Candy Crush Saga Level 1655

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1655 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have 28 moves to collect 42 chocolate squares.
There are already 32 chocolates on the board, 9 or these are licked by licorice strings.
It is possible to collect enough chocolate without unlocking the chocolate machine in the middle, but you will struggle to collect enough if you don't unlock at least some of the locked chocolate.
First you will need to clear some chocolate to open the board a bit but don't clear it all. Leave some to grow while you make stripes to unlock the middle section of chocolate.
I found the best way to deal with chocolate collection levels is to allow the chocolate to grow for a few moves, then clear as much as possible for a few moves, then repeat.
Video below
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Anonymous said...

Please end this game! It is time!

Bill. said...

Try not to clear any chocolate 1st few moves. Let it grow then clear some. Used that pattern to clear plus a lucky board with combos. 2nd try

Bill said...

This is my troll. Do not listen to him. I haven't even got here yet!! Shive off

Bill. said...

Again more idiots. The real Bill. Used a chocolate bomb plus striped candy from sugar drop bonus restarted until they were together. First attempt. Have to wait until next Wednesday for update on the phone. Please ignore the idiots.

Anonymous said...

Actually I beleive real Bill posted on 15th, as he plays on PC and usually is ahead of phones users.
Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The REAL Anonymous here :) I want credit for ALL the good Anonymous tips. It is soooo important that we are recognized by name, right Bill and Cat? And it does make us feel really important if we have trolls. So to all the Anonymous trolls out there, carry on!!!

Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed this episode so much more than previous ones. Finally King. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yesssss! Who cares?!?!

Anonymous said...

Only 24 moves on Android instead of 28 like in the video!

Anonymous said...

Another episode finished. Didn't use as many boosters as I thought I would but only got one star on quite a few levels. See everyone next Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Well said!!! Some folks here have a need to be known. As if anyone cares if your Cat or Bill or Dexter. Its a game tips board. Not sure the need to be known and then actually worry about "trolls". How idiotic....

Anonymous said...

Not well said. It's probably hard for people who try to help and see other people being nasty or stupid or giving bad advice in their names, not about getting credit.

Van5 said...

Took quite a few tries. Ended up letting the chocolate loose and that's the game I won. Managed to make a few specials...finally! Had a very tough time in previous games. Once I had the space, specials came. Only 2 stars but it's done. Also had many levels with only one star. Tough series. Well back to the sugar drops. Good luck everyone!

carlton said...

Overall a very decent episode -relatively easy and straight forward. No really hard level. ..maybe the timed level and even a couple of levels that required a little thought and strategy and less luck. Overall a very refreshing episode. Thanks King. And for those who think this game should end. ..well very simple. .just stop playing. Candy crush remains one of the top and best games on the market. So until next Wednesday. ....

carlton said...

Overall a very decent episode -relatively easy and straight forward. No really hard level. ..maybe the timed level and even a couple of levels that required a little thought and strategy and less luck. Overall a very refreshing episode. Thanks King. And for those who think this game should end. ..well very simple. .just stop playing. Candy crush remains one of the top and best games on the market. So until next Wednesday. ....

Anonymous said...

Yes, the best episode for several weeks, though that's not saying much. Timed levels and points target levels are dull, and I would prefer these to appear only very occasionally, as used to be the case. Still it was a relief to have only one timed level after the recent overkill.

JB (The real one) said...

As most have said, one of the best episodes in recent memory. Really enjoyed it. Couple tough levels including the timer one, but all in all very fun!

didueverdoubtme said...

Lol 2 choc bombs lined up 2nd attempt! Done. Not a bad episode. Couple of tricky ones challenged me but fun as usual. Until next week

Anonymous said...

So I got all the required chocolate and it said I didn't meet the goal! When I looked at the beginning screen before you press start it says there I need so many of each color......say what? Please fix this glitch!

Unknown said...

William here, the real troll. I think all the bills are the same person and I do not like that he is pretending to be his own troll when I am the real troll.

Anonymous said...

Ended the episode cheerfully without grumbling at the King. Thanks a lot King. All the others specially all Bills for your tips. Special thanks go to Ms Cookie for the tips and videos. Take rest guys and back on Wednesday. Byeeeeeeeeee

Ultramum said...

This is totally different on the iPad- I have a frog in a top left hand section (which covers about half the board diagonally), a cake all on its own in the bottom right corner and two small areas not connected to the main board with eight licorice in each. I need to clear jelly and have twice got down to 2 jellies, which must lie under the cake as I've cleared the rest. There are also two conveyor belts in the top right and bottom left of the big diagonal section, with portals as well! Think I need to have a look on the PC ...

Ultramum said...

Aha! This level is the same as 1654 on the PC

Anonymous said...

William Panzer, don't want to enter the troll fray, but as one of the trolled, I loved your post.

Aussie Mouse said...

Thank you for the constructive comments. Always appreciate this page :)

Unknown said...

