Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1617 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Allina Rumfelt
Level 1617 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
Level 1617 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
You get 37 moves to score 170,000 points.
As long as the evil spawners are crated they won't spawn so use stripes with caution. There are only 4 colors on the board and the board is fairly big so making special candies is quite easy.
Go for chocolate bombs as they yield the most points. Use the chocolate bomb to get rid of the least saturated color and the cascades should be pretty decent. Since the way the colourbomb/wrap combos was changed this combo is no longer the best to use for points, the best is a colourbomb on a single colour.
Avoid using colourbomb/stripe combos too, they don't give many points and will unlock random spawners which will be hard to control. It is best to unlock groups of spawners if you can so they are easier to destroy.
Once the spawners are unlocked, making direct hits is not that difficult so focus on the section that's open. Not an impossible level if you use the stripes sparingly so the board doesn't get clobbered down with licorice.
Avoid using colourbomb/stripe combos too, they don't give many points and will unlock random spawners which will be hard to control. It is best to unlock groups of spawners if you can so they are easier to destroy.
Once the spawners are unlocked, making direct hits is not that difficult so focus on the section that's open. Not an impossible level if you use the stripes sparingly so the board doesn't get clobbered down with licorice.
Video below by Johnny Crush
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I was finally able to pass this level with a chocolate ball and stripe combo. After that, the spawners started blowing up, one right after the other. With 8 moves left, all the spawners were cleared and I just concentrated on cascades and combos.
Why is it that the game doesn't allow one to use extra moves?
Chocolate sprinkle and a stripe cleared the spawners. Finished with a hammer.
How come now a chocolate bomb + a wrapped candy combo becomes explosion of the same coloured wrapped candies instead of blasting 2 times of the candies. That used to give out many points. Now it's so much harder to achieve high points.... :(
The real Bill here. Attack the spawners and explode chocolate bombs asap, finished first attempt.
Boy, these games haven't been fun since the advent of the evil spawners. Am struggling mightily to stay in the game. Don't know how much longer I'll last.
I don't mind the addition of challenges, such as the evil spawners, as much as I reducing the helpfulness of things like cake bombs and various combos. It makes sense to add difficult things, but it seems unfair to take away things that help. But it's not my game, and it's my choice to play it or not.
Having great trouble with this level. Not getting close even when starting off with boosters. Sometimes I think this is on purpose by King.
I was able to clear all the spawners, got numerous stripes, wraps and chocolate balls and came nowhere near the required points. I have no idea what I can do to get more points.Even chocolate ball/wrap combo gave me next to nothing.
Passed with 225,140 points!! Wraps really do the job to rid of the spawners and make points. Did my best to combine two for maximum impact and points and if you can have a few wraps on the board when you run out of moves, they explode and give you more points. Good luck!
Crazy impossible on the phone app; a breeze on the PC. Go figure.
I am finding that any combo you come up with, including the choco ball and wrap are ineffective unless Kind chooses them to work...I had two choco wrap combos that did nothing, as previous posters stated they did. Any combinations that have worked in the past, NOT on this level! We have learned from early on, make combos and now all of a sudden they don't work? Striped and wrapped combos used to clear a lot of a board, now I see them clearing one or two spaces...Very frustrating level and at this moment, have no clue how to play it and end up with score needed to pass!
why can't I use my gold bars for extra moves on this level twice I had 168000 points but was not given the option to buy extra moves is this a glitch
You have to pass this level with 40 moves. No more, no less.
This realyy has to be one of the worst levels in recent memory. I have used up all my boosters to no avail.
I even paid for ufo's, but yes you guessed it, to no avail yet again..
Not sure where to go from here, maybe retirement?
Finally got this after many tries. Started with a colour bomb and dropped it to the bottom with a wrap. Broke a lot of the spawners and just tried matches of 3 to get rid of them. Had to laugh at all the explosions everywhere. Wraps would form and break more spawners. Ended up with a lot of licorice on the left side, but kept trying to clear as much as I could and somehow managed to hit the target score with 8 moves left. Just kept plugging away trying to leave combos on the board at the last move. Still only managed one star, but happy to be passed this one. Good luck everyone!
Passed this level on my iPad. Thought it would take forever as I never seemed to be able to get anywhere near the score. After trying for a while without boosters, and also trying on the PC with no luck, I used the colour bomb and stripe/wrap combo boosters in an attempt to pass. After a couple of fails, I had blown up the bottom spawners and was getting heaps of cascades. Decided to try not to unleash the side spawners but eventually a horizontal stripe hit one on each side. I looked at my score and it was around 150000 with still 18 moves to go so I just kept the licorice at bay and tried to make more combos but not explode them if possible. I ended up passing with a score of 170960. Very lucky!!
