Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1607 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
The new jelly meter is really helpful in level 1607. The jelly is obscured by all the licorice and it helps to keep track.
First try making a dent in the licorice to open up the board more. You may not get rid of it all because there are licorice dispensers up top but you can make a big dent in them.
Start with moves where you can get rid of 3 at a time if you have any.
There is no sense in trying to avoid the bombs - I tried and you can't... it's easier to just deal with them as they come.
The conveyor belts help shuffle them around so they rarely get stuck. Try not to let them fall to the conveyor belt or they may get lost in the licorice and it will be hard to match them. They are 12 count so you can leave em be for a few moves until they can fall to where you have some jellies. It helps to do that because it frees you up to look for combos and it will kill a bomb and clear a jelly at the same time.
But again, if a bomb starts to fall to a cluster of licorice swirls just get rid of it. I consistently got down to one or two jellies and they were always the same ones on the bottom row. So don't forget to search the borders for moves so that doesn't happen to you. Especially the bottom.
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Thanks for the tips, got it on the first try!
Second attempt concentrate on keeping the bombs uder control plenty of moves available.
Easy and fun. Did it on the first try. Happy crushing!
Only have 28 moves on Android not 35 as above.
Easy and fun level first attempt cleared
Only 28 moves on Iphone. Ended up using a fish booster and needed every move. Took several tries as well since the bombs got me. Unlike others, I didn't enjoy this level.
Got lucky on 1st attempt. Lot of moves that cleared 3 liquorice. Opened up the board.
Crazy hard level for me. Cant get close.
28 moves is "plenty of moves"??
Really? I can't even get close on iPhone.
23moves on iPad. I am pissed.. This is rediculous.
Only 23 moves on iPad.. Impossible and a rip-off CC. U suck big time on this one. Not Happy!!!!
This game is no fun anymore. 23 moves. It's a joke. Why don't King just ask for money. I used to have fun playing it but lately is so annoying and hard. Waiting for lucky board is even more depressing.
This is one of those levels where passing it on an iPhone/Pad and/or Android fan is next to impossible. I played via my laptop and finally got through it. 35 moves and better cascading effects. Really wish CC would have uniformity among all platforms.
Jelly meter? I can't get close! Crappy game & crappy King!
What is jelly meter???
Only 23 moves on iPhone. Sent King another message asking way it is different for mobile than PC. Got the standard BS response.
Been stuck here for 5 days, have never got close to completing.
Just another BS board that prevents mobile users from going on.
Has anyone passed this level using an Android device? I can't get anywhere close with only 23 moves even using boosters.
Just updated app on iPhone and now the conveyer no longer moves the candies along
Not even close! Only 23 moves and the bombs get me or I don't even get close!
Finally got it using a hand swap!
I agree...so tired of being penalized for playing on Android phone or tablet.
Love CC but 1607 is not fun on IPad with only 23 moves.. No strategy.. Just a board where you need a lucky one.. Ugh!
Still here. Been stuck on this board for 10 days now. I don't see how you can pass it with only 23 moves.
Sent yet another email to King, not that it does any good.
Looks like I will end my CCS on this level.
Can't understand why you get 35 moves on the labtop
Me too...crazy hard
I think we're being punished for the "fun and easy" comments. I am playing this level on a laptop and there are only 23 moves. I have been playing for days and it has always started with 23 moves...for 64 jellies...on a board covered in licorice and bombs falling. Stupid level and annoying since it sounds like board originally had 35 moves and 12 were removed!!
King looks stupid to steal 12 moves. We all want them back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 moves on iPad. Impossible King unless you give me the lucky board.
Hi, Snowgoose here. Like everyone else I was confused by the reference to the jelly meter, but I've just seen it. In the iPad, it's in the top right hand corner of the screen, and it tells you how many jellies you still have to clear. So in this level, it starts at 64/64, and at the end it will say 0/64. For a few games now there has also been a paintbrush next to the flying saucer: another money-spinner for King. If you click on it, it tells you that it will paint pretty stripes on a candy of your choosing, for a price. Presumably that means that it will simply alter a plain candy to a striped.
I haven't completed this level yet. If I have any bright ideas I'll let you know, but at the mo I'm as stuck as the rest of you! 😳
Snowgoose again. I was fortunate to have unlimited lives after reaching some chests, which gave me the ability to keep giving up half way through, enabling me to work out a strategy. In the end, what worked for me was to keep restarting until I could see that with the first moves I could break into the liquorice at the top and sides, allowing some liquorice to fall into the candies, making it easier to disperse. Don't work at the bottom until you've dispersed a lot of the liquorice, or, as the blogger pointed out, the bombs become trapped and impossible to destroy. Then, when the board was opened up, I was able to swap special candies to clear it. But it took several attempts using that strategy before I succeeded. Hope that helps. Good luck everyone!
Even with King not fixing this board I finally passed this level. Took a few swaps and hammers.
Rubbish level, only 23 moves on my laptop, no matter which way I try to do it, it is impossible, even buying help wont fix this as I am never anywhere near enough to bother using help, time to say bye bye
This is as bad as pre-nerf 747 and 1364!!
I also agree! Why is the phone version consistently different and harder?! It's beyond annoying.
I'm glad some players find this one fun and easy....I am STRUGGLING!
