC!
This is such a idiotic level that i understand people who stop playing this game. What a bad and losing game! Well, fun playing this game is over by me as well. Thank god, there are Many, not Kingsize, games in the world! And believe me CC you Will lose.
CC say they have more than 2000 levels! Yeh yeh and i am the pope! Haha. Easy to say when nobody can get level 1513. Liar Liar CC 👎
CC is bewaking down all the rules. Go on CC . Bit i Will inform everyone on twitter.
Read the comment, to stop playing this game is the best you can do. Believe me!!' What a shit game. You Will never ever reach 1514, cause 1513 is bullshit. They only want money out of your pocket, now my pocket is Etty by your false games. So Bey bey
A wonder has to happen with this level! Do i want to wait for it? I don't think so, so CC Bey Bey. Not my game!
Rediclase level! CC you are going down under with your level. I hope you Will go down under and i am sure you Will. And i hope you Will.
I know now i have to realise stop playing this game. So CC good luck cause i know you wont have Many players, but... its your OWN dession. Good luck with the few players you have!
Reading all the comments i decide stop playing this game and level 1513. Its not my game anymore. I came far enough. I don't need to go further with a stupid game.
im quitting! This level is so freaking frustrating! I have tried like 4000 times and i have gotten close to 4 or 5 things I'm missing but never win! I'm so done!
As long as CC don't read the comments and stay on this way with the levels they dig their own grave. So Many people stopped playing it and i Will also stop playing it. No fun at all CC! Can use my time better than playing this annoying game!
I don't understand CC, do they have enough players? Do they count the people who stop playing this game? I don't think so. Bad for CC and very bad for the kingsize games. And advertising on television is waisting money. People don't believe in your games anymore, it all end in shit levels. So CC read the comments instead if you don't want to lose players!!!!
Well, all comments wont help. So people STOP PLAYING this game and STOP PLAYING kingsize games. Stop playing it give you less stress! Believe me.
Extremely frustrating. Been on for a few weeks on this level. Almost impossible.
Been on this for days and totally agree with the comments above as to it being totally impossible to pass. Not even close and ready to quit this game altogether. Why the hell would you bother, there are better things to do with your life than waste days & days on this. I will give it one more day and it will be see ya later!!
Actually I am sooo damn fed up with this right now that I would hit the quit button if I could find it. Seriously this game sucks big time and I really do understand why so many have deleted the game. Good on you CC for driving away your fans with mind numbing impossible levels like this. Congrats you are going to lose yet another longtime fan.!!
Impossible game. I have played on computer, IPhone and IPad. If I get the stripes, I don't have enough licorice. And the cauliflower is impossible. Tried using a tick. It gave me more cauliflower!!! And still not enough licorice. CC please HELP!!!
Ok this level just made my decision easier by giving up on cc completely. After three years or more I'm done. It used to be fun but now it's very frustrating NO MORE FUN,IM DONE KING. YOU LOST A GOOD PLAYER THAT SPENT WAY TOO MUCH MONEY 💰 ON THIS GAME! ON TO A NEW GAME THATS FUN AND IT IS NOT KING! GOOD BYE 👋 EVERYONE AND GOOD LUCK!
The board now looks different
Got it with 15 moves left. Started with the 3 boosters. A 3rd popcorn showed up. Got that one by hitting a nearby wrapped with a stripped. When I eliminated the spawner, I got a CB stripped combo. Then dropped a horizontal stripped between the popcorns, but it with a vertical stripped & that popped as another popcorn to finish the game.
This is another luck level. My game ended several times because the spawner was killed and there weren't enough licorice left on the board. I didn't intend to kill the spawner, but there were no other moves.
I used the Lucky Booster (check mark) every time I played as I had 70 of them, but I don't know if they helped much or not. I found it difficult to get the popcorn. Only one star but I'll come back when I win free time and see if I can improve the score.