Not sure how I finally passed but I did when remaining wraps exploded after my moves ran out. Almost impossible to keep spawners in check.
Posting for luck. Got rid of spawners and got lots of combos but nowhere near enough points. Not really sure how to pass this except with a lucky board.
Posting for luck always helps. The next board I concentrated on working down as low as I could so I could get cascades. I also concentrated on making wraps. They do the most damage and get rid of the spawners the best while giving the most points. Good luck.
Finally bloody got past this nuisance! Was a wee bit short but when sugar crush hit, I passed by 1,000 points.
Complete crap level....again. Not one level is fun anymore. Finally done.
Fuck this bullshit level!!!!
Tried the sprinkle with a stripe next to it twice, but that didn't work for me, so started with a sprinkle next tonacwrapnwith plenty of that color on the board. Plenty of fireworks from that one move. From there it was easy and I ended up with 288,000 points. JS
Looks like the only way to pass this level is to ditch the iPhone and go back to PC! The highest I managed to get was 20,000 lol
Oops got it on iPhone, just concentrate on blasting the spawners away, then the cascades will rack up the points!
The Colour Bomb and Wrapped combo doesn't makes as many points as it previously did. Made a total of 5 Colour Bombs and yet still not enough points to pass this level on my Android.
I was getting nowhere on Android, so I tried on the PC. Everything fell into place, and I finished on my first attempt, with 3 stars. Maybe a lucky board, maybe it's easier on the computer than the phone.
This video shows 40 moves, iPad and PC shows 37 moves. Cannot get anywhere close to 100,000 let alone 170,000.
Can't use my gold bars for extra moves at the end. What gives?
3 days trying on my android phone...not even close. 2nd try on my lap top 'boom'
Boring. Can't get the points. Must be another lucky board level.
Made the post above. Still trying to pass 3 days later. Terrible game. Have cleared the spawned many times but still can't get the points. Time to try the PC, or give up!
First try I was pleased to get over 70.000 points until...I saw I needed 170.000. WT...????? Grace from DU
AAARGH!!!! Game crashes at 167,000 after a week of trying and never before getting close
The only way I crashed this game was playing other levels that give you boosters - so I accumulated choco bombs - lollipop hammers - whatever I could and then used them to crash this board - there is no other way, unless you get a lucky board, that this could be done.
I thought after 2 years, passing 1616 levels and a week of trying 1617, this was going to be the level that defeated me, tried all my boosters and tried iPad and PC, never close. Literally thought I've have one last go on PC which seemed to get me higher scores before goodbye candy crush ( secretly relieved) I aimed for vertical stripes only, I banished the bottom evil spawners but left the sides caged, with about 8 moves left I mixed a candy bomb and stripe and opened all the cages then hit the spawners and one side exploded. Scraped past 1700000 so maybe I'll carry on my sad candy crush addiction a few more levels, IT CAN BE DONE! THE LUCKY BOARD ALWAYS TURNS UP EVENTUALLY. Maybe I'll carry on.
So I don't have 40 moves on either PC or iPhone. what's up with that?????
I got a lucky board (I thought) on my PC and matched a color bomb with a wrapped candy with lots of the same color as the wrapped on the board. All the spawners went in one move. That was on move 30, by move 37 I had over 167,000 points. If I's have had 40 moves I probably could have ended this. If anyone else has 37 will you post and let me know? I'm wondering if that was the prize in this Weds. 'update'. Thanks.
Well it wasn't pretty, but I did it. I switched to my PC again. I don't have any boosters available there but I hadn't found that they helped me on my phone anyway. On my third try on the PC I got a board where I was able to make several color bombs, 3 color bomb stripe combos with lots of same color candies on the board and a color bomb wrap combo. The problem is, of course, that on these timed levels these combos, while good and necessary, don't give you anything like the scores you'd get with the same combo on a jelly level. On my last move I had 156,790 points and after 'sugar crush' I got the opportunity to buy more plays. This didn't happen on the phone. I had to buy more plays twice because with the first extra moves there was just no place to make special candies. But it's done.