Ridiculous one......no fun at all
Had enough with this one....boosters are of no help. Need a break!
I'm going to stop playing this level until CC increases the number of moves again. I'll just collect boosters in the meantime.
64 jellies in 23 moves with all those blockers is a bit much...waiting for a change of heart from those creators...
Agree with the above comment. 23 moves? Guess I won't be reaching that treasure chest!
I give up!
There on only 23 moves on both my PC and Ipad. 35 moves would be not problem. They video on this level should be updated to a 23 move board. Back to work!
I've found this level to be very difficult! Even started with a sprinkle lined up with a stripe booster, no help, only 3 of that color. Seems about impossible!! I'll keep trying, always good to see people's tips on here, but think this level requires just luck :(
How come the moves are now only 23 both on mobile and on PC??
It's fun until you realize there is no way to win with the new number of moves. So it once again comes down to waiting for a lucky board so the game can play itself and win for you. (I'm still waiting for mine.)
On the plus side, at least there aren't a billion "It's easy! I just used five boosters!" comments on this thread.
After trying for the better part of a week, and finishing with one or two jellies left several times, I finally resorted to a hand-switch before the last move and got this one. Had to grab my chance. I'm sure it's possible to do it in 23 moves without any boosters whatsoever, but it seemed like it would take another thousand tries.
Taking the level down a whole dozen moves was unfair to everyone who didn't get there early. Way to make a fun and somewhat challenging level frustrating and near-impossible.
Getting ready for shoulder surgery, this level is hard :(
Not many tips here this time, I passed eventually on a lucky board with a wrap stripe combo near the end, you need a few hammers and switches to manufacture combos, don't waste time starting without them. I was on iPad with only 23 moves so it is possible, good luck.
Lots of comments here but very few tips , I started playing and realised that yet again in order to complete the level you need boosters ,so I came here to look at the video only to find that the level has less moves (23) than the video shows ,this is happening too many times and its unfair because not everyone has the means to purchase boosters so therefore we are left for days on end like a hamster on a wheel getting no where , it then becomes boring .the players before me are now 6/7 episodes ahead and they got there with easier games .
Crazy hard with 28 moves....no where near 68
Awful awful awful!!!
Yeah, right. 35 moves my..... I only have 23
23 moves too and nowhere near!
Ditto...too few moves!
23 moves on PC. For Gods sake woman! Do videos for the people who have less moves. I'm fed up with you breezing through the level, when it's not even as hard as other people have to do. Crap!! Not that you even read these messages, so I don't know why I bother.
Help! This level is too difficult with so few moves.
Too hard. I'm ready for a long break from CC.
Has anyone passed this with 23 moves?
Horrible level but I did it in 23 just now. Used jelly fish and had the luck of lots spawning and twice switched with stripes. I had to use a switch to get the last two jellies but yes, in 23. I'd opened a chest earlier so got infinite lives which helped.
Hi, Tchaik here. Have been on the verge of giving up completely in these last couple of episodes - tired of waiting for the lucky board.
This one *feels* like there should be some strategy, but most of mine is thwarted when specials "just happen" to get detonated by "unlucky" falling candies. When I finally managed to get a jellyfish-stripe combo a couple of times, all fish went diving into licorice so the stripe didn't take effect.
Pretty fed up now!
Me either getting nowhere on phone at all played many times! Play cake game my god it is so much fun especially since u us own phots fun and make u laugh not like this dB game cuz even if u loose a round u laugh even more! Cc depends to much on lucky board only get pissed when lose cakes u laugh even if u loose!
Finally a level that requires tactics and skill, finally a level where we players can influence the board. It was not easy, but it was fun! I find most levels horrible... But this one was alright. Got it at third try, by playing tactical. No boosters needed.
Keep a close eye on the conveyer belt and make sure you get combos there where they are needed. Also make combos with the bombs... Those will open up the board.
Please don't take out your frustrations on Cookie or Allina. They were not the ones who changed the amount of moves and it is totally unreasonable to think they would devote their whole life to this blog. Because that's what it would take to even keep up with comments much less replace videos. There are almost 3000 levels now and new people reading here and leaving comments every day. Do you really expect them to check every level every day for new comments? They gave us free tips and a place to comment and I'm grateful for that.
And while I'm at it I want to also say that I laugh out loud when I see comments on how the board in the video was easy. It is they who make it look easy by being able to see several moves ahead. We have probably had the same board but made different moves because we aren't as good. LOL
Yes!! Sprinkled candy and coconut wheel did it on first try (with those two boosters combined) I kept resetting till I got the two boosters touching, swiped them together and within a few moves completed lvl. Thanks guys for tip!!
Wow got lucky on my first try no booster 👌🏽
I won a Chocolate Bomb and a Stripe/Wrap. They automatically were in this level when I started to play. I was extremely lucky to be able to combine the Chocolate and the Wrap on my first move. That cleared a huge amount of the board. I then was able to combine a couple of Stripe/Wrap which cleared a lot more board. I finished with 7 moves left but only One Star. Another instance of little skill but a lucky board.
Got it 2nd try,started with a fish booster, 5 moves left. Just basic forming combos.
I dont have any fish..hoping for a lucky board!
Choc sprinkle to the rescue! Boosters would come in handy but choc with wrap worked
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