Good Luck
Impossible to get the sides stupid level king
After playing this level for weeks think I'm done not fun anymore
After playing this level for weeks think I'm done not fun anymore
Without the popcorn, it's a challenging and tricky level.
Seriously, the licorice and stripes alone are tough enough.
But why oh why is the popcorn necessary? Without the boosters, this level is almost inhumanly evil.
Ridiculous difficult. Not fun at all.
Yep have to agree. No fun at all.
Have tried both on IPad and Computer and the game ends after 8 or9 moves. It happens as soon as I remove the spinner.
So, this took me many, many tries but finally got through. First, make a couple matches next to the spanner to start, so it will be weakened when it's time to take it out. Keep counting the licorice--as soon as you have enough for the order, crush that spanner.
The popcorns are the worst. If a stripe falls close to the middle row, try to pair it with another stripe or wrapped candy to get it to the popcorn. I came within one move at one point--all I would have needed was a switch. So I played some of the big sugar drop levels and stocked up on boosters. I eventually snuck through the level with one switch to make a final combo to take out the popcorn, along with 2 hammers to take out one last stripe and licorice.
It could be possible to do it eventually without boosters, but I didn't want to try the same level 50 more times. ��
I don't even know what to look for to reset the game?
The spawner keeps blowing up from cascades I don't make...
This is atrocious.
It's more realistic than this game!
Have tried this level numerous times and after 8 or 9 moves the game ends?.?? I have even removed the spinner and the game ends after 8 moves. Please fix level 1513.
Candy Crush Level 1513 keeps stopping my game with still 27 moves unplayed! This ridiculous!
Exteremly hard level for me, help!!!!!
I finally got through after several days. No boosters. Just a lucky board. I got a wrapped and striped candy next to one another, it took out the spawner and gave one hit on the popcorns. Then luckily two of the horizontal stripes fell into place in the center with the right candies to detonate them. AND there was enough licorice on the board when the spawner was destroyed. AND finally, I was able to make three striped candies when I only needed one more, and was able to detonate one of them. Lucky board.
To those who say the game is ending too early, if you destroy the spawner before there is enough licorice on the board, it will say "Oops" and end the game early. There are 38 licorice and you need to destroy 50. So the spawner has to spawn at least 12 before you destroy it. Concentrate on destroying licorice. It seems if you work the top too much, the bottom fills up and it becomes more difficult to destroy them in the moves you have. The real challenge is getting candies in position to destroy the popcorns.
Can get liquorice and stripes but impossible to get the popcorn, horrible level
I used the pink right ingredient booster, and the rest of the level was a breeze! :) The pink booster gave me lots of popcorns on the main board so it was easy to crack them up!
Blew through all my lives, then read the tips. Crushed it on my next try.
Here for days at this level. It either blows up too soon or nothing hits the popcorns So frustrating..
Easy to get the popcorn. I have never gotten parts of pop corn. I have not gotten a color bomb.
Finally... licorice first, count them, then destroy spawner then stripes to destroy popcorn. It can be done
I have been on this level forever. Can't even come close to getting the popcorn. Tired of this level - not fun anymore.
Have never threatened this - and actually, it's not a threat, it's a statement - I'm finally done with CC. I can't even come close on this level and I don't see how it's possible to pass this level. Been on it for weeks and weeks and never close. So I shall now live my life without CC. Bye and good luck to all!!
Soooo done with CC. Been stuck for months and months and never close enough. Wasted tons of boosters in the process. Not my game anymore so Bey Bey for you.
Need lucky board
Don't give up - it can be done and without boosters. Maybe I got a lucky board BUT I followed your hints and did it the first try. Didn't get the spawner right away...not until enough licorice were on the board. Then I concentrated on making stripe/wrap combos and stripes for the popcorn. I still had 20 moves left. Good luck.
Impossible to get the side popcorn had mult CB and strips but still no help.
LUCKY BOARD would help please
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