My suggestion if you're having a hard time with this level is to go to the All Help page and look on the left hand side at the list of pointers. There is one that lists exactly how many points you get for each combo. Then play very, very slowly and scour the board for any combos you can make. Be sure to check the top of the board before moving on the bottom so that you don't miss making any special candies you can up there before you start a cascade. Even if you get rid of all of the spawners there's no guarantee that you'll reach the required point level so continue to play carefully. I was able to clear them all several times with and still had trouble getting there. Good luck and 'lucky boards' to all!
Posting for luck. This level is a real mean one!!
If you use the color bomb/wrap combo,it unlocks most of the spammers and then you getoverrun with licorice. This level is impossible.
I meant spawners autocorrect. And posting did not bring me luck.
What worked for me on the third try was to not make a combo with the sprinkler but clear the least colour with it every time.Good luck !
Attacked the spawners and got it on first try. Only 1 star, but happy with that.
Seriously, I have to put the game aside after just one or two lives on this one. Those stupid spinners piss me off so bad, and I'm sick of this game making me angry. I keep waiting (in vain, I guess) for the game to get good again. It's looking more and more like this is the way it's going to be now. so I have to ask myself if I want to continue. Of course I do, but I also don't, ya know?
So I'm just trying to figure out why I only get 37 moves and every video that shows you how to bet this level states you have 40 moves?
Get rid of the spawners at the bottom then any stripes and wraps can land down the bottom and they won't affect the spawners on the sides. Once you get to about 120,000 start releasing the spawners on the sides and exploding them. This will get you to the 170,000. Just takes some thinking when you play.
First time ever posting here - just wanted to say that playing on PC does work better on this one. GL
Do the flashes the spawners make bother anyone else's eyes? I can only play these levels once or twice before I need a break
I believe the default "hard" levels King uses are timed levels. I looked through the episodes yet to be played, and guess what, each episodes have at least one timed level and sometimes 2 of them! It's a dream come true for any players who love them.
Got close once. This level sucks big time. Not fun playing CC anymore.
Got it on try 106. Started by dropping a free color bomb to the bottom. By pure luck got a color bomb, of the majority color, next to it. That opened everything, and with a bit more luck I finished with 2 stars. I can live with that.
Rob in Banner Elk, NC
Impossible! Not even close.
The video always make it look easy. But i only have 37 moves not 40. Managed to clear all spawners and had heaps of combos but can't get any where near the score we need. Time to play my other games i think ��
Can't win! If you use a special candy to help get points, the spawners are unlocked and the board is overtaken with licorice. If you don't use a special candy, there is no way to get as many points as you need to pass! Guess I'm just waiting on a lucky board...
My board NEVER is as lucky as the video's. I could definitely use a lucky one right now!
Agree with people who say to play on PC. I finally gave up on my Android tablet and moved to the PC. The other advice I would give is to ignore all of the normal things you would do be excited to do in the beginning. For example: DON'T mix a sprinkle ball with a sprinkle ball in the beginning as I did. Don't mix a sprinkle ball with a stripe in the beginning. Hold them. I focused on making as many combos as I could without setting them off. Then I tried to set off just the ones as the bottom of the board to make as many additional special candies as possible and explode the ones low to get rid of those spawner hoping for cascades. Then I tried to just remove spawners as I could without trying to unleash too many at a time. Wraps take them out the fastest of course. Patience with this one.
I don't get 40 moves on my iPhone or iPad. Not fair. Show video with what we get in reality. Been on this level for a long time. I guess I have to wait longer for a lucky board. Ugh!
duurde even voor dat ik het doorhad, maar maak niet alle chocolademakers open, probeer eerst een kant te vernietigen. Een kleurenbom met een verpakt snoepje is mooie combi daarbij. En verder gewoon volhouden. Heb er drie dagen overgedaan.
I usually play on my iPad. It almost seems like every time I get close to beating this level, my iPad goes blank and I can't go back to the same board and continue. Does anyone else have this problem on their iPad? I contacted King with this problem and they sent directions for a PC.
Posting for luck. This level is impossible.
I say f this bullshit too. I don't see it happening any time soon. Damn evil spawnners. Looks impossible cause I can't get anywhere near the score needed.
Really hating this level. Even with lots of great combos just not getting the score needed. Also as a couple of others said, my computer is only giving me 37 moves, not 40.
Must have got lucky board first try. Combined a number of chocolate balls with wraps (both seemed east to make) and it not only racked up the points it cleared away lots of the evil spawners. Good luck everybody!
Playing on IPhone 37 moves I finally managed to beat this level (and without using any boosters cause I felt I was just wasting them so didn't pick any) by playing at bottom of board Didn't unleash any spawners at the sides Used a sprinkle ball to clear most color on board That gave me another and another Kept stripes and wraps away from spawners Didn't mix sprinkle ball with any stripe/wrap since that opens up spawners and then you're dead I didn't believe it it but IT CAN BE BEAT! Good Luck Crushers!!!
