Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1609 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
Then follow up a nice fun evil spawner level (1608) with an evil spawner level from hell.
Level 1609 Candy Crush Saga is a clear the jelly level. You have 30 moves to clear 18 jellies but they are in a checker board pattern so you have to make stripes and wraps up top to reach them.
You have 4 evil spawners down below all the jelly but there is no way to make direct hits so again, you have to rely on your top moves to be able to get to them. You do get mystery candies so if it's a good board, you will get good rewards and vise versa if it's an unlucky board.
The spawners do NOT have jellies underneath them so just focus on the checkerboard jellies. Once the spawners start up they spit out chocolate, marmalade and crates - it's easy to lose track of how many jellies you still need when the board fills up with all that junk so use the new jelly meter as a guide to see how many are left.
Find the jellies and work on getting combos on the board space above them. If you have tons of those swedish fish from the sugar drops. This is a fantastic episode to unload some of them.
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Evil spawner level from hell is a good way to put it....horrible level, dread playing it, unless you get a good start it is pretty much impossible to beat. I wonder if they will label this one a hard level.
After few tries began with chocolate bomb. Lucky to make a stripe next to it which helped clear chocolate. No jelly under spawners.
Above is not the real Bill just clear off.
Fish bonus very useful in clearing the last bit of jelly. Second attempt.
First two tries with no boosters I got down to one jelly but both times that last one kept getting covered in chocolate.
Third try used a fish booster and finished with 20 moves left. I like levels with mystery candies. Good luck!
I was able to get a sprinkle and wrap on top that needed one hand swap to get next to each other. Now that a sprinkle + wrap makes exploding wraps of the same color, the board got cleared of the "junk" leaving one jelly in the left top corner. I still had 19 moves but didn't want to deal with the spawners spewing any more so used a lollipop to smash it.
Impossible level !! Grrrr.....
It must be luck for me. Passed on first try. Had to use a hand switch to match a stripe/choco combo to get last 3 jellies.
Tough one. Think I had luck on my side. Got a sprinkle and stripe combo to finish.
Posting for luck. Not having any luck.
Finally!!!! An easy level! Used the suggested fish booster amd passes on my 1st try with a few moves remaining. Do not waste your lives, use the fish booster.
Are you kidding? Easy? Obviously not playing on iPhone
Must of had the lucky first board. Started out with a fish booster. I was able to cross the fish with a stripe on about the sixth move. Game over, unbelievable!!! Good luck!!!
Fish booster did the trick for me! Thanks everyone for the tip, saved a lot of frustration!
I play on iPhone and only have 24 moves, not 30. Also a sprinkle and wrap do not make further wraps. I do wish all devices had the same number of moves and did the same things. Extremely frustrating!
Easy for me...
JanC here!!!
I just keep getting garbage (e.g., bombs, triple-frostings, etc.) from the mystery candies. Board sucks. Usually venting here helps, so I'm venting. I feel like I need to go and get 18 suckers to just get this stupid level over with.
Venting def helps me!!
Tin tin 1 here. Thanks for the tips...fish booster did it second try. After spending hours on the previous one, this one was quick. I wonder what joy awaits in the next levels.
FUCK King and this horseshit level!!!!!
1st warning CC.
As above, used fish. Worked on first try. I tried twice with no booster first.
jealous --- it was not easy for me at all. Did get it after I collected some boosters. I think I used a fish and a sprinkle. The game didn't give me my hammers I won. Anyone get that happening to them? Oh well... moving on... finally after about three days of frustration.
Match a choc. Ball with a fish.
Got lucky the second time around. Used fish booster but that did not do much. However, I then got a colour bomb next to a wrap (really useful now that it turns everything in that colour into wraps) and that cleared everything! So happy! Grace from DU
I got a lucky board too. 2nd try, I used a fish as suggested and got lucky mystery candies. Ended up using a hammer (my last right now) to get the last jelly. Seemed like really tempting fate to try again.
This level retarted got them all and still said lot! Heck with this cake game way better finally deleting after this bull! Good luck all!
I did that 10 times still lost dumber then dumb! Lost interest!
Got this one first go by using a chocolate ball and stripe / wrap combo. Reset board until I could match the choc with a strip and it cleared the lot.
Wow this is the easiest level I have ever played. My second move was a color bomb and wrap and I nailed it in only 3 moves, wow can't believe it!
Wish I had some freebie boosters... That is all...
Finished it using only one move. Started with all 3 boosters, and a flying saucer. Keep restarting until I matched up a CB with a wrapped candy. That left me with one jelly, in the far left column second from the bottom. It looked like it would be hard to get to before the evil spawner would block it,and I didn't want to loose my flying saucer train,so I zapped it with a hammer. Done deal in one move (plus a hammer)
Thanks 4 tips!
Love those fish lol
Only 24 moves on laptop ! Sort this out or seriously I WILL stop playing this game !!! I'll just carry on playing virtual pool !
Not easy. Hate spawners
This is terrible wasting boosters on a yucky level.
Lucky board needed. Posting for luck
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