Was 3 week can't game, 24 move,32 chocolates on the board, 9 or these are licked by licorice strings, you must collect 42 chocolate squares, 10 chocolates to grow, lose 10 move, now you only have 24-10 = 14 move to collect 42 chocolate squares, this is possible ? who is lucky man can game this board.

Tamijay said...

This level is driving me crazy!!! Usually there's one possible move, and rarely special candies so I haven't been able to get a cascade going. Not sure how everyone is finding it easy and enjoyable. :(

Anonymous said...

Again they've lowered the number of moves. From 28 to 24. I guess I should be grateful it's not 18.

Anonymous said...

Sure could use some more advice on beating this one. Having difficulty.

Anonymous said...

Think I need a break from this one!

Anonymous said...

Beginning to despise this chocolate level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Need that lucky board or a cc god.....

Anonymous said...

Treasure chest is so close and yet so far away 😕

Anonymous said...

Hate this level!

Rose said...

Help! TWICE i have gotten all the Chocolates - there is a check mark on the chocolates up top . but it tells me I have not collected all the orders and wont let me pass the level!?

dirty vegas said...

Only 24 moves so much harder than the video shows .

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level, hate it with a passion.

Annonymous said...

Me neither. So I finally get down to needing one more and purchased hammers and the game has froze up. LA

Ness said...

Why does chocolate normally grow so fast...but not on this level!! Struggling with this...

Anonymous said...

Goodbye CC.This level too hard and over it.Hope you are happy King to lose another player with shot levels like this.Good luck to those who wish to continue with game.

Anonymous said...

Thought this was going to be fun. NOT! Looks like I'll be here a while.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Ms Cookies hint: "9 or these are licked by licorice strings". I wanna see chocolate licked by licorice strings!!

Anonymous said...

This is soooo boooooring. Like trudging through mud. I can't get any stripes or bombs and with only 24 moves it's just tedious. Why are levels with yellow so boring?

Unknown said...

Hard for me.
Saskya Hofmann

Unknown said...

Hard for me.
Saskya Hofmann

Dirk Belligerent said...

Confirmed. First try opening with chocolate+wrapped blew open the board. Finished with 4 moves to spare after 20+ failures without boosters.

Anonymous said...

Stop trolling me!

Hunter MacLean said...

I love that Bill thinks there is no one else on the internet named Bill.

Anonymous said...

ID love to find the person who made this level and smash his hand with a hammer!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all call ourselves Bill.

Type2 LadyB said...

I don't see why anyone would call this level fun. No strategy here. If you don't have boosters or a lucky board, I can't see how you beat this with only 24 moves. Oh yeah, call me "Bill"! 😎

Anonymous said...

I wish the boards wouldn't all be based on luck, just waiting for that lucky board

Anonymous said...

This ultra boring level of CC has ended my passion for this game. Moved on to Pet rescue saga. Goodbye

Anonymous said...

Another frustrating level. Too many lately.

Anonymous said...

Moves are so limited and keeps reshuffling. So tired of this stupid level. NOT fun King.

Danzo said...

Who the hell is this bill?!

Anonymous said...

I'm going crazy on this level for some reason. I just can't get all the chocolate. Ugh. Please help.

Anonymous said...

Used all my heels and still haven't gotten enough chocolate. Grrrrr.Please send me a lucky board. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

After numerous tries on both PC and Android phone (both of which were only 24 moves, not 28 as suggested on this tip page), I tried the sprinkle/wrap combo. I did get all the chocolate, but there were only 3 moves left. Most annoying to me about this level was that on the turns that I could collect bonus candies there were never enough cascades to create any. So in effect I used 2 boosters but did not earn anything toward more boosters. Crappy level, all luck and waiting and frustration. Disclaimer: I'm not a Bill, but my husband is (and he doesn't play this stupid game).

Unknown said...

Unbelievable that I can't make one stripe to open the caged chocolate!! How is this possible????

Anonymous said...

CC if you realy want us to play this game set us free of the trolls! You are doing the wrong way playing a game! Why does so Many people stop playing your game? Think about that!

Marwanjo said...

I become sick of this game, thats why i don't play it often anymore! I am sick of all the trolls of CC wo say they had the level in one or three times😂👎 read the comments and you get the realistic few of this game. Why i don't play it not much? I don't want to waist my time!!!!👎👎👎👎👎

Namrata said...

I have passed this level but can't open the next level .can't understand why can someone help me

Ballet said...

Me too , I also passed 1655 , but can't open the level 1656 , why ?

Silverdollarbill said...

Sorry, got it first try. NBU, but started with a green UFO. Used my CB right away because it was next to chocolate. Finished all my moves still needed 3 chocolates, and none were on the board. Then I got a free spin and won 5 more moves. Got my last chocolate on the last move.

Alessandra said...

UFO is a booster so you didn’t pass NBU

Unknown said...

I am getting this same thing. Tells me I have 3 or 4 chocolates left after I have cleared all of them. Not sure what to do.