I despise this level. No matter what I do, I can't get through it. Is there a trick to getting through? Help me please and thanks.
How do people get through this level? I've played over and over and can't get close. Waiting on a lucky board....Please and thanks.
Crappy level! Not fun. Frustrating! Ready to quit candy crush!
Stuck on 1617 but somehow enjoying it. I will get through, as you always do, eventually!! Don't have too many spawners uncrated at once unless you have a load of wrapped candies next to them ready to go. I have cleared the spawners a number of times now but not quite reached the points target. I'll get there soon I'm sure. You need some luck with cascades and a nice few 'extras' once the moves run out!
This is beginning to feel too much like work. I am lucky if I get 20,000 much less 170,000!! Stupid unforgiving licorice!! Bite me:(
I was struggling with this so I came here looking for help. I concentrated on making sprinkles and trying to keep the side spawners lock. They can't be kept at bay for too long but it doesn't matter too much when there are several sprinkles on the board. Finished first time after coming here with 493k and three stars.
Stuck and can't seem to make headway, whether keeping them locked or unlocked.
Stupid flipping game!!!
Days and days on this one. Once got to 160,000but couldn't get any more. Have tried every tip listed above but nothing seems to be working for me
How can anyone get this on the first try??? Posting for luck like everyone else.
Hate this level - don't get anywhere near enough points. Might be time to quit!!!
This level is absolutely ridiculous I'm not even close been on this level for days 😡
Tried like a hundred times with no way getting close to the target. Finally hit the lucky board and finished with 35 moves left. How lucky must I be to get that board???
Same here
Passed first try thanks to your tips with 225000 points.
I destroyed the bottom spawners first, then moved to each side.
I used a hammer to get a wrap next to a sprinkle and there she blows.
This one is a tough one! Maybe I will get lucky - soon I hope! Thanks for the tips!
I'm not having any luck on this level. Hoping by posting I will get a lucky board. Lol come on lucky board....soon I hope
Not getting near the score required despite clearing all the spawners. Have to wait till the mighty King allows me to pass 'yawn'
Yeh yeh, this game is programmed. Just wait for the right board, well i have alll the time cause i play, not king size games, i don't even use my boosters, waisting and i buy nothing! This game fill up my time sometimes, you know why? Not a funny game and the Changing moves everytime gives me the idea that they play with me.
I agree, this level sucks , to get 170.000 points is not realistic, thats why Many give up playing this game, like me!!!!
After several tries i am done with this level, no fun at al, mabey i try it next year, but i don't think so! Nice to go on with my other games! Cause CC is irritating me too much!
Always work the bottom. Cascades are the only way to beat this level. Use your color bombs as soo as you get them. Once you get the lucky board it is like the 4 th of July. Scored over 279120x
Waha, i hardly reach a 100.000 points. So i collect everyday boosters without playing, my came to collect boosters, but i don't know what i do with them, use them in a game is useless. So much fun isnt this game, collectief boosters give me more fun than get the next level cause i am boring play this game. Thats why i still on 1617.
Playing this game and level 1617: not to do, just waisting my time, so... i quitt this game sucks!
Medium difficulty level 1617?������ well i don't even try the next levels ! For me CC is.... game over!!! ����
I can't get close!!!!!👎🏽😡😫😡
How do you score points on this level?
Wow I can't believe I finally passed this level with 223,000 points 😊👍🏿!
Trying to figure out if color ball works best with wrapped or stripe. Neither combo has worked so far on EVIL spawners.
And this level is the reason I will quit playing this game. Right here. Right now. No level should take 2 weeks to complete, or can be considered 'fun' with this degree of difficulty!
Nothing nice to say about this level...
Is there something wrong with this level? I've been at it for almost a week now!
Can someone PLEASE tell me- if you hit a spawner once- do u have to hit it again immediately?? I'll hit them but they won't go away even if there's no blockers near it. It's like you literally have to hit it back to back!!!! Or else something's wrong with this level.
I understand it's not suppose to be easy- but this is IMPOSSIBLE! It's not doable!!!!!!
It's very frustrating. And I'm so sick of it when the games like this. There's NO STRATEGY involved and I really think this level isn't even about luck !!!!
I'm so fricken over this!
Still stuck here
Goodbye Candy Crush. I have been on this level on PC for about a month. I have to wonder why King would make a level so impossible to pass. I have never spent a penny on this game. But why even play when there is no stragey to the game and you have to wait for a lucky board. I am done. Does anyone know how I can delete it off Facebook on my PC?
Can't get anywhere on this level-- watched the video--- who the heck gets a board like that !! I'm lucky to get 2-3 color bombs in a game !! Frustrating !!!
I am not even close in points, and get end game because "no more possible moves" like all other levels still waiting for a good board. Can only play what is there!
Got it first try with over 190,000 points. Started with a helmet and both the CB & stripped wrapped combo boosters. Used the advice to combine the CB with a color that's least saturated, and keep doing that. Only went after the spawners after they were hit several times.
Goodbye Candy Crush. I have been on this level for 2 months and can't even come close. I am done.
U find this impossible, The points just will not add up high enough mo matter what I do!
Someone said posting a comment was good luck and that's what happened to me. The next try I got a good board and none of the cheats on here worked, it was just a pure lucky board
Posting for luck
After many days of trying, finally got my lucky board. Try to get as many colour bombs with single colour which creates max points and combos and hope it creates more colour bombs. Don’t bother with others. If accidentally open spawners, try and destroy them, but not immediately. Must plan to look for colour bomb creating opportunities. Good luck. Really need for this stupid level. Oh by the way, next one sucks too.
I need some luck too, to get out of this horrible game!!
I'm not going to cry and quit, I didn't get this far by being timid. Tough level and I will get it.
King you have taken all the fun from these games!! You have too many obstacles to contend with in a single game. Your special cheats are also hard to understand and are just a distraction from helping to pass the level. Please have mercy on those of us who like to play the game for pleasure. All the enjoyment in playing CC is no longer there.
I haven’t passed it yet just waiting for the lucky board. I like to read these posts as it usually gives me luck. Well done to everyone that’s passed this level
Got the lucky board! The best tip was not to take out the spawners and I managed to keep most of them at bay till near the end and I got quite a few chocolate sprinkles
No tips, no strategy, you just have to wait for lucky board. So don't waste boosters.
I am agreeing with others who say this level is impossible !!! Not fun at all and not worth my time to use up my 5 lives in a couple minutes. I do enjoy a challenge but this is a pure luck level and I am 100% unlucky.
What a stupid pointless level !!
I’m getting nowhere near the points needed
A big mess of a level if there ever was one!
Doesn’t make sense ...
On the one hand I need to make specials to gain points , on the other hand I can’t because then I unlock the evil Spawners & the whole board is covered in liquorice
I am sick to death of fighting blasted Spawners & I’m sure I’m not alone
Can’t we just get rid of them?
Bring the UFOs back or something, at least they helped AND were good fun !!!
Ok I’ve tried and tried and can’t manage this insane level m.
The most Ive got, in over 50 games is 117,000
The liquorice is out of control, the spawners you cannot avoid hitting
It’s Infuriating
I think I will eventually just resign myself to quitting - shame they ruined this game.
If they continue in this way the fun is over for me.
I don’t enjoy being caught in a pointless losing battle
No fun in that whatsoever
Shame to give this up at this point
I have had so many goes on this horrible level the chocolate just take over and when I do clear all spawners I have nowhere near the points to pass this level
Impossible level not much fun anymore so going to stop playing shame as I used to enjoy it
Beat level 1617..what a pain. BU IT DIDN'T ADBAMCE TO 1618. Never had this problem before..that's a joke.
Wish me luck, ill check back if i pass what ive read to be a rough board
Sooooo, not even almost close. Im going to be here a loooong time, lol. I need a lucky board
For no reason, i passed, lol. I kept away from combos until half way through then used them.
You can restart a game as many times as you want without losing a life. Restart until you get a board you like. Click on the gear wheel on lower left of screen, select icon on bottom right of arc and start game all over.
I hate spawners! Not close.
I've found the magic strategy! TRY NOT TO LEASH THE SPAWNERS + COMBINE SPRINKLE CHOCOLATE WITH JUST A PLAIN COLOR CANDY (do not combine sprinkle chocolate with a wrapped or stripe candy because they leash the spawners). For example, make special candies but let them explode at the bottom side (only 3 spawners so they are easy to be taken care of, even though they get released). If you do the sprinkle chocolate + a plain color candy that makes the least destructive effects on the board 3-5 times then you can reach the required point.
Still here and without a clue how to beat this. Come on lucky board!
Hey, only 27 moves? Do you want to fool me?
Never I can get more than 100,000 points 